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Leafaye: please tell me your almost done.

Sugger: chill. Im almost done. Caspar isnt good enough company?

Leafaye: if you call reenacting the youtube boyband good company sureee.

Sugger: oh god. Quick. Tell him your using the bathroom. Im down the block from costa.

Leafaye:thats rude!

Sugger: oh just do it.

I looked up at the blonde boy who was going on about some shoot he has. Sure he was nice but i came to london for joe. I cleared my throat and the poor boy snapped his head up.
"Sorry..i was zoned out." he blushed at me and i gave him a warm smile.
"Its 'kay. Um i have to use the loo. Ill be back." i said as i got up and headed for the toilets. I turned the corner and luckily there was a exit door ahead. I pushed it open, praying that it wouldnt go off. It didnt. As i walked down the alley i couldnt help but feel bad for caspar. That was until i seen joes car pull up in front of me. My hands got clamy as i got close to his car.
"Wanna go on an adventure?" Joe asked with a smirk on his face. I thought about if for a moment before getting in the car.
"How do i know your not a murderer?" i joked and he rolled his eyes at me.
"Lea, would i have ditched my meeting just to capture a cute girl?" he questioned and before i could answer he sighed, throwing his hands up.
"That didnt help my case did it?"he asked and i couldnt help but laugh at the way his hair flopped forward.
"Come on suggy, lets go on an adventure." i smiled at him as his eyes lit up. He drove forward, and for awhile it was just silence. Not a bad silence. This was The kind that you hope for when your trying to take a nap.
"So your brothers in the sidemen?" he asked out of nowhere, breaking the silence. i looked over at him confused.
"Yeah? How did you know?" i asked a little shocked thats the first thing he asked me.
"Its okay. I didnt stalk you. Josh mentioned a sister before. And since your last name is bradley i kinda guessed." i chuckled and i nodded at him before relaxing again.
"So this adventure. Where are you taking me?" i asked, changing the subject away from me.
"Its a surprise." he looked at me with raised eyebrows. I groaned at him, throwing me head back and closing my eyes.
"I hate surprises joe!" i exclaimed and he just shrugged. I sat back up, turning on the radio.
"Can i turn a song on?" i questioned and he nodded his head towards the radio, giving ne permission. I plugged my phone in, turning on death of a bachelor. He smiled at the road as i started to tap along to the beat.
"DO I LOOK LONELY I SEE THE SHADOWS ON MY FACE!" joe shouted out and i tried to hold my laugh in.
"PEOPLE HAVE TOLD ME I DONT LOOK THE SAME! Come on Lea sing with me." he laughed and i just shook my head.
"Maybe i lost weight, im playing hooky." he looked ay me and i rolled my eyes before singi g the next line.
"With the best of the best, pull my heart out my chest so you can see it to." He cheered at me and i swear the whole neighbourhood could hear us. I sinked down into my seat as his face turned red from laughter,and all of a sudden i didnt feel so bad for leaving caspar alone in costa.
"Were here!" joe announced as we pulled into a carpark for the woods. I looked over at his a little skeptical.
"Dont worry. I go here all the time." he said as he got out and came over to my door, opening it for me.
"Yeah, to hide your victims." i laughed, taking the piss.
"Oh fuck off." he laughed, pushing me slightly. I looked ahead of us and seen it was just a long stretch of trees and rocks.
"Race ya!" i challenged and nodded.
"1.2.3!" he shouted as i took of running, sprinting far ahead of him. I looked back to see he was doing a slight jog. I shook my head as i kept running, and suddenly, i couldnt feel the ground. I looked down and before i could scream for joe, i was covered in water.
"You didnt tell me there was a lake." i shouted at joe who was standing on the little cliff laughing.
"Didnt think to tell you!" he laughed back. He stripped down to his boxers before jumping in the water after me.
"Your a prick." i pouted and he swam over to me, pushing my head under the water. I jumped up, gasping for air.
"Are you trying to kill me?!" i laughed as i dragged his foot, causing his to lose balance and tumble under the water. I swam away from him, giggling my head off. I finally took in my surroundings. There was little blue and pink flowers scattered around the edge of the lake, and tiny bushes of honeysuckle in the corner. Trees surrounded us, and the normal sound of bustling people and the honk of cars was replaced by the buzzing of bees and the occasional birds chirping to one another.
"Zoe showed this place to me, when she was in the "oh lets go on hikes while im here" phase." he explained as he paddled over to the spot i was at. I looked at the water, which was a crystal blue, reminding me of his eyes.
"Its really pretty." was all i could come up with. Honestly it was an understatment. This place was gorgeous, something you wouldnt expect to find in london. I shivered, suddenly feeling the cold weather of december.
"Were actually mad. We could grt sick." i pointed out to joe who was now just a floating head of hair.
"Thats why its called an adventure." he quipped back, but nonetheless starting swimming back to the cliff he jumped off. I sighed before swimming after him. He jumped up, turning around to lift me up out of the water. The chilled air sent a shiver down my spine, making the hairs on the arms stand up.
"Do you wanna come back to mine? We could stop at your brothers to get your clothes." he suggested and i nodded, wrapping my arms around myself. We walked back to the car, and he looked in the boot before coming back with a grey adidas jumper.
"You can wear this till we get your clothes." he smiled and me and i thanked him before taking it. He turned the heat up and started to hum to himself as i directed him to the house. When we pulled up i darted in the house, avoiding the the cold as much as i could. I knocked on the door, hoping Someone was home. Vik opened the door, looking at me like i was a ghost.
"Why are you wet? Its december." he asked and i didnt really wanna explain in the cold so i pushed him out the way, the warm air hitting my flushed cheeks.
"Me and joe went to this lake." i explained as i trudged up the stairs to the spare room. He followed me as i opened the door, looking around for my pink overnight bag.
"You could get sick you mong." he rolled his eyes at me like i didnt already know this.
"Vik. Thats why im here getting clothes, not at the lake you spoon." i retorted and he giggled at the response, leaving me to change. I threw my hair up and pulled off my wet clothes, throwing them in the bathroom to get washed. I pulled on a sidemen jumper and trackies before grabbing my bag and heding back to the car, where joe sat there waiting.
"Sorry it took so long, vik was being an absolute spoon." i explained as i slumped in the front seat. He laughed at me before leavinf the carpark and heading to his flat.
"Spoon?" he questioned and i shrugged my shoulders. I wasnt really sure where i actually heard the phrase, but it eventually stuck, and became a part of my vocabulary.
"You think caspars gonna be mad?" i asked, referring to the fact i ditched his best friend.
"Nah, hes a big boy." He joked as he flashed a smile towards me. When we got to his flat, i was knackered, the events from today piling up onto me.
"Is it alright if i take a nap?" i asked sheepishly, feeling bad he invited me over just to ask if i can sleep.
"Course you can. Sleep as long as you want. The second door on the right is the spare." he explained and i smiled at him.
"'lright. Wake me if you get bored." i said as i gave him a small hug. My body tingled where his hand touched me as i walked to his spare bedroom, flopping on the bed. I crawled under the warm duvet as my eyes slowly closed. With that, i fell asleep with joe on my mind.
Ooo! Is lea falling for joe?
Will caspar be mad at her for ditching?

I hope you liked this chapter. Today starts the regular updates to this story. I dont know how long its actually going to be, considering i do already have 24 chapters of the other story im going to be uploading literally hand written. But yeah! If you guys liked it please be sure to vote and leave comments about how you feel about it so far. Thanks!
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♚Accidental Snapchat♚||Joe Sugg||Where stories live. Discover now