~sdmn groupchat~

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Jj named the chat: my hoes

Leaf: wtf is this?

Joshy: jj its like 1 am

Jj: so. Your all up so it doesn't matter

Vik: not everyone. Jj fuck off

Leaf: ohh viks spicy

Vik: dont make me stab you

Leaf: with what? The binoculars you use to find kids?

Simon: savage lea

Vik: fuck you.

Leaf: love you too.

Simon: what was this made for?

Jj: lea never talks to us. Shes always talking to joe.

Leaf: cause hes my friend

Jj: yeah. Friend

Jj: i bet you fuck on the low

Josh: this is my sister ffs

Simon: and my ex ffs

Tobi: go to sleep. Damn.

Leaf: nothings happened between us!

Simon: suree. Just like nothing happened between you and jake.

Leaf: simon your actually a dick.

Vik: what the fuck man. That was uncalled for

Simon: i just stated a fact

Jj: no you dumb ass. That was why you broke up in the first place.

Josh: now shes not going to answer. Great.

Simon: lea?

Jj: lea faye?

Josh: told you dickhead.

Leafaye: hi..

Sugger: hey(: whats wrong?

Leafaye: i dated simon when i was 15. I thought i was in love.

Sugger: why are you telling me this.

Leafaye: just listen. I was still in school. And during this time i made a friend. Jake. My now ex. We became best friends.

Sugger: okay?

Leafaye: me and jake were studying one night when simon came over to suprise me.

Sugger: lea. You dont have to continue. Its okay

Leafaye: he found me and jake on my bed. He thought i was cheating. He told me im a slag.

Sugger: LEA! Stop. I get it. Please. Your crying i can tell.

Leafaye: to this day he thinks i cheated.

Sugger: but you didnt. Love, that's all that counts.

Leafaye: he thinks we fucked.

Sugger: you and jake?

Leafaye: no me and you. I told him nothing happened and he said 'just like you and jake'

Sugger: hes a prick

Leafaye: i know. Thanks(:

Sugger: im always here for you ya know.

Leafaye: i know. Look im gonna go back to the groupchat. Its blowing up. Ill tell you how it goes.


Josh: your such a prick you know.

Simon: it was a joke!

Jj: so you joke about trust issues now?

Simon: stop trying to be sensible jj your not.

Leaf: just shut the fuck up for once!

Simon: im sorry.

Leaf: yeah whatever. I didnt come back for you

Simon: oh.

Josh: so..how are you doing?

Leaf: good. And jj. Your my favorite. Dont mind the dick.


Simon: why the hell do i try?

Leaf: thats what you call trying?!

Josh: simon. Stop.

Simon: no! I try and get along but she just fucking brings up the past and doesnt ever get past it.


*leaf left the groupchat*

Lea's pov
I threw my phone against the wall, hot tears falling down my cheeks. Why? What did i ever do to him? I just sat there, not even trying to cover my sobs that echoed through my empty house. My phone started to ring and i didnt want to pick it up. But i still checked to see who it was.

"Hello?" i tried to contain the small sobs that escaped my lips as i picked up the phone.
"How did it go?" he sounded concerned.
"He said its my fault!" i burst out, more tears flowing as i sat there breaking down to someone i have known for not even a month.
"He what!?" He hissed through the phone, his voice lowering an octave or two.
"I-im fine. I s-swear." i told him,not sure if i was trying to convince him or myself.
"You need major girl help." he whispered through the phone as if it was the biggest secret in town.
"Who?" i asked, a little unsure of who he would say.
"Zoe! She absolutely loves you. Plus you can meet alfie." he exclaimed like he was the smartest person to come up with that idea.
"I dont know. I dont wanna intrude.." i whispered. He was quiet, and i wasnt sure if he heard me or not so i repeated myself.
"I dont wanna i-" he cut me off.
"She said come over stat." he said in a proud voice. I smiled at my duvet. This boy will be the death of me.
"Okay." i whispered, and i wasnt sure if he was going to say anything back.
"You know..i think.." he trailed off and my heart started to beat faster as all the thought of what he could say rushed through my mind.
"What?" i pushed on. I heard him sigh and then he just whispered,
"I think your gunna be just fine." he sounded as if he was holding back but i didnt want to be rude and keep asking.
"Thanks sugger. I will. Because of you." i smiled into the phone, sure he would hear how giddy my voice was.
"Anything for you." he replied, and i could hear the smile in his voice.
"Ill text you when i get to zoes." i said and with that he was gone. I flopped back, my head hitting the pillow. How can that boy make me so giddy when i was just bawling my eyes out? I smiled to myself as i packed some clothes,and then threw them in the boot. I put on some music and then off i went to zoes.
Oooo early update! I got so bored so i think im just gonna update when i have time. Also thank you for 100 views! It doesnt seem like alot but to me it is so thanks<3

Simons a dick even in a fanfiction thats not about him😂. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I tried to do a group chat but obviously that failed.

{1003 words}

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