~drunken mistakes(1/2)~

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*jj added leaf, josh, vik,tobi, ehtan into sdmn chat-si*

Jj: we need to sort this out

Josh: yeah. I miss my sister

Tobi: sort what out?

Vik: tobi man really?

Leaf: why did you add me in this

Vik: we miss you

Josh: Yeah you little bitch

Leaf: sorry. Dont feel like seeing that sket.

Jj: but you come to london for joe

Tobi: jj shut up

Leaf: i actually havent been to london for 2 weeks..

Josh: why??

Tobi: do you guys not talk to her at all?!?

Leaf: tob its good(:

Jj: does it involve joe?

Vik: scale 1-10 leaf..

Leaf: 9.5

Ethan: oh fuck..
Mels pov
The groupchat went silent after i said 9.5. I was only being honest. My skype started to go off so i hopped off my bed and into my chair, seeing that it was ethan and vik.
"What the hell happened lea." Ethan sighed as i answered the call, not bothering with a hi.
"Well. He got a girlfriend." i rolled my eyes and heard a little gasp come from vik. They were totally over reacting this.
"But its okay i guess. Just hurts. He played me. Made me think he liked me then bam got a girlfriend. And guess who it is!"i exclaimed and they started shooting out answers.
"No none of them. Think closer to home." i gave the hint and vik instantly piped up.
"Brynn." the name rolled off his tounge,laced in hatred for the girl who used his best mate. I nodded and ethan threw his hands up.
"For fucks sake she never goes away!" he yelled and i couldnt help but laugh at the statment.
"So joes dating brynn?" vik asked and i nodded.
"How the hell did they meet?" he asked and i thought for a moment. And then it hit me.
"When he came to pick me up from that modeling building!" i shouted and ethan gave me a confused look.
"For Shay you spoon."i rolled my eyes and he let out a noise that sounded as if he was constipated.
"Look. You need to come to london. We miss you. And Josh is crazy worried that you wont ever come because of simon." vik explained and i started to feel bad. I heard a door creak open and from behind vik i saw none other that the blonde devil himself.
"Oh. Sorry. I didnt know you were, erm, busy." he rubbed the back of his next and i let out a sigh of defeat. It was never a secret that me and simon were always best friends, and even after what he said when we beoke up i forgave him. He was just someone i couldnt live without,and i needed to know if someone deep down he felt that too. I made i contact With ethan since vik was talking to simon.
"So ethan. What have you been up to?" i asked nonchalantly and he gave me a confused look.
"Not much? You?" he asked and i smiled at him.
"Oh nothing. I went out yesterday. Got so pissed off my head. Had like 6 vodka and cokes." with just that phrase simons head snapped up, a hint of guilt in his eyes.
"Then went and got a do's. You know what i got?"i asked and he shook his head, laughing.
"Do any of you guys know what i get?" i asked with a small chuckle and Simon blurted out my order.
"Chicken wrap Spicy with peri peri chips and a dr.pepper. sometimes you get peri peri drizzle. But its always spicy." He breathed out and even though it was just an order it meant so much more. Vik started to mumble to himself while ethan gasped, knowing what i did.
"How do you know this?" vik giggled and i looked to simon.
"Lea, explain." he sighed.
"That was the first thing i told him. Was my nandos order. I guess he just always remembered." i explained.
"So why did you come in here?" vik asked simon and he clicked his fingers.
"Jj wanted to throw a little get together. The sidemen and there girlfriends. Wanted to know if i can be here." he explained and i looked down at my hands, not wanting to interfere.
"In always upnfor a bit of liquor." Vik laughed and  ethan snorted.
"Ill come over in a little bit. Bye lea!" he shouted and i blew him a kiss as he disconnected from the chat.
"Ill talk to you later vik!" i waved to vik and left the call. Who knew nandos could make you want to forgive someone so much..
Sibug😇: hey i meant to ask earlier,can you come to the party?

Lebug❤: you want me there?

Sibug😇: more of i need you there. I have questions

Lebug❤: fine. What time should i be there?

Sibug😇: asap.

Lebug❤: did something happen?

Sibug😇: you could say that..
Leas pov
I didnt want to get out of bed but the anticipation of seeing the boys again made the adrenaline rush through my body. I ran to my closet, pulling out a cropped sweater and blue jeans, before brushing out my straight hair. I slipped on a pair of superstars and rushed out to my car. On the way to the sidemens house i thought of every possible thing that could go wrong. Would it all be a prank? Would i end up crying? I pushed all the bad thoughts away as i turned into what was known as the amazing london. I drove down the streets, getting more nervous as i went. Finally i pulled up to there house, multiple cars outside. I parked near viks car and hopped out. Before i even got on their grass josh was already out the door, tackling me onto the ground.
"Get off me you spoon!" i shouted as i shruggled to breath. Nonetheless i hugged my brother tight, nkt wanting to let go.
"I missed you." he whispered and i squeezed him tighter.
"Leas here!" i heard jj shout and braced for impact as josh helped me up. But soon i was pulled into a soft hug, the older boy wrapping his arms around my waist.
"You act like its been ages!" i giggled as he let me go.
"It has bitch."he shot back and i nodded, walking into the house behind him. As soon as we got in the smell of different drinks filled the air and i longed for a glass of gin. I looked around the house to see all the sidemen but harry and his girlfriend. Plus cal and sarah. I walked over to the group of girls, having got close to them since i was joshes sister.
"Hey sluts."i smirked as i seen all there faces light up. They all pulled me into a group hug. Once everyone let go i noticed kay stood off to the side.
"Now why isnt my favorite girl hugging me?" i smirked and she rolled her eyes as i engulfed her in a hug, even if she was taller than me. Kay and i were always closest since me and vik were pretty close.
"I thought you were dead." she laughed and i laughed as i sayed side to side not letting go.
"You guys do know i have a phone right?"
"Duh. Its just better to see you in person." Freya said and i nodded.
"Anyone wanna come with me to get a cheeky vodka and coke?" Emily asked and the thought of it didnt sound to bad.
"I will!" I volunteered, rushing into the kitchen with her. She poured me a glass and we stood there talking for a little bit.
"Hey em can i talk to Lea?" i heard simons voice from the entrance of the door. She nodded, winking at me before closing the kitchen door.
"Whats that?" Simon asked, pointing to my cup. I pushed it away from me and shook my head.
"Nothing. Um, what did you wanna talk about?" i asked, ignoring his question.
"Earlier. You said you went out and drank. And id be fine with that your legal. But not vodka and coke lea." He sighed as he took the cup from the counter, smelling it. He shot me a look before downing it.
"Hey! That was mine! You cant tell me what to do. Your not my fucking dad."i yelled as i reached for the vodka.
"No. But i care about you. You know what happens when you mix alcohol with your pills. Especially vodka. Your not aloud vodka." he whispered and my stomach dropped. Of course he would remember.
"Im getting better.." i whispered and his eyes filled with guilt.
"Lea i know you are. But i dont want you messing up your pills. Especially because im the only one eho knows about your anxiety like the back of my hand." He held onto my wrist slightly and i became mesmerized by his navy eyes as he talked.
"I know simon. Thank you."i smiled and i gave him a hug. He let go and my body craved for his touch again.
"Theres 2 bottles of gin in the cupboard i bought earlier for you. Pace yourself. And only drink the gin." he warned and i smiled at him before going to the cupboard and pulling out a bottle of the gin. I poured myself a glass of the gorgeous liquid before taking it into the livingroom where a very drunk with and ethan were dancing.
What have i got myself into.
So yeah, lea has severe anxiety. I can relate, thats why i gave her this trait.

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