707 X reader Fluff

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707 has entered

[Y/N] has entered

yoosung has entered

707: LOLOLOL YAY [Y/N] is coming over to my place!

[Y/N]: I am?

Yoosung: Lucky, hey [Y/N] steel some honey budget chips for me plz.

[Y/N]: XD yoosung and I didn't know I was coming over???

yoosung: You didn't

707: Well duh [Y/N] I'm picking you up around 5:00 pm

[A/N] Its like 3:40 pm rn (in the story btw)

[Y/N]: okay are we having dinner or something cuz that's kinda late?!

707: sure but don't expect any high-class meal from some fancy ass butler and personnel chef.

Yoosung: lol 707 you have no class.

[Y/N]: okay ill brb I have to get ready.

707: Okay babe~ see you in a while.

Yoosung: but see you later!!

[Y/N]: YOOSUNG TYPOS !! and Bye guys.

707: are you playing lolol rn??

Yoosung: yep

[Y/N}: okay... piece

[Y/N] has left the Chatroom.

Author POV

[Y/N] got ready for her visit to her boyfriend's house. Basic stuff gets in the shower, get dressed in nicer clothes, and put a little makeup on. [Y/N] played [F/S] on her phone while getting ready and humming the song.

It was about 4:35 pm and [Y/N] was finished getting ready so she decided to watch some random vines [A/N] I like liza vines do best :) oh you don't care I think.

4:57 pm

KNOCK KNOCK you herd on the front door of Rikas apartment. That's must be seven [Y/N] said to herself. You walked to the door and opened it. BUT!!!

You felt something grab the side of your neck and waste gently. With something touch your lips. You were freaked out at first, but soon noticed it wasn't seven SIKE jk its 707 DEFENDER OF JUSTICE!

Seven let go of the kiss and said: "are you ready to go [Y/N]?"

Seven looked a little fancier than normal and then theirs you wearing black tights and long hoddie shirt.[A/N] idk what that's called exactly just attempt to make sense of it.

"yeah let's go seven senpais," you said to him with a wink.

He grabbed you by your wrist and closed the door and walked you to his car. You got in the passenger side and obviously, seven sat on the driver side. He started to drive fast, out of your neighbourhood.

A little-timed past and 707 started to make random jokes and that car game punch buggy!

"Hey [Y/N] do you want to hear a joke?" The redhead asked you (girl ima redhead too!A SOULLESS GINGER!)

"Sure what is it?' [Y/N] asked him.

"How many plants are there in the solar system?" Seven asked you will smirking

"umm 8!" [Y/N] said when she googled it.

"Nope 7, Cuz I destroyed your Uranus." The redhead said while chuckling.

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