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Dudes thx for reading this and voting i love y'all
Honestly i saw the #860 in Fanfiction and was um i dunno a mix of feeling lol i was mostly happy also the 50k+ reads omg yas why do y'all read trash like this cuz i can't stand to look at it after I write it lol)
Now continue reading my ladies ;3 (assuming y'alls genders lol)

Jaehees pov

I lay on the picknick blanket with (Y/N). The temperature nice and perfect, the park isn't crouded at all, and the blissful sounds of nature suround us.
The rest of the RFA members are spread out playing some game, even Jumin and V are playing and having fun. But me and (Y/N) had our fun we just want to rest and hang out with each other.

"Its a very beautiful day out isn't it?" I say to (Y/N) while intertwining our fingers together.
She lays her head on my shoulder and hums "mhm."

We enjoy each others company watching the RFA members make idiots of them selves. It's quite funny honestly.

Saeyoung runs up to us grinning.
"Jaehee, (Y/N)! Do you guys wanna play hide and seek with us?" He excitedly jumps up and down.
I give a glance to (Y/N) and she sits up straight and does the same.
"Yeah sure." (Y/N) says standing up.

"Yeah okay." I agree as (Y/N) holds out her hand to help me up.

"Haha yes!" Saeyoung cheers.
"THEY SAID YES GUYS WE CAN PLAY!" He yells at the rest as they smile even more, coming over to us.

As everyone came over saeyoung said "mkay ill count to 100 and you all have to hide but inside this park! Once I find you, you have to help me find the rest."

Everyone agreed getting ready to sprint to a good hiding location.
"ALREADY, START!" Saeyoung yelled and everyone ran in different locations.

(Y/N) quickly grabs my wrist as we run together.
"Hey Jaehee you wanna run to that building." she points out to a old garden shed.
"Yeah sure." We run to it painting at our in fitness.
I open up the the door to reveal darkness and emptiness. The only light shining is from the cracks and holes and outside light coming through. We slowly walk in closing the door behind us. (Y/N) smartly gets her phone out and turning the flashlight on holding my hand helping guide me to a good spot.
We finally sit in a corner, turning the light off still holding hand only an inch apart away.
"Haha theyll never suspect us in here!" (Y/N) grines.
"Im glad its further away from where saeyoung is."

A few minutes pass with little talks. But (Y/N) breaks the little silence.
"Hey baehee?" She looks me in the eyes.
I laugh lightly at the name "yeah?"
"You know what I haven't had in a while?"

"A kiss!"

"Oh." I give a slight blush.
"You want one?" I ask as she scoots closer.
"Mhm." She smiles.

We get even closer, our faces getting even closer. Soon her lips where on mine. Her lips are soft as can be, going in sync and harmony. We stay like that for a while and break the kiss. The world always seems to stop when we get moments like these.

"Your kisses will never get old." I tell her giving her a small peck on her cheek.

"Aw I love you Baeh-." (Y/N) was stoped when a sudden burst kicks the door open causing us to jump up.
"AH HA! I FOUN BOTH OF YOU!" Saeyoung yells!
"SEVEN." I growl at him for ruining our moment.
He nervously luaghes "oh well leave it to Seven oh(zero) Seven to ruin a moment." he backs away.
I hear a soft gigle come from (Y/N) making me smile once more.
"OH YEAH AND... YOU BOTH HAVE TO COUNT!" Seayoung yells from a bit afar.



Did I post last sat? O well

Anyways ive decided to become a pizza deliver man. (This afternoon I dropped two pizzas (the entire box filled with pizza btw) coming home i dropped them both on my deck lol)

I look back at my older fanfic (this one) and read it. I don't like it lol. Especially the a/n
I want to create a new MysmeXreader book thing when i finish this one BUT with everything re written.
I'm not gonna deleat this

Also i can't understand why I put this as a fem pov was i trying to be a gent or something writing some things for you ladies ooh who knows it was midnight when i hit publish :P

I've been for getting 'wuvz yall' at the end of my a/n oops

Well, 私は wuvz y'all

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