Jumin X Reader |Elizabeth 3rd's kitten's|

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[Y/N] pov

When I moved into Jumins penthouse I brought my cat Nikko. He's the cutest cat ever with his fluffy grey fur and his beautiful green eye's. Nikko and Elizabeth both got along very well. They would play together and sleep together. Jumin and I loved it ,how much they got along and loved each other. Me and Jumin went on a date night a week or two ago, ever since then me and Jumin started to see Ely gain a couple of pounds. Jumin was quite worried for her. I told him not to worry ,so him being a gentlemen he agreed and only switched her cat food to a diet cat food.

****1 month timeSkip****

"[Y/N] I'm telling you Elizabeth 3rd is pregnant because of Nikko." Jumin said getting a little madder.

"You might be right ,but if your so sure how about we take her to the vet." I said.

"I just wanted your o-k before I do anything." He said sliding his hand around my waist.

He gave me a peck on the lips then walked off. He went over to pick Elizabeth up from her bed.

"My little darling were going to take you to the kitty doctor." Jumin said in a weird yet funny voice.

You giggled a little , Jumin looked at you with Ely in his hands.

"What?" He said looking dumb as can be. You smiled and told him "ok-ok lets just go to the vet."

You all went to the vet to see if Elizabeth was Prego's or not. It turned out that she was actually pregnant. Jumin had a rainbow mix of emotions. He was shocked, mad that I brought a male cat over, mad that Elizabeth was pregnant before his wife, also happy for her , and he get to have more kitty children. And I was just there like 'aye I like cats!'

***Time skip to 30 days***

It was near 3 in the afternoon. Jumin and I were on the couch watching Netflix. All the sudden we herd Ely stretching and meowing. I sat up confused on what was happening and Mr. Cat obsessed jumps off the couch and runs to Elizabeth. I follow him. What I see is so .... I don't know how to put this ,well its a cat having little baby cats.

After all of that commotion Ely has a litter of 5 kittens. There so cute!! two of them are light grey and the rest are white.

"You know we cant keep all of these cat." I say to Jumin.

"Sadly I know." He responded.

****next week****

I was on my way home from my job, I was real exited to get home to see all of the kittens. Once I got there I opened the door to see Jumin here. "Jumin your here!" I said.

"Yeah I wanted to come home early so I could see my wife." He smirked.

He placed a hand on my side and leaned in for a kiss. You kissed back deepening the kiss. Jumin wanted to get more dirty. I guess Ely and Nikko inspired him to do the same to you. He started to kiss down to your neck. AND LETS JUST SAY YOU BOTH GOT REALLY BUSY THAT NIGHT.


A/N ~

I swear this fanfic is the worse in the world I think It took loner debating agents myself if I should add this chapter or not then actually typing it and writing it.

Plz vote even if you didn't like this or it made no since. Ugh tbh I don't feel like doing a Jaehee fanfic I totally forgot about that.

I hope you liked it I'm literally typing this at 1:00 AM.!?!? IM HALF DEAD (I'm actually already dead.)


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