|Popcorn| saeran X reader

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If you've watched markiplier's video 'popcorn' this is what it's basically about

Y/N pov

New chatroom-

Saeran:everyone I'm having an movie night.

(Y/N): awesome saeran

Saeyoung: he he he


Saeyoung : oh c'mon I came up with the idea

(Y/N): I'll come

Saeran: I know because your the best

Saeyoung : I'll come too ?!!!

Saeran: NO!

Saeyoung: T-T plz

Saeran: NO!

Saeyoung : byeee see you later
Saeyoung left the chat room


(Y/N): he won't take no as an answer will he

Saeran:apparently not

(Y/N): see you later

Saeran: bye

(Y/N) left the chat room
Saeran left the chatroom
Saeyoung entered the chat room

Saeyoung: lol

Saeyoung: come one come all to saeran's movie night. It's about to become 10 X more exciting.

Saeyoung:you'll won't want to miss it
Saeyoung left the chat room


I got off the chat and plopped down on the couch and went on Netflix and watched some more of 13 reasons why.

It was just a little past noon and I had to wait 7 more hours.
Oh lucky me I actually have a life and do productive stuff and don't procrastinate! (Smell the lies and sarcasm)

7 hours time skip through some random magical potato or something random like that

I headed out to saeran's house. I came early because I wanted to help him. I knocked on his door.
He opens up "your early." He says forcefully and closes the door.
I knock on the door again." Cmon let me in , witch movie are we watching?"
"Wait till it's time!"
I say nothing back. I sneak around to the patio door where the kitchen is. I open up the door and see saeran walk into the kitchen.
"(Y/N)!" He screamed.
"Hey so what movie are we going to watch?"
"W-wha! Just you'll have to wait."
"Mkay, so do you need any help."

"M-mh sure."

"Okay what do you have left to do?" I ask

"Well just get something from the refrigerator and put it in the microwave." He says

"Oh uh okay." I say walking to the fridge and about to grab something.
"No-." He says
"Get the water bottle."
"Ah okay." I say not try to question him.

"Okay now put it in the microwave." He says gesturing towards the microwave.

I put the water in the microwave. He presses the 'popcorn' button.

We both stare at the microwave.
"Won't this ruin your-."
He cuts me off and tells me"no it's new it does this thing."

"Oh okay."

We both watch until it finishes.
Saeran opens the door. He pulls it out and reveals a bottle with popcorn in it.

"Wow that's amazing h-how?"

"I don't know I just got this wrapped in wrapping paper at my front door."

"When I got hungry I put some soup in there and came out as popcorn. And so I was shocked. I put a hole bunch of weird food in there and cooked it and came out as popcorn too." He finishes.

"Wow that's amazing." I say shocked as well.

"Ya I know right."

"But have you tried to put non food stuff in it?" I ask.

"Well no like what?"

"Like metal."

"No won't that ruin it?" He says

"Well you put plastic in there and it was fine."

"Mh okay."  He says walking over to the knifes.
"We have knives." He says

I walk over to him and he turns around.
The blade of the sharp knife in me.
"(Y/N)!" He yells and grabs me.
"No I-i didn't mean to." He sorrows.

"Dude it's fine it's just a little stab wound." I say attempting to calm him.
"No NO it's not fine!"he says dragging me over the the microwave.
"Wait dude,wha  nooo."

"Microwave." He says devilishly.

"Nooo!" I scream.

"This is really good popcorn." Saeyoung says sitting on the couch next to saeran.

"Glad you let me in to bad (Y/N) couldn't make it."



Yep I forgot it was Wednesday yesterday I literally published this at school XD

Any ways
Wuvz you all

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