SaeranXSaeyoungXReader Siblings

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Request by: YukiKatsuki

Both of my brothers are just wonderful! They stick up for me and I stick up for them. Even though I'm the youngest of the triplets they treat me equally they never leave me out of activities.
We grew up doing nearly everything together, we are 3 peas in a pod.

  Today is just one of those normal days you know. All three of us ami hanging around each other. Today was a rather hot day also to add on the AC broke in our summer house. To keep from being too hot we went outside to the beach.

"Ugh, this sucks now I can't get my stuff done." Saeyoung sighed.
"Dude its vacation why would you work?" I choked on my drink.
"Meh tight schedule." Saeyoung shrugged drinking his Dr.pepper.
"Brother try to relax you going to worry us." Saeran came into the conversation.
Saeyoung took a deep sigh "Alright."
"C'mon guys let's go find something to do," I say getting up from the towel on the steaming hot sand.
"Yeah, your right I'm bored." Saeyoung got up as well.
Saeran the quietest of us said nothing but just followed us.

We got off of the sand, then onto the sidewalk of the boardwalk.
"Theres some shop over there giving tattoos." Saeran pointed.
"Ohhh are you gonna look bad ass and get a sleeve?" Saeyoung grinned at him.
"W-what! No." Saeran stuttered.
"And plus you already have a tattoo why another?" I asked him.
"Oh, this thing... I still need it to get removed." Saeran sighed.
"Haha... Can I pick your tattoo out?" 2 little Devil horns hovered over Saeyoungs head as he asked Saeran.
"NO WAY!" Saeran jumped.
"Well, I want Elly on my chest really big!" Saeyoung jumped up and down.
"Saeyoung I ain't allowing you to get that!!" I yelled while holding him back.
"Ah... Help Broda #2!" I whined.
"O-okay." He helped to hold Saeyoung back.
"How about Where like Saeran has his tattoo at?" Saeyoung heavily breathed.
"Hmm... Fine." I and Saeran both agreed.
"Yay!" Saeyoung sprinted to the small shop.
"Wait we don't have money on us?" I realized.
"Okay, I'll tell him while you go grab the money." Saeran the calmer and more realistic of my brothers said.
"Okay, it will be quick." I ran off back to our summer house.

   I was jogging in the hot summer heat sweat dripping from my face totally 100% attractive 😒.
But I ardently bumped into a man.
He was shirtless and tan and guessing he was in his mid-20s.
"Oh sorry." I apologized to him while cringing.
"No love it okay." He chuckled.
I gave a weak smile from the awkwardness and began to walk off.
"Hey what's your name miss?" He stopped me from walking.
"I-its (Y/N)," I told him.
"Such a gorgeous name. Well, mine is Donato."
"Oh well nice to meet you Donato." I regretted him.
I try to leave once again but he keeps on trying to talk to me.
"So lady (Y/N) you're looking rather pretty today." He smirked while eyeing me up and down.
"T-thanks. I should be going through." I tried to escape him.
"Aw alright well see ya later." He blew a kiss and walked away.
"Phew." I sighed relieved.
I then began to walk again to get the money. As I got closer to the house I felt like there was something following me. It could just me being paranoid from a while ago though.

   I make it to the house and unlock the door thinking nothing of it I keep the door open but close the screen door. I feel a bit calmer now that I'm inside.

    'Now where's the money again?' I ask myself going into my bedroom where my wallet most likely is.

    I started to feel paranoid once more. I swiftly turn around looking at the door. A man slowly stepped in.  My heart was beating rapidly.
"(D-D-donato?" I fearfully question.
"C'mon baby why did you want to leave so quickly?"
"G-get out of here!" I screamed at him.
"Oh, sush baby." He got closer towards me until I had no more space and I was cornered by him.
Donatos hands were on each side of me keeping me in place.
"G-get a-away." I squinted my eyes.
"Shh, its okay (Y/N) our love is god." He whispered in my ear.
"You make my balls so blue." He was telling me as he shoved me on my bed.
"Ah." I gasped as he hovered over me.
"Its okay it will be over soon you'll feel so much pleasure you'll want it again." He chuckled.
"N-no. Ss-sae-" He stopped my words as he smashed his lips into mine. He took each of my hands and pinned them both with one of his hands. His hands are bigger than mine so only one was needed. He sat over top of me on my upper hip.
His other hand slowly petted my cheeks. His lips came off mine finally. My heart was racing I was scared to death. My brothers are not here to help me. No one is here I feel so helpless.
I could feel the warm tears rolling down my face. 
"Shh baby don't cry." He started to lick my tears away.
I was afraid to say anything right now. If I say the wrong thing I might get hurt.
He slowly took one of this hands pulling my shirt over my head. It was rather difficult for him but he managed to see a shirtless me.
"Mmh so yummy looking." He sticks out his tongue as he lowers it to my lower stomach and licks his way up to my chest.
Now his hand starts to play with my chest as tears pour down my face from humiliation and fear.
He started to chuckle as my breathing got heavier and heavier causing me to hyperventilate.
To make matters worse I think before he finishes with me I might end up blacking out.
"Hey baby girl I'm not gonna go ea--" He didn't get to finish his sentence when he heard footsteps come towards the room. There was also laughing at two male voices.
"Hey (Y/N)! You in here?" Saeyoungs voice called out my name.
Donato gasped "You say one word you're dead!" He threatened me.

"(Y/N)?" Saeyoung called out my name again.
He said not to say one word, not a cough🙄.
I tried to slow my breathing to try and cough loud enough.

I made a half cough half choke noise and Donato gave me a death glare.

"Mh?" Saeran herd my noise! He walked in the door of my bedroom to see Donato covering over me as a nearly naked (Y/N) lies under him with a desperate and terrified look.
"OH MAH- AH- (Y-Y-Y-Y/N)!!!" Saeran scream utterly terrified at what he saw.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Donato screamed at me smacking me violently across the face.

"THE HELL? GET OFF OF HER!" saeran yelled running towards us trying to pry me away from him.

"Hey what's hap-" He was caught off guard at the scene he is seeing.
"HELP ME, BROTHER!" Saeran yelled with tears on his face.
"YOU FUCKING HURT MY SISTER!" Saeyoung shouted with anger I've never heard before.
Saeyoung ran up to the man punching him in the face.
Donato grunted and fell next to me which gave Saeran and I an advantage. Saeran pulled me off of the bed carrying me away from the scene.

As we left the two Saeran sat me on the couch of the living room asking me questions. I can nearly recall them my brain is taking a while to process this mess.

Saeran pov.

"(Y/N)... (Y/N) are you okay? What did he do to you? Do you need the hospital? Who is he? (Y/N) please respond!" I asked her while holding her on the couch.
My tears flowed down my cheeks as I hugged my sister.
"(Y/N) its gonna be alright Saeyoung is going to beat him up making him pay." I told her trying to comfort her.

Saeyoungs pov.

As (Y/N) and Saeran left I had to deal with this man.
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO HER SHE LOOKED IN PAIN!" I screamed at him as I threw punches and kicks.
I was boiling with anger.
After a few more beating from me, he looked like he had enough... Too much.
I might of went too far.
Bloody lips, black eye, look of fear and regret.
"P-please n-no more." He softly said nearly unconscious.
"Tsk." I spat on him as I phoned the police to receive him.

I made my way back to my other siblings making sure they're okay.
"Hey, Saeran is (Y/N) okay?" I asked my brother as he held on to her with a sad expression.

"Yeah... I believe so."
Thank goodness I sighed from relieving when he said that.
That's all I wanted to hear is that they're okay and safe.

Sometime later the police came to take way Donato. While (Y/N) explained everything to the police. Either she decides to take this further in court or not is her decision.
( 2/3 rape cases go unreported)

(Y/N) isn't traumatised by that experience a little frightened that's it gladly me and Saeran barged in time.

"Hey why did yall come here so early? I'm not complaining though." (Y/N) questioned.

"Oh haha." I nervously smiled.

"Well, the tattoo artist wouldn't do a giant picture of elly without pay so we just came back home to find you instead of waiting,"  Saeran explained.

"Saeyoung! Where you serious?" (Y/N) facepalmed.

"Mayyybbe." I chuckled.



  I don't think Ssum came out for others yet ;-; poor souls.
Also, I was listening to the Heathers while writing.

🤔 isn't it crazy only 1/3 rape cases are recorded.

🤔 isn't it crazy only 1/3 rape cases are recorded

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