Part 1

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( Just a heads my people, this will be written in first person due to my sad inability to write in third. Sorry if that bothers you but at the end of the day this is my story and you can choose whether or not you like it. Oh and I am going to change a few things and also start this story a bit further into the movie)

" You know Cade, when I said you should bring home something that would get us money I didn't mean bring home a piece of junk truck" I claimed with my arms crossed over my chest leaning up against the concrete walls of Cade's warehouse where Cade and and idiot named Lucas were. In front of me was an old dusty 18 wheeler that Cade had just wasted some good money over.I knew Cade was an aspiring inventor and all that good stuff but we could not just randomly use this money that was sparse. Cade was about to reply when his daughter, my cousin, Tessa Yeager walked in looking alarmed and slightly confused.

" A truck? Dad, please tell me you didn't spend our money on this" She exclaimed unhappily. Poor Tess, she was trying so hard to save up for a college but it was difficult to raise that money when they ended up using it for random things like this. "Oh, no, don't worry, he didn't. He spent my money, a hundred and fifty bucks of it" Lucas said standing by Tess, his naturally nasally voice sounded slightly pissed.

"As an advance on your regular paycheck" Cade replied as he inspected the truck, not caring about the fact that we certainly weren't in agreement with him. I scoffed "What regular paycheck?" Lucas asked turning up his eyes at Cade. "Which you will get back"Cade assured. " Oh that's funny. When?" Lucas asked as I stepped away from the wall and inspected the truck just as Cade was. These parts might actually sell for some good money, I thought as I drew a finger over the old metal.

"Never. We're broke" Tess replied disappointedly. "I knew it" Lucas said.

"Sweetheart, could you please not drive a wedge between employer and employee" Cade ordered softly, tearing his eyes away from the old truck. "Hold on. I thought we were partners" Lucas said now crossing his arms. Cade sighed rubbing his hands over his face. "Look, I came up short, okay? I had to buy her a prom dress. You want me to deny her a prom dress?" Cade argued.

"You might as well. You denied her a prom date" I said with a small smirk that he didn't see. I knew for a fact Tess had herself a boyfriend. But I swore I wouldn't tell Cade, Tess was like my little sister. "No, I offered to take her and chaperone" Cade answered lamely making me snort. "Nobody wants to go to the dance with their dad, it's weird" Lucas said back.

"It's not the issue" Cade responded as his attention once more went back to the old truck. "Well, maybe it should be" Tess said.

"Hey, could you guys just get off my case? You know what the engine on this runs for? I can break it down and strip it for parts. And sweetheart, your shorts are shrinking by the second, okay? Cold water, air dry, please" Cade said quickly gesturing to her small shorts. Tessa sighed looking down at her shorts. I chuckled softly at Cade's over protectiveness, it reminded me of my own father.....

" Fine" Tessa said and took off toward the house.

" I think she looks kind of hot" Lucas said like an idiot when Tess was out of earshot. " D y just call my daughter hot?" Cade asked not sounding pissed off himself. " I mean in the... teenage kind of way" Lucas tried to defend. I chuckled softly as the two men bicker and returned my attention to the banged up truck. It was an old model but it didn't look normal.

There were giant holes and gun shells littered inside of it. As if it had been in some sort of serious firefight. Who knows, maybe it had been in that Chicago attack. Where those Transformer things had fought against each other easily destroying most of Chicago and killing hundreds. I think there had been two different types of robots too, the Autobots who were supposed to be the good guys and the Decepticons who were the bad guys. But now no matter if they were good or bad they were killed.

I sighed turning to Cade who looked aggravated. I walked up to him slowly " Cade, I know you are really trying to help Tess and make sure she has a good future. But I just don't think fixing all this old stuff is going to really help her" I advised putting a hand on his shoulder. Cade ran a hand through his hair and took a moment before replying " Ferris, I'm going to figure this out ok? I know I will" Cade said softly looking down at all his failed inventions and old junk.

I nodded before leaving the shed to go ahead and check up on Tess. I found her inside her quaint room that was lit up by small lights similar to the kind you put up during Christmas. I gently knocked on her door " Knock knock?" I said stepping with a soft smile on my face. She was on top of her pink and white bedspread with a pillow in her arms. Her short jean shorts still on.

" Tess you ok?" I asked sitting down at the edge of her bed comfortingly. She groaned into her pillow " Ferry, I hate seeing him like that, I know he works hard and loves what he does but..... it's not going to get me to college, it's not going to pay for our house that is 6 months overdue, and it just Isn't working" Tess replied with a strained tone.

I nodded in understanding " Tess your father is trying his hardest and I have a good feeling he is going to pull through. I want you to know that I am saving you up some money ok?" I said smiling. She looked relived the moment I said that. Unlike Cade , I had a real job, I worked as a mechanic for Cars in town. Nothing spectacular but going forward I would use some of the money to help pay for her college. I knew how much she wanted to go and how much it would changed her life.

Tess grinned gleefully " Oh thank, you thank, thank you" She told me while hugging me tightly around the torso. I laughed and hugged back. While it would help that I saved up some money, it wouldn't be enough. Cade would need to come to his senses and realize he needed to actually help her.

But who knows, maybe something crazy will happen and make getting the money easier.

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