Part 9

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I turned around to see Crosshairs suddenly appear behind the windows of the room being carried up by Drift in his helicopter mode. Crosshairs used his feet to break the glass forcing me to get out of the way. I kept from my seat, nearly tripping since my hands were still cuffed. Thankfully none of the glass hit me.

" Ferris! Let's get out of here!" Crosshairs yelled with his large hand outstretched . I quickly jumped from the window onto his hand and managed to securely hold myself on one of the many metal appendages around his shoulder. " Hold on!" Crosshairs yelled before Drift descended downwards.

It was certainly a bumpy ride but we got out of the building and met up with the other Autobots. I hopped off of Crosshairs " Thanks Greenie" I said before I got into Bumblebee with Cade. " Missing something?" Cade asked holding up my Barretta by the hilt. " Thank Jesus" I said grasping my gun.

Bumblebee took off right behind Optimus as we sped down the highway. Crosshairs green corvette was right beside us. I looked through the back window of the car to see a huge white truck and a smaller red fancy, Japanese crap car chasing after us. " Come on Bee they are catching up" I yelled as Bumblebee sped up. Jesus Christ!

Suddenly missiles fired from the large white truck making Crosshairs and Bumblebee swerve to try and miss them. Unfortunately the missiles ended up hitting an 18 wheeler that capsized and now blocked the road. " Oh crap!" Cade exclaimed and braced for the impact that never came.

Instead the immense feeling of weightlessness overcame as Bumblebee transformed causing Tess, Cade, Shane, and I to fly wildly through the air. straight over an overpass to evade the blown up truck below. I screamed feeling that in less than two seconds I could have easily become red splatter on the roads but Optimus and Bumblebee somehow maneuvered in such a way that allowed us to stay unharmed but still in the air.

Just as quickly as it came, it was over and I found myself now inside of Optimus Prime rather than Bumblebee. " What the hell was that!?!" Shane yelled wide eyed. I was nearly to winded to even answer, the blood drumming in my temples nearly drowned out all sound.

Cade poked his head out the window " Come on Optimus they are almost on us!" He yelled as several missiles went off around us causing Optimus to swerve in order to evade them. Tessa screamed as small explosions appeared right in front of the truck.

Suddenly we were launched from inside the truck onto the road so Optimus could transform. I landed roughly upon the grass and looked back up to see Optimus initiate battle with huge white robot. Tessa was just feet away from the now battling robots with a fear stricken face. She tried desperately to shuffle backwards so she wouldn't get squashed and was pressed against a white minivan.

" Tessa!" Cade yelled but couldn't get to her since Optimus and the evil white robot were fighting wildly. I stood up nearly sprinting to Tessa but was cut short by a giant metal leg swinging out that belonged to Optimus. I ducked, scrambling away clumsily.

I refocused on Tessa who was trying to run towards me but once again was blocked by the enraged battle between the two robots. " Tessa! Take cover behind the car!" I yelled and she listened hiding behind the white minivan. As soon as she got there a huge grey missiles came out of no where and hit Optimus straight in the chest. He fell backwards, the top of his head hitting the hood of the minivan.

That same Tall black robot, I think his name was Lockdown appeared a huge spaceship that looked like a place where dreams went to die sat casually right behind him. This caused the Optimus and the white robot to cease their fighting. I took this as the perfect opportunity to get to Tessa. I took off sprinting to her " Are you ok?! Are you hurt?" I asked exasperated checking her over for wounds. "N-no" She stuttered. Lockdown was advancing and we had no where to hide.we wouldn't make it to the fields in time!

" Hurry! Get in the car" I said pushing her forward as we scrambled into the minivan, locking the door. "Optimus come on! Get up get up!" Tessa encouraged as I took out my gun. It felt stupid since the little thing would hardly offer any protection but I did it anyway. " I can't" Optimus replied softly, his baritone voice sounding weak.

Lockdown was now just yards away from us. His face was strangely human and pug like. "I feel sorry for you, Prime. Your allegiance to these humans. The trouble with loyalty to a cause is that the cause will always betray you" Lockdown claimed kneeling down and not really sounding all that remorseful. "Who sent you here?" Optimus asked in pain.

"Where do you think you came from? You think you were born? No. You were built. And your creators want you back. We all work for someone" Lockdown explained sourly and stood back up. A huge cargo net fell upon Optimus and unintentionally also on top of the white minivan. " Oh no! Hurry! Get out of the car!" I yelled trying to unlock the door but it was too late. We were already being lifted. No no no no no!

Cade and Shane appeared shortly after " Tessa! Ferris!" He yelled " Break the glass!" He added and I lift the run to the glass, easily breaking it I still couldn't break through the thick cargo nets. " Dad! Dad! Help us please!" Tessa screamed loudly. Cade grabbed a hold on the cargo net and was simultaneously lifted with us. " Tessa! No!" Cade yelled in anguish. He lost his grip and fell back to the ground.

I wanted to scream. But I knew I had to stay calm, we would find a way out of this. Right?

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