Part 10

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Crosshairs POV

" Jesus Christ!?! That Lockdown prick got Optimus, the little blonde girly, and Ferris?" Crosshairs asked now agitated as Cade and Shane both sat in him. He was speeding towards where the ship was with Bumblebee, Drift and Hound all hot on his tail. He honestly didn't really care about The blonde girl or Optimus Prime for that matter. But he had liked that Ferris girl and Crosshairs didn't like a whole bunch of people.

" Yes he did, and that little blonde girl is my daughter thank you" Cade answered absolutely exasperated and anxious. It was possible that neither of them were even still alive but he refused to believe that. " Well great! Now we don't even know if any of them are even alive!" Crosshairs spoke through the speakers.

Shane groaned into his hands " No. They can't be dead!" Shane announced but was equally just as worried as Crosshairs and Cade. " You're wrong! If there is any one who can take care of themselves on a creepy alien ship it's Ferris. She will keep Tessa safe. I know it" Cade interceded, forcing himself to believe it at the same time.

" You best be right" Crosshairs added as the made the ascent to Lockdowns giant ship. They snuck aboard completely undetected.

"We're behind enemy lines now. Lockdown's ship has booby traps. Eyes open" Hound announced in a hushed tone in order to not be heard by any unwelcome parties. "Beware of his bone grinders, brain blinders, flesh peelers, chromosomal inverters, catatonic sludge, black hole trapdoors, and, of course, radiation" Crosshairs added sarcastically as he readied one of his many guns. "We must be quick, we have the element of surprise. Let's try to use violence as a last resort" Drift advised making Crosshairs snort. Drift had to be one of the weirdest robots Crosshairs had ever.

" Ok I say we split it up, we search for Tessa and Ferris, and you three go for Optimus" Cade advised. Normally crosshairs would have agreed, but he honestly wanted to be the one saving Ferris. Then he could tease her all about it later.

"Better hurry. Because dark-matter drives are preparing to take off" Drift added.

"Oh, wonderful" Crosshairs remarked sarcastically.

"I give us ten minutes" Hound said. "Is that what that sound is? The engines filling up? Are you telling me that thing's gonna be... this is gonna be flying out of here in ten minutes?" Shane asked with apparent fear in his voice. "Uh-huh"Drift replied casually and indifferently.

" In other words that means we should get going" Hound said as the three Autobots and two humans split up.

Ferris POV

Holy Fricken crap! This had to be the craziest worst thing that has ever happened to me in my entire dang life! First of all we found a Transformer in our Barn and not just any Transformer, he was the leader of the Autobots. Secondly, we infiltrated one of the biggest tech companies ever and we're almost killed by an evil white robot. And now I am stuck in a giant robot ship of horrors with my niece Tessa.

Tessa and I were actually just escaping from this fiery pit of death where these weird robots with red eyes incinerated the minivan we had come here in. We took off down one of the random hallways that all kind of looked the exact same. My gun was in hand. " Ferris w-what if they don't f-find us?" Tessa asked softly her voice was trembling. I shook my head " Tess, they are probably already on board we just have to find them" I assured her. I am pretty sure she was far more scared than I was.

" B-but what I-if we get killed?" Tessa stuttered. I turned around and grabbed her by the shoulders so I could look her straight in the eye. " Tessa, no one is going to kill us, I promise. Because if they even try I will shoot the crap out of them ok?" I said and she nodded with a gentle smile at my small joke.

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