Part 4

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I rolled my eyes but turned back to the old truck. Well now it may not have even been in old truck, it was possibly a transformer. " Cade? What if that thing is still alive?" I asked as he stepped away from behind the battery and jumper cables and approached me. " It isn't, I have been working on it all day" Cade said and rushed to the house so he could talk sense with Tess and Lucas who would most likely try and do something drastic. I looked down at the supposedly dead robot truck thing. I ran a hand over it Feeling the cold metal that was unfamiliar.

I continued to run my hands over the metal and picked up one of the gun shells from inside of the truck. These were seriously military grade, I think they came from AR-15 shells and Assault Rifles. This thing had been hunted down by someone powerful. But the problem was, if this thing was supposed to be dead then how did we just come across it? It puzzled me but I was knocked out of my thoughts when Cade, Tessa, and Lucas walked in.

"Alright. Bring the torch over and help me with the pulley arm. I think the shrapnel took out its power core. Oh, and, Tessa, you see this?" Cade said picking up a large hammer and starts hitting the front of the truck. Tessa looked ready to scream "Jesus" She exclaimed putting a hand on her forehead even I was pretty weary of just banding a hammer against the mysterious truck/transformer.

"Would an alien killing machine let me do that? Look, I'll make the call, we'll get the money. Just first let me see if I'm right. You want to hide in the house? Go ahead" Cade suggested as he got out a blow torch as if ready for operation. "Okay. Fine I will" Tessa said and easily walked out. I sighed as I watched Cade mess around with the truck.

" Let's go. Pulley arm" Cade said as he started testing out the truck. He pushed his hand into the truck and pulled out a small missile that was roughly the size of his forearm. " What the! Is that a missile?" I asked startled. " What the hell!" Lucas exclaimed.

"It is! Woh!" Cade yelled out as he tapped something on the missile that made it shoot off crazily only to exit the barn. Oh Jesus I hope that thing didn't go off and blow something up. Tessa's screams of surprise could be heard just seconds later. " Dad! There's a missile in the family room!" Teas screamed stomping back into the barn. Cade but his hand back into the truck and pulled out a piece of metal.

Suddenly I heard strange mechanical sounds that issued from the truck. Parts of the truck started shuttering and moving. I pulled out my gun, snapping off the safety and aimed at the truck that began to transform into a giant rusty robot with faded flames on the side.

"Holy...!!" Cade yelled and grabbed Tessa's arm shielding her away from the robot that now had away large gun out. " I'll kill you!" The deep baritone voice. His gun trained on Cade and Tessa. Lucas was cowering looking like he was ready to piss himself. I did not fire yet, I had a feeling if i did his much large cannon gun would go off.

" No! No!" Cade yelled out as the rusty robot kept his canon still training on him. " I'll kill you! Stay back!" the Transformers deep voice spoke. " No don't shoot we aren't going to hurt you!" I yelled out in fear that he might kill the last of my family. The robot turned to me, his blue optics looking straight at me. " Drop your weapon!" He ordered and I decided to go ahead an do it and set the gun slowly on the ground. " Please!Don't shoot!" Cade yelled and the robot looked back at him.

Lucas mad a mad dash for the door " Call 911! Run!" he screamed but the robot easily hit bun with the barrel of his gun, not terribly hard but it easily made him go down.

"Lucas!" Cade yelled in fear as he ran to check on him. "Stop!" the robot ordered but Cade didn't listen as he looked down at Lucas who groaned in evident pain.

" Lucas? Don't move, just calm down" Cade said propping Lucas's head up. " Easy, human" the robot warned glaring at him as if he expected Cade to do something tricky. " Robot uh guy thing just put down your canon ok. We won't hurt you ok?" I said as the robot stared down at me as if inspecting me. My heart Rate accelerating exponentially as the robot gazed at me. He slowly but surely put away his canon and then I finally realized just how banged up he was. Part of metal came off of him and he had large holes through him. He was also oozing some strange green blood.

" Tessa Stay there. He's not gonna hurt us" Cade ordered slowly walking towards the robot who kneeled down coughing. " Who are you?" Cade asked as behind him Tess checked on Lucas. I bent down and picked up my Beretta, resetting the safety then putting it back on my side.

" I am Optimus Prime Weapons systems damaged" He said sounding strangely tired. Wait did he just say Optimus Prime as in thee Optimus Prime. The leader of the autobots!?!

" A missile hit your engine, and we took it out of you. You're hurt really bad. I'm just trying to help you. You're in my home now. I'm an engineer, my name is Cade Yeager" Cade explained as I walked over to Cade standing by his side. We looked up at the giant robot.

" Cade, I am in your debt. My Autobots, they're in danger" Optimus said trying to stand put his legs could hardly support and he collapsesd onto his knees. " I need to go. I need to go now" Optimus continued but the side of his helm suddenly fell off allowing green liquid to come out.

"How far you think you're gonna get? Tessa, come here" Cade said gesturing for Tessa to come over and she did. Slowly but cautiously. " He needs out help" I added.

" What happened to you?" Cade asked curiously. Optimus sighed " An ambush, a trap, set by humans" He explained and had to pause as he coughed loudly. " I escaped and took this form" Optimus continued. This robot didn't seem evil, if he was we wouldn't be having this

" But you're on our side. Why would humans hurt you?" Tessa asked confused. "They were not alone. My Autobots can repair me" Optimus claimed but I knew he would never get to them, not in this state. "Yeah. If you can reach 'em. What about me?" Cade asked mundanely. Optimus contemplated it for a moment but didn't have much of a choice. Optimus agreed immediately Cade started working on him.

I helped him with repairing the battered up robot. Cade was making a list for Lucas of parts they would need and was giving it to him.

It wasn't exactly easy trying to fix this robot guy. I fixed cars not space robots. " What is your name?" Optimus asked, his deep voice seemed to reverberate against the walls as I scanned his arm that was dotted with holes. " It's Ferris, Ferris Maguire" I replied softly feeling nervous in the presence of the robot. " You sound nervous" Optimus said picking up on my emotions easily. I snorted " Let's just say it ain't every day a Transformer shows up now is it?" I replied back with a short smile. Optimus nodded in understanding. Cade walked back in swiftly going to his large tool box.

"Cade, why are you willing to help me?" Optimus asked looking down at him where he stood. " I guess maybe because you trust me to" Cade replied.

For the next day we repaired Optimus. It was hard work but the result were good. We patched up his bullet wounds but the strange thing about his metal body was that it was repairing itself too. It was still hard to believe that I was sitting there and working on a 30 foot robot who was leader of the Autobots. But, it felt like the right thing to do. Optimus was strangely nice, unlike what I would have expected from a robot.

I went to bed, a million different thoughts rolling through my mind.

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