Part 12

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A couple hours later we were now on the outskirts of Chicago at a abandoned train station that was old as hell. Waiting for Optimus and Hound to show up.

I walked up to one of the many trains where a chilling Crosshairs who was also checking and cleaning his guns was. " Hey Greenie" I greeted with a soft smile as he looked at me from around his guns. " Hey girly, how's the arm?" Crosshairs asked as I looked up at him feeling incredibly small. I shrugged and subconsciously it inched the nasty scrape on my arm. " Could be worse" I answered.

" Cross, I just want to say uh Thank you for you know saving me" I said awkwardly brushing a strand of freshly washed hair behind my ear. Crosshairs chuckled " Not a problem doll, maybe you'll return the favor, probably not" Crosshairs replied with slight sarcasm causing me playfully hit his metal leg. "Insufferable to the end huh?" I asked with a grin.

" Ha you know it" Crosshairs said back.

Suddenly the song Oh, Pretty woman by Roy Orbison started playing. I turned in confusion to see none other than Bumblebee spying on us from behind a Train. "Bumblebee I am going to kill you!" Crosshairs exclaimed standing up and racing after the yellow bot. " Come at me bro!" Bee yelled back through his radio and took off running.

I snorted and watched the two robots chase after each other for a moment before the low sound of an engine came into view. I turned to see a large alien ship approaching with Drift about to jump off so he could land on the ground. Cade, Tessa, and Cade appeared as well as the ship landed.

Optimus and Hound got off the ship as well as a small Transformer with blue hair. Bumblebee and Crosshairs ceased their fighting and stood at attention as Optimus walked up.

"You humans. After all we have done. You don't know what you've wrought upon yourselves" Optimus announced looking at us four. " What? What is it now? What are you talking about? I mean, I'm doing stuff out of my league here!

" Cade said and I nodded in agreement. "You don't see who's controlling who. Within that manmade prototype I fought, I sensed the presence of Megatron" Optimus claimed. Megatron, the name even sounded evil. "What, the Decepticon that started the Chicago war" I asked confused.

The little robot with the blue hair spoke up "How do you think KSI built those bots in the first place, hm? They had a whole mess of dead Decepticon heads and they were downloading their minds! And I was in charge of autopsy duty. No union, no benefits, no nothing. They hooked me up to Megatron, and that mind wasn't as dead as they thought. He fed them the science and specs! All so they could build him a brand-new body" The little robot who had a raspy voice explained. "Then he infected it with his evil, nasty chromosomes. They had red, beady eyes. They got all in my lovely locks. Oh, I can smell it right now. Total inside custom job! KSI might have named the body the snappy name like Galvatron, but that's just Megatron reincarnated!" The little robot continued.

"You knew this and you didn't warn them?"Tessa asked crossing her arms over her chest? Brains scoffed as he casually walked atop on of the trains "Little girl, you can go to a pretty dark place when you on death row. He's been playing KSI all this time, all so that he could manipulate them into going after the Seed" The small robot explained further. "Wait. The Seed?" Cade asked curiously.

"Listen. Sixty million years ago Thousands of planets were cyber-formed with Seeds. They turned your organic life into our elemental metals. Our creators destroyed your world to make us" Optimus told us. 60 million years ago? Does he mean the dinosaurs were killed by the creators for metal?

"And that's what Galvatron wants to happen again. He wants to detonate that Seed in the biggest city and kill millions! He's gonna show the world, "Baby, I'm back."" The small blue haired robot added.

"The blast wave will incinerate that city into molten metal. He'll have enough to build a massive army and annihilate your species forever" Optimus finished. It was like a huge amount of weight had just resettled itself upon my shoulders. We have to do something about it. "You dumb, greedy bastards just brought extinction to yourself. Not my problem, though. I'm free at last. Whole thing worked out good for me. I'm walking."The blue haired robot said before hopping off the trains.

"Well then we gotta get the Seed before Galvatron does" I announced.

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