Part 6

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Next day 

When Optimus came back the next day we immediately set off. Apparently, he had signaled for all other auto bots to meet him out here in the desert. Before we left though we managed to steal some supplies from a small nearby supermarket. I even managed to pick up some more bullets for my gun and a new tight fitting black shirt since my last one had dried blood all over its shoulders.I put my brown hair back in a ponytail.

It was still hard to believe this was all really happening but it was. We drove out there inside of Optimus's truck form that had just been renovated by Optimus scanning a different truck somehow. Needless to say I wasn't complaining. To be honest I was pissed off! That bastard Savoy had destroyed my home, nearly killed me,Tessa, Shane, and Cade, and now we were on the run!

My ear still hurt a lot but thankfully it wasn't infected yet. I had changed the bandages once more before leaving.

We were driving off of the road alongside a plateau like structure when I heard loud triumphant whoops. I looked out the window to see a chunky red robot with a beard running on the top of the plateau shooting his guns wildly into the air. He had dozens upon dozens of weapons strapped to him.

"Oh, yeah! Hell, yeah! He's back! He's alive Optimus is here!" Robot shouted out with a low rustic country accent. A blue transformer with a golden face and large swords on his back appeared next turning into a helicopter so he could set down to meet Optimus.

Next to us landed a dark green transformer with black markings. He had large goggles on the top of his head. He also had what looked like some sort of trench coat on made from metal that made him look bada**."Yeah. Mr. Leader of the Free Galaxy is back. I knew you'd make it, I never doubted" The handsome robot announced with an obvious Irish accent. Optimus allowed us to get out before he transformed himself back into a robot. Last to appear was a yellow and black transformer I had seen on TV before. I think his name was Bumblebee.

"We got your warning. We've been waiting" The blue robot said respectively as all four of us gazed upwards at the giant robot reunion. "Hell, yeah. Boom time. We got the gang back together" The round red transformer claimed.

"Humans have asked us to play by their rules. Well, the rules have just changed." Optimus announced as if we weren't standing right behind him. " Human beings, bunch of backstabbin' weasels" The same country robot said rudely but he had a point. The Transformers used to protect us and now they people they helped protect wanted them dead. " Hound, find your inner compass. Loyalty is but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation" The blue robot said calmly sounding partly Asian now that I could clearly hear his voice. It was difficult since my left ear didn't work that great right now.

"What the hell are you saying?" The red robot asked. " It's a haiku" The blue robot replied easily . " Cut the crap, before I drop a grenade down your throat" The red robot retorted pushing the gold faced robot back. It was like watching kids mess around with each other. The blue robot reacted quickly and pulled out one of his large samurai swords that were easily bigger than I was. "Try it, you'll be dead" The blue one hiss. " Oh, please pull it. Please do it" The round robot chided.

"You know what, it'll save us so much time" Bumblebee said but his voice was strange, it sounded like it was coming from the radio of the car. "Well, raise your hand if you're thoroughly disenchanted with our little pleasant Earth vacation" The handsome Irish robot announced and suddenly a large cannon appeared in our faces. "So, who's the stowaways?" the Irish robot asked and the red robot also took out one of his many weapons pointing it directly at us. I swiftly took out my gun but felt kind of pathetic with the little thing in my hand. It wouldn't do hardly any damage to the giant robots. " Woh wait up put the gun away" Cade said with his hands above his head.

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