Part 2

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Next day:

That next morning I left to go to work. It was a pretty quiet day as I worked on different types of cars. My work partner Jackson, who was slightly annoying since he always tried to hit on me. But me and him must have gone through nearly 3 dozen cars. My brain was a little scattered though as I thought about Cade, Tess, and even that strange old truck that he had brought home. That thing was strangely unsettling. I had a bad feeling about it too.

Hopefully, Cade haven't touched it yet but something told me he probably already had. It would be great if we could sell some of those parts.

After a 7 hour shift I left Car Workshop and drove home. Happy to be away from Jackson, he was a nice guy but he honestly tried way too hard.

Once I got home I saw Lucas and Tess both walking towards the Barn. I got out of my car and hoped that nothing bad had happened. I made sure my 9mm Barrettas was still at my side. What? In Texas we are always packing.

I jogged up to the familiar barn. "You guys have never seen a truck like this before. Get in here" Cade said and I walked in standing by Tess who looked worried but happy to see me there.Cade walks swiftly towards the old truck with a triumphant grin on his face. "Look! Look at the hole in the radiator. Look at the size of it. Something blew a hole in it!" Cade exclaimed gesturing to one of the many holes I had seen yesterday. "Yeah, so?The truck was in a firefight?" I suggested with an indifferent shrug.

"It's not normal steel. The shrapnel in the engine, it ripped all the connections apart" Cade announced and quickly went toward a large battery that was hooked up to the truck with jumper cables. "And watch, and this took some Cade genius. You are gonna love this. When I hook this back to a working battery..." Cade said and applied the Jumper cables.

Loud static immediately issued once he did that but there was also something else. A deep baritone voice could be heard. " Calling all... Calling all Autobots" The deep voice said.

Cade Smiled looking proud of himself. "Oh, yeah. I don't think it's a truck at all, I think we just found a Transformer" He told us happily. Lucas's eyebrows nearly shot off his forehead " A Tran... Ugh! Evacuate!"He said sounding like a scared little girl as Tess and him ran out of the Barn.

( Yes I know you are all wondering where the hell is Crosshairs but have patience, he will appear shortly)

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