Part 7

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Time skip

I sat with Cade inside of an old abandoned church with the autobots behind us. Tessa and Shane were out getting supplies with Bumblebee. Currently Cade and I were waiting for them to comeback while also having some target practice with random glass bottles I had found.

The plan so far was that we needed to find a way to infiltrate this KSI place therefore we could figure out who was killing the Autobots. It wouldn't be easy either.

I shot down the line of bottles hitting each one. I missed them a few times but mostly I hit the right mark. The Autobots behind me, Hound, Drift, and Crosshairs seemed just as bored as I was. Occasionally Hound would say something about my aim.

" You know I still can't believe you didn't tell me about that Shane kid" Cade said looking down at the bug drone thing. I smirked " Cade, Tessa is a pretty girl, pretty girls attract guys, and guys are sometimes not as bad as you think" I replied setting my Beretta down. " Yeah but you didn't have a boyfriend growing up" Cade responded making me laugh.

" Well my dad actually scared off boys, and I'm quite afraid honey that you just aren't so scary" I added pushing his shoulder playfully.

" Excuses" An Irish voice coughed out behind me and I turned in my chair where I saw Hound sleeping, Drift was shining one of his gigantic swords, and Crosshairs was smirking at us. " Uh care to repeat that?" I asked with a smirk looking directly at Crosshairs.

" You heard me, I said excuses" Crosshairs repeated making me turn up my eyes. I swear I don't understand how he could be so annoying and handsome at the same time. Especially since he was a robot. " Oh really? Excuses huh? Well where is your Transformer girlfriend huh? Oh wait you don't have on do you?" I asked sarcastically with a grin. Drift smirked "Ouch.She got you there" Drifts Said looking up from his swords, making me smile.

Crosshairs rolled his optics but the grin was still apparent on his face. "Well I don't see you with a man" The Irish robot retorted. " What makes you so sure I'm not with someone?" I asked still grinning. Even though it was a bluff I still liked seeing the tall green robot look agitated. " Pffft Ferris you ain't had a boyfriend in 2 years" Cade interceded causing Crosshairs and Drift to laugh. I glared at him and kicked him under the table.

I was about to say something else when a black and yellow camaro drove into the warehouse. Tessa and Cade slipped out of the car, each with large black backpacks that were full of supplies.

" Oh Hey, I found a whole bunch of boxes of clothes. So, sweetie, you can get some long pants, nice, loose-fitting ones, and lose the short shorts, okay? What'd you guys get?" Cade said causing Tessa to snort. I had a feeling the short shorts were staying on.

They then dumped all the stuff onto the table that included peanut butter, water bottles, and mouthwash. Tessa also righted a fallen container of Protein powder.

"It's protein" Tessa said with a shrug.

"Look, I said the essentials, okay?" Cade said sounding a little disappointed. "It wasn't easy, we almost got caught" Tessa replied back defensively.

Cade sighed and turned his attention to the large blue bottle of mouthwash "You stole mouthwash?" Cade asked tilting his head. "I like to be fresh when I'm making out with your daughter" Shane claimed with a broad smirk making Tessa smile. "That's funny, Ferris I got some extra target practice for you" Cade announced and I softly gripped my baretta as Cade threw the mouthwash into the air. I took the shot causing the mouthwash to basically explode in mid air.

" Dang that was a good shot! Where did you learn to shoot like that?" Shane asked looking back at his now destroyed mouthwash. I smirked " My dad taught me" I replied softly.

" You see Cade, some dads are actually really cool and awesome" Shane said playfully shoving Cade who glared at him. " Yeah he was a good guy" I added setting down my gun.

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