Part 13

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That night after we conversed with the Autobots on what we would do to get the seed. Tessa, Cade, Shane, and I retired to one of the empty trains in search for a place to sleep. To be honest I was pretty dog tired, after everything that had happened today I could us a good night's rest. I sat in one of the several fluffy arm chairs getting comfortable and trying to find sleep which came.


"Dad look, we should get a new car, this old beat up truck is going to break down any day now" I claimed as I sat in the passenger seat of our faded red truck that was probably older than my dad. The rickety thing constantly shuddered and groaned as if it was threatening to fall apart. It was kind of pathetic.

" Honey, I know it's an old truck but it's always been reliable" My Dad, Braxus, replied with a soft smile. I scoffed with a grin " Reliable?The poor thing sound like it's bout to break"I claimed, one of our favorite pass times was arguing over this dumb truck. My dad rolled his eyes " It has not broken down in three years, see that's reliable" My dad told me as I pulled up my dream truck on my phone. It was a black GMC truck that I absolutely loved.

" This new model GMC would also be reliable too you know" I added and showed him the picture of the truck. " Yeah that's a nice one bu- BOOM!

An airbag hit me in the face as I went forward and I blacked out for a few moments. I was stunned it felt like I was weightless.The ringing in my ears made me feel incredibly dizzy. My temples pounded as adrenaline shot through my veins. I rose a hand to my face and felt warm sticky blood issue from my nose. There were glass shards in my arms. I could barely even breath. Time seemed to slow down.

I looked around almost confused as my vision was blurry. I blinked several times as I saw my dad up against the steering wheel looking unconscious. The entire side of the car where he sat was crumpled in wards. I couldn't even tell if he was breathing or not.

"Dad!" I yelled loudly but could barely even hear myself speak over the ensuing ringing. I tried to reach him my shaking hands. A painful shard of glass was embedded on my ring finger. I gripped his shoulder trying to drag him out but hardly managed to get him out of his seat. " Dad please!" I screamed, the incessant ringing started to die down and the sounds of sirens and incoherent yells followed. I dragged my dad farther out of his seat now on top of the glove compartment. I doggedly unlocked my seat belt pushing open the car door. " Braxus! Wake up!" I screeched and with one last heave I got him out of the truck.

" Dad!" I screamed as I pulled him onto the asphalt right next to our now destroyed red truck. His scruffy face was unmoving, his left arm was contorted in a weird way, he had blood issuing from his temple and mouth. Someone came up from behind me, someone wearing a blue uniform. " Ma'am we need to move!" The person who had a masculine voice ordered. I hardly could comply as tears streamed down my face as I looked down at my father's crumpled body. " Ma'am now!" The policeman started picking me up from underneath my arms. " No please!" I yelled as the police man dragged me away and handed me to a second police man. I struggled to get out of his grip as I watched the other police man run back to my father.

But as soon as he came in contact with my father the entire red truck exploded. Flames engulfed the two bodies as plumes of red and orange sour round the entire scene. The shockwave forced us backwards. Ringing, sirens, and yelling all followed. Ambulances showed up just moments later and I was ushered onto one.

All I felt was numbness. Like someone had just taken everything away from me.

I felt weightless.

--End of Dream--

I woke up in flash breathing heavily. I checked my arms running my hands over the smooth skin anticipating the jagged glass I thought I would find. But found none. I looked around, the small compartment we were in was lit by a few small lights and the moon rays that shined in through the window. Cade was fast asleep in an armchair across from me not noticing my distress. Shane and Tessa were beside each other in a similar fashion.

I sighed running a hand through my hair and and stood up. I doubted I would find sleep again. I grabbed my beretta so I could go outside and get some fresh air. My head felt fuzzy and my heart rate was still going hard.

I silently left the train compartment without making any noise. Leaving the sleeping trio as I walked away from the train, past the sleep Transformers. I rubbed my arms as the cold chill nip at my arms but it felt good. A few tall street lamps illuminated my path. The air was cold but fresh and calmed my eradicate nerves. I leaned upon one of the trains gazing up at the moon which was full. Memories of how my father would take me out to the fields behind our house to look up at the stars rekindled in my mind. My heart throbbed at those thoughts. Every single time I thought I was maybe past the incident that I had let go of that memory it always came back. A single tear trailed slowly down my cheek.My hair was flowing softly around me as I stood in silence for a few moments.

"It's a bit late to be out alone ain't it Ferris?" A familiar Irish voice asked as the Holoform version of Crosshairs appeared at my side. I quickly wiped away the tear standing up a bit straighter. How had he snuck up on me like that?

" I-I just couldn't sleep Cross" I stuttered not hardly meeting his intense green eyes. Crosshairs rose a thick brow " What's wrong? Bad dream?" Crosshairs asked actually sounding concerned and brushed out the stray strands of hair out of his face. I sniffed and nodded " Yeah something like that" I replied still not looking up at his eyes.

" Do you wanna talk about it?" Crosshairs pressed further. " It was just.... A bad memory. It was the last time I saw my dad" I explained to him and met his gaze. There was none of the typical playfulness or ego in his eyes. A sheen of concern shown over them. "What happened?" Crosshairs asked. I swallowed and crossed my arms over my chest to protect myself from the chill. " Car crash, I distracted him, we got hit, I tried to get him out and did but.... The truck exploded" I told him and averted my gaze as he listened to my words. More tears threatened to spill behind my eyes but I refused to let them spill.

Crosshairs didn't reply for a moment, he didn't have a father. He wouldn't quite understand.

" I was a paratrooper once" Crosshairs started and I tilted my head at his words. " I had a team, we were on an Evac mission and it was supposed to be a walk in the park. We were wrong, we got trapped. I was the only one who got out of there" Crosshairs told me and I felt a pang of sadness for him.

" It's not your fault you know" I told him softly putting a hand on his shoulder. I knew saying i was sorry would most likely not make him feel any better.Crosshairs nodded in understanding. " It wasn't your fault either Ferris" Crosshairs replied.

I looked down and then did something completely unexpected and hugged him around the waist. He was taller than I was so I rested my head on the crook of his neck. He hesitantly hugged back.

" Thank you Crosshairs"

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