Part 5

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The Next Day

I woke up feeling more tired than normal as I stretched out and went down to the kitchen. There wasn't a whole bunch for breakfast so I just decided to fix myself a cup of coffee.

I sipped the dark coffee walking out onto the wooden patio with my brown hair in a ponytail and I saw Lucas's car pull up. He had taken a long time to get those parts suspiciously.

" I'm back!" He announced stepping out of the car. " Took you long enough" I said walked down the patio towards him. I wondered if Lucas had told some one, lord knows he couldn't keep his mouth shut most the time. " My head hurts, I had to go to the doctor! I got a welt on my head that makes me look like a freaking Star Trek character" Lucas claimed walking towards the barn absently. I wasn't quite believing him. I walked into the barn to find Cade still working on Optimus. I wondered if he had even bothered to even eating or sleeping for that matter.

" How you holding up big guy?" I asked looking up at him. Optimus smiled softly " The repairments have helped I thank you both very much" Optimus said. I turned to Cade who had dark circles under his eyes " What about you Cade?" I asked kind of worried. " I'm holding up fine Ferry" Cade replied quickly. I was about to say something with I heard the sound of engines distantly.

" Dad!" Tessa's voice screech loudly from the outside of the farm. I sprinted out of the farm to find Tessa looking absolutely terrified as nearly a dozen black cars race down the rocky road to our home. " Tessa get inside" I ordered as my hand went to my baretta. Who the hell were these people? Lucas must have squealed!

Cade ran out of the Barn standing beside me on the porch as did a quilt look Lucas. I swear I could wring his damned neck. The black cars stopped in front of our home, dust spurring up.

Several men stepped out of the car, each armed with large guns. A specific man with a trench coat and sunglasses stepped out in front of the rest obviously the leader. His head was shaved and his lips thin.

"Mr. Yeager, Mrs. Maguire, my name's James Savoy. I'm a federal agent. My men and I are trying to track down an abandoned truck. It's a nice spread you got here. Too bad she's for sale." the Savoy man claimed. How did he know our names?! I felt my heart began thumping loudly as the adrenaline started pumping.

" Well, thanks. She's not. That what do truck you mean?" Cade asked playing dumb.

" Afraid not. You know, Mr. Yeager, we received a call from someone concerned about this truck" Savoy claimed as I watched his team behind him begin to advance on the house.

"Oh, no" Cade said and glared quickly at Lucas. " I am afraid there is something here that concerns me" Savoy announced with a certain arrogant air that made me want to slap him hard. This James Savoy guy was straight up evil.

"Only thing I'm concerned about is you being on my property without permission. You know, we got a rule about people messing with people from Texas. And I don't know what truck you're talking about" Cade lied easily. So well that I could have believed him had I not already known the truth. " This is our property so do yourself a favor and walk yourself out" I snapped.

" Search the place" Savoy ordered not giving to cares about what we had just said. "What do you mean, "search the property"? You don't have a warrant!" I claimed, a bad feeling sunk into my chest. Dozens of men clad in black went into the house dragging out Tessa. Who was put right next Cade.

"My face is my warrant" Savoy claimed as if talking to a child. OK now I really wanted to punch his face."Wait. But if you guys do find a truck, we get a reward, right?" Lucas asked like asked idiot. " Shut up Lucas!" Cade snapped loudly, obviously holding back from saying more. I know I wanted to say some colorful words to Lucas.

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