Part 8

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For the next few days we began to infiltrate the KSI building, learning the ways in and out, where the labs were, and what exactly they were doing. I took turns with Cade as we each manually went in and scoped out the place. Bumblebee helped us make false identity cards that let us easily get in and out. And as long as you acted like some rich smart person you blended in perfectly.

Currently, Crosshairs was driving me to the KSI building in his Corvette adult mode. " I still don't get why I have to be the one driving you to this place" Crosshairs complained, his voice issuing from the radio. I scoffed " Because the people at this KSI place are all rich, and all rich people drive fancy cars, and you my friend look like a fancy bada** car" I explained matter of factly while twirling my brown hair.

" Well still Drifts ault mode is a Bugatti, ain't that more fancy than a Corvette?" Crosshairs asked. " Yeah but Cade is using that car, beside American muscle is way better than some French brand car" I added as we stopped at a red light.

" Humans, you guys are so strange" He announced. "And you are a snarky robot with a bad attitude" I replied in kind.

"Yeah because the only reason I am really doing this is for Optimus Girly" Crosshairs explained as I crossed my arms over my chest. " So it's not because you actually care for other Autobots but morally just because you're scared of Optimus?" I asked a little disappointed. It wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear, I actually kind of liked this robot. " Pretty much, I like working alone. I mean why are you doing this" He asked as we approached the KSI building.

" Because Tessa and Cade are family" I answered truthfully. " I don't have family" Crosshairs said after words. I was about to get out the car but I stopped . " You don't have to be related for people to be family Cross" I said before leaving the car and entering the KSI building.

I scanned in easily but had to leave my Barretta with Crosshairs since the metal detectors at the doorway would have picked it up. I started walking towards the left part of the building where Cade said the labs would be. I managed to nick a white lab coat that allowed me to blend in better amongst the scientist who didn't even spare me a glance. The labs were gigantic and full of thin computers and robotic structures.

I stopped in front of a window where I saw the face of a light green Transformer being melted down. It was Ratchet, the medical Autobot that was good friends with Optimus. The poor guy.

I took out the small bug drone that Cade had retrofitted so that it now gave live feed straight to Optimus rather than these KSI guys. "Hey guys I'm in. Can you see the camera? They are melting Ratchet" I said softly allowing them to get a full view of Ratchet's face. Or at least what was left of it.

I heard the click of heels behind me and swiftly but the drone back inside a pocket of the lab coat. "Metal. Just metal. That's what I always thought of them" A blonde woman with pretty blue eyes said. I rose a brow at her statement "Well, they're not. They're living things, with souls like ours" I told her "Once, I spoke to one" I added. These people didn't seem to understand that the Transformers weren't just robots.

"And you're working with Transformium?" She asked crossing her slender arms over he chest. I nodded awkwardly "Uh...yeah, that's what I do. I...I am" I stuttered. What the heck even was Transformium?

"I'm out there digging for it, there's just not much left to find. So that's how badly you guy need more, huh? Reduced to melting evil old Decepticons down?" She asked turning her gaze to Ratchet who was now hardly even recognizable. "No, that's an Autobot there. The ones who fought for us" I said softly glancing back at her and tucking a stray strand of brown hair behind my ear before leaving.

I decided to take a closer look inside the lab where they were melting down Transformers. I could understand why the Autobots didn't like humans anymore. This was completely barbaric what we were doing to them.

To my left I noticed that several of the lab workers were having their identity cards scanned manually. Several men in wearing black suits were patrolling the area.Christ that wasn't good, it meant they must have known I was there.

I started fast walking out of the lab, keeping my head down, hoping to try and escape unnoticed.

" Hey!" A loud voice yelled and I turned to glance at one of the men wearing black suits who began to run at me. I immediately took off, spiriting out of the lab and pushing past a couple scientists who fell to the floor. " Stop!Stop Right there" The men yelled behind my But of course I didn't listen. I swear! The one time I didn't have my Barretta!

I turned the coroner only to be met with two large men each holding an AR-15. " Sh**" I cursed."Up against the wall!" One of them men yelled and pressed me against the glass wall handcuffing me. The men led me to an elevator where a spiffy looking balding man waited. He had a smug look and weird nerdy glasses. It was the man who owned this entire operation! Joshua Joyce. I had seen him plenty of times in commercials.

"Corporate espionage. That's a very serious crime, Mrs.Maguire" Joshua told me as if lecturing a child. " Pissing off Transformers, that's a very serious threat to your health Mr.Joyce" I snapped back. I strained my wrists upon the handcuffs but just as I expected they didn't yield.

They brought me into a large meeting like room with a glass table and two dozen chairs all around it. A Tall imposing man with a placid face stood next to the table. He looked like someone who worked for the CIA or something. " Look, I want a lawyer. The Justice Department. Somebody I can trust. I'm just trying to protect my family, okay? Not from your company, from the government" I claimed as I was sat down in one of the several chairs.

"Mrs.Ferris , who do you think I work for? You're trying to protect your family, that's admirable. I'm trying to defend the nation from alien war. We've had a taste of what that looks like, and we are not gonna tolerate another" The man announced sitting across from me.

"Now, there is a version of this conversation where you get to go back to your barn, your cousin Tessa gets to graduate with honors, and life as you know it will go on. You have no idea what you're involved with here" The man told me also talking to me as if I were just a child.

"Really? What's the other version of this conversation? The one when you send in the hired help to murder my cousin Tessa!Or you gonna man up and do it yourself?" I asked growing more and more agitated. "What's your preference? I'm going to ask you this once. Where is Optimus Prime?" The man asked calmly.

" If I had to take a guess I would say he is coming here to kick your a** right now" I answered smirking. The sound of breaking glass and screams issued from outside the room below. Helicopter rudders were also loudly apparent.

" To late" I added

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