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Adele opened her eyes, gasping loudly.

"I'm sick of these night terrors! I hope this fucking psychologist will help!" She said.

"Believe me, so do I." Simon reached his arms out towards her, "Come here."

He pulled Adele, so that she was sitting on top of his lap and they both grinned at each other.

"Today's going to be a good day. You're going to figure out what the hell is happening with these dreams and you'll be able to stop them. I have to go to work babe, but when I get home tell me everything, okay princess?"

Adele bent down and kissed his lips. Their tongues battled for a moment and then they released to take a breath.

"I have to get ready now. It sucks how you can't be with me. I am so terrified." Adele said, looking at the floor and sliding off of Simon.

He reassured her, "It's going to be okay, trust me."

"If you say so." She replied and disappeared into the bathroom.


"Come on in, Ms. Adkins." A deep voice called out. It reminded her of Simon, causing her heart to drop because he wasn't there with her.

Reality had set in.

Adele opened the door and walked into a room with two plain chairs sitting across from each other. She noticed that everything in this guy's office was white. The psychologist was sitting at his desk, and she assumed that he hadn't noticed her walk in.

He looked up at her and mumbled, "You're a cutie."

He cleared his throat and proceeded to talk to her.

"My name is Dr. Sturrock, but please just call me Alex." He said to her.

She nodded her head, "You can just call me Adele."

"Have a seat, Adele." He smiled and ushered her to the white chair.

"So, what's up?" He asked.

"Well, I've been having the same dream every night for almost a month now." She told him.

"Ok. What are in these dreams? What happens in them?"

"I'll be in a forest and I hear leaves crackling, and then I hear someone else's footsteps. Lastly, I look straight ahead of me and see a black figure with big red eyes. And it says four words. I'm coming for you." She said.

"What happens next?"

"I wake up." She replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Is there anything tragic or traumatic that's happened for you to have these dreams every night?"

She shook her head, "Nothing that I can think of. I've been trying to figure out why they started."

"Describe the figure to me." Alex got out a paper and pencil, getting ready to draw it.

She reached her hand out, "Actually, could I make a sketch of it?"

"Yeah.." He handed it to her and she took her time.

It wasn't like Adele was a bad artist. She could draw almost anything. She just had to take her time now because she had to remember every detail of it. Around the figure's eyes she pushed the pencil harder to indicate how much it stood out from the rest of him. When she was finished, she handed it back to Alex.

He gasped.

"Oh my God, I think I've seen this before." He got up and grabbed his laptop from his desk, frantically rushing to get back to his seat in front of Adele.

There was an awkward moment of silence as she waited for him to say something. She heard the keyboard clicking as Alex typed.

He took a breath, "I can't research anything from here. But you can. A normal psychologist would help to stop these dreams, but honestly I'm curious to figure this out."

"So, I'm your experiment? Instead of helping me, you're going to have me continue to have these nightmares, just because you want to know whether or not it has a happy ending?!?"

"Adele. I need to investigate this but I obviously need your help. Are you willing to continue having these recurring dreams? " Alex looked her in the eyes.

"I came here because I want them to stop!" She paused and sighed, "But I guess I'll help you."

"Great! Tonight I need you to try and control them, okay?"

"What do you want me to do?" She wondered.

"I want you to ask it what it is. Or what it's name is. If you can do that then you can ask it more questions if you want but that's the main one." He exclaimed.

"Ok, I'll do my best." She smiled faintly.

"Oh, here."

He handed her a bottle of pills.

"What are these?" She asked, observing their bright turquoise color.

He grinned, "They're lucid dreaming pills. These babies will make it easier to control that dream of yours."

"And here's my personal number. Text me in the morning."

"Thank you, but I don't think I'll need your number." she rejected him politely.

He raised his eyebrows, "I insist. Goodbye, Ms. Adkins."

Adele left the building, and quickly walked towards her car that was sitting alone in the parking lot. She questioned why she was the only one there, but decided not to think too hard about the answer to that.

Then she saw it.

She saw the figure standing right in front of her. She couldn't speak as it got closer to her. She closed her eyes tightly, opening them again after a few seconds.

It was gone.

She had to call Simon. She walked faster to her car and as soon as she got in, it started pouring.

"Oh for fucks sake." She mumbled.

She decided to wait to dial Simon's number until she got home because she could barely hear her own voice over the rain pattering on her windows.


"I'm finally home." Adele sighed as she unlocked her house door.

She walked in and saw Simon on
the couch. He stood up as soon as he saw her.

"Babe! You have no idea what happened!" Adele ran into Simon and hugged him. She burst into tears because she couldn't take it anymore.

He ushered her to sit down next to him, "Woah, Dele. Calm down, and tell me everything."

"I saw it."

"Outside of your dream?" Simon looked astonished.

She began trembling, "Yes."

He reached towards her to grab her hand and steady it, as he wiped the tears that were falling down her cheeks.

"That's some freaky shit." He eventually responded to what Adele said, but she immediately glared at him for replying like that.

"Alex gave me these pills. He wanted me to try and control my dreams."

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Why?"

"Because he wants me to ask what it is or what its name is. Apparently he's seen it before or something." Adele tried to shake it off.

"Well, we're one step closer to the end of all this."


"Well, here goes nothing." Adele said, popping a pill into her mouth as Simon got in bed.

"I'll be up to comfort you when you wake up."

She smiled, "Thanks babe."

"No problem."

Adele got into bed and slowly but surely drifted off to sleep thinking the words, here goes nothing, yet again.

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