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Red is what she saw.



It was all red.

But the red slowly faded to black.


A group of nurses rushed her to the hospital room. Simon tried his best to stay by her side as he ran along with the professionals who were rolling her lifeless body on a hospital bed. Then they ushered him to wait outside of the room and he watched them disappear into another room with the love of his life.

He heard them yelling medical procedures and trying to see why her body completely shut down. He just waited and waited. Hoping that she would be just fine. Hoping that he would just shut his eyes and as soon as he opened them, he would see his soul mate sitting next to him, smiling.

But of course that didn't happen.


"Oh okay, where is it?" Alex scrambled around his office, looking for a certain piece of information.

"Haha, here it is."

He was looking at the stages or affects of the shadow people. What they can do.

"Stage 1." He read aloud, "dreams. That's a check. Stage 2, hallucinations. Check. Stage 3, body shuts down. Woah. Hopefully it doesn't get to that. Stage 4, pregnancy." He stopped reading and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Pregnancy?" He questioned.

He got up and tried to look through her mother's case more. He had only one problem though, which was the fact that he couldn't find it.

He cursed, "Shit, shit, shit!"

His phone rang and he jumped a little.


"Hey, this is Simon. Come down to the hospital at once please." He sounded frantic.

Alex began pacing the floor, "Oh okay. What's wrong?"


Alex spit out the coffee he had just took a sip of, "Don't tell me her body shut down."

"How the hell did you know?"

"No time to explain." Alex rushed around his office, picking up as much files and information as he could.

"I'll be there in a minute."


"So you're telling me you knew about this?!?" Simon pretty much screamed in the middle of a quiet hallway.

Alex put his hands up in defense, "No! I just found out as soon as you called me dude."

"I just want her to be okay."

"Don't worry. She will be." Alex told him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you a psychic or something?" Simon asked.

He patted him on the back with a smirk, "Long story, bud."

After a bunch of small talk waiting for the doctors, Alex decided to pop a question.

"So are you and Adele a thing?" 

"Yes! What kind of question is that?" Simon said, smiling.

He grinned, "Oh so you're engaged and everything."

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