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There she was.

In the middle of the forest.

The forest she knew all too well.

She knew how things were going to play out.

First, the sounds of the leaves crunching beneath her feet. Then, she would hear footsteps other than her own. Lastly, she'd see it.

The same terrifying figure standing right in front of her, blocking her path. Its eyes would stare into her soul, making her feel as empty and as lonely as she possibly could be.

The shadow-looking creature was tall and it bent down to her level. Every part of it was pitch black, except for its eyes, which were glowing red. She would be forced to look at it as it says four words in its demonic voice.

"I'm coming for you."


Adele sat up straight in her bed.

"Shit!" She said as her heart raced.

Simon groaned, "Again?"

"Yes, again Simon." She shook her head, pulling the blankets off of her body and letting her bare feet touch the cold, wooden floor.

"I think we need to see a doctor babe."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "No, everyone will think I'm crazy."

"It's for your own good. These dreams you have aren't normal. I mean, you have them every single night. They're recurring and you seem to wake up at the exact same time every day."

She peered at the clock, seeing that it was six in the morning. It was a cycle.

"I know, I'm just afraid. I don't want to feel out of place." she stared at the floor, worried about what other people might think of her.

He wrapped his arm around her waist, "Babe, it's okay. You're going to get through this, and I promise I'll be there every step of the way."

"Now let's go eat and head to see a therapist." Simon said with a small smile.

"Ok." Adele smiled right back.


Adele was sitting in the waiting room patiently. Simon was beside her and he noticed how nervous she was.

She was tapping her foot on the floor, biting her nails, and always trying to distract herself. After a minute Simon had to talk to her and calm her down.

"Baby, it's going to be fine." He said to her.

She began twiddling her thumbs, "I'm really anxious."

"I know you are Delly, but everything will work itself out." He placed a reassuring hand on her cheek and Adele instantly knew everything was going to be okay.

Simon felt satisfied in calming her down and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Adele Adkins." A small girl with black hair called out.

Adele looked up at her and smiled as she grabbed Simon's hand. She gave it a tight squeeze.

"Ok Ms. Adkins, doctor will be here in a moment." The short lady left the room.

Adele sat down on one of the leather chairs, and took a few minutes trying to get comfortable.

"You okay there babe?" Simon laughed at her.

She giggled, "Doing just fine."

"Ms. Adkins. Hello." A very tall guy walked in and sat on the ocean blue chair across from her.

"You've been having dreams recently?" He asked.

"Yes I have." She replied.

"What are they like?"

"Well, I'll be in the middle of a forest, walking on loads of leaves and eventually I'll meet the eyes of this dark, tall figure. And it kneels down to me, looks straight at me and says four words."

"What are those four words?" The doctor asked.

"I'm coming for you." she sighed, "Now that I'm saying it out loud, I feel mental."

There was a moment of silence as the doctor wrote down a few things.

"How often do you have them?" He broke the silence of the once soundless room.

"It's been every night for almost a month now. The same exact dream."

"Ok, I'm going to have you go to this certain psychologist. He's perfect for these kinds of things. I can assure you that this nightmare you're having, has something to do with an event or person that's on your mind. As soon as you get whatever you're feeling out of your system, you'll be just fine. Take care." The doctor nodded his head, picked up his papers and left.

Simon exhaled," Well that was interesting."

"It was."



"Do you have any idea how or why these started?" Simon said with a sleepy and groggy voice.

"No fucking clue."

She stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out a reason for all of this. Why would this be happening to her? It was completely frustrating.

"Ughh!" Adele yelled out of no where and Simon sighed. She hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom.

Simon laid there and waited for her. He understood how upset she must be. He knew he was the one that had to comfort her and help her through this difficult time she was having with herself. He didn't feel like she was insane. He didn't feel like she was a freak. He felt like she was an angel. He felt like she was his one and only. He felt like she was his.

Adele walked out of the bathroom and tried to make sure Simon couldn't see her face. She had been crying and she didn't want to feel any worse.

She laid back on the bed, making sure to turn away from Simon.

"Dele?" He called.

"Yeah? "

"I have something to tell you but please face me." he requested.

She hesitated to turn towards him but she wiped her tears away, and gave in.

He caressed her cheek, "You've been crying."

"Yes I have." she cleared her throat, "Now, what were you going to tell me?"

"Your first appointment is tomorrow. With the new psychologist. He's supposed to be great at his job and hopefully he'll fix this problem that's going on with you. Do you know why I want you to be helped?"

"Why Simon?" She smirked.

"Because I can't have my baby stressed out."

Adele pecked his lips and decided to get ready for the day. She also had to prepare herself for tomorrow.

Because tomorrow was going to be a life changing experience.

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