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"Look. Can I just have a regular coffee then?" Adele said, annoyed.

Nothing was going right. She couldn't even get her favorite drink for the morning.

The cashier sighed, "That will be 5."

Adele took out her purse and handed the money to her, saying, "Thanks." and rolled her eyes out of frustration.

She was on her way home to tell Simon what her plan was. Five out of the ten days she had left were already gone, and soon enough, she would have to go into the place she called prison.

She had five days to make her escape.


"Hello babe!"

"Hi." Simon started walking towards her, "Adele, I need to tell you something." He grabbed her hand and ushered her to the couch.

She plopped down on it and set her coffee on the little table next to her.

"What is it Simon?" She asked as she placed her hands in her lap.

"I've realized we've grown apart. We are very distant now and it's scaring me. So, please don't be upset but.." he sighed, "I'm calling off the wedding."

Adele avoided his eyes, not being able to say a word. She was stunned, but understood why he was choosing to make this decision, which broke her heart into pieces.

She gasped.

"What?" He said.

She replied emotionless, "You think I'm crazy."

"No I don-

"Yes you do. The problem is that I'm too much for you, and don't get me wrong, I completely understand. You don't love me anymore." the volume of her voice slowly went down as she spoke, eventually becoming a whisper as she said, "You're gonna leave me, just like everyone else."

Simon saw how hurt she was, but didn't do anything about it.

"I'm gonna leave you be." He started walking towards the door.

She cried numbly, "It's okay, if you don't love me, but I thought you'd at least try and comfort me as a friend."

"It doesn't look like you want it."

"You know what? I have something to tell you too." she told him, calmly.

"Oh really? What the fuck is it, Adele? You want me to find a way to have the doctor's think that you don't need help anymore? Because that's not possible. Everyone thinks you are insane!" she could see the regret on his face after he said the last sentence.

He sighed, "I didn't mean that. I'm so sorry." he grabbed the ring off of his finger and set it down on the table in front of her, "Here."

Adele took a deep breath, before screaming at the top of her lungs, "SIMON, GODDAMN YOU! I'M MOVING TO FUCKING AMERICA!"


"And you aren't coming with me apparent-"

Adele gagged and immediately rushed to her bathroom. She felt like she had to throw up and she wasn't going to do it on the floor. She made it to the toilet and puked as much as she could.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" She looked in the mirror and saw how pale she was.

Simon appeared behind her, "Are you okay?"

"Go away Si-"

She vomited for the second time as he pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Adele was shaking and soon she could barely feel her legs. Her head was pulsing with pain, as she became terribly nauseous.

"You aren't well." Simon put his hand on her forehead and felt her fever.

She couldn't even speak and not because she didn't want to. But because she physically couldn't do anything. She was too weak.

Simon saw how hard it was for her to walk and he just carried her. He took her into the bedroom knowing he couldn't leave her now. She was too sick for him to just forget about her. She wouldn't have been able to take care of herself if he left her behind.

"Go to sleep." He told her as he got into bed.

He knew that she was still angry with him because she was facing away from him. Normally, she would cuddle into his chest.

"Actually, talk to me Adele."

"What if I don't want to." She replied with a weakness in her voice.

"I'll make you."

She furrowed her eyebrows, but of course he couldn't see her reaction, "How Simon?"

"If you weren't so sick I'd-

"Shut up and go to bed. Or just leave me like you said you were going to." she interrupted.

Simon was quiet the whole night. He wasn't able to sleep and he knew she was going to have dreams, so he stayed up as long as he could.


The same fucking forest.

The same place, same time, but different thing.

She was walking on the leaves but when she looked up there was someone. Not something.

It was someone she couldn't quite recognize from the distance she was at but she kept walking closer to him. He had his head down as Adele kept walking. She hoped she could see his face before her dream ended. He seemed to be so far away, that it was hard to reach him. She started running to speed up the time. Then the setting changed. She was no longer in a forest.

Everything around was pitch black and she couldn't see anything but the guy who was still right in front of her with his head down. She continued running and when she got close enough to see who it was, he lifted his head. She couldn't believe her eyes. The person she missed almost all her life had red eyes like the others.

He said two words.

"Help me."


Adele woke up and burst into tears. She sat up and buried her face in her hands.

"Woah, this is different. What's wrong? Are you just tired of it?" Simon was confused.

"No..s- something happened." She stuttered.


She sniffed, "I saw someone."

"Who?" he asked.

"He had red eyes, like the rest of them. At first, I couldn't see his face. I ran to him but he had his head down."

"Did you know who it was?" He asked.

"Before he looked up I had no idea. He told me two words, that frightened me."

"Okay, what were they?" Simon was getting impatient.

A tear fell down her cheek, "Help me."

"So this guy. He was one of them too?"

"Yes." She answered.

"Who was it?" He asked again.

"It was my dad."

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