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There she was.

In the middle of the forest.

Except something wasn't right.

There was this massive amount of wind going against her. It was hard for her to walk or even breathe. She fought against the wind and continued her path. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her and she knew it was time to look up.

She saw the same figure she always saw. Except this time it seemed impossible to look at it. She tried so hard, just to stare into its eyes but it wouldn't let her. The wind was loud in her ear and it was blowing her hair back. It seemed difficult to talk, but she managed to do it anyway.

"Who are you!? What are you!?" She screamed, loud enough to make her own ears bleed.

It tilted its head harshly, causing it's neck to crack. It was the most disgusting, stomach-churning sound she had ever heard in her entire life. She fell back, because she had begun to feel nauseous.

Then it spoke.

"I am one of the shadow people."

"What do you want?!" She asked another question, as she stayed on the ground, feeling as if she was about to blow away at any second.

"I wanted to find you and I did. You'll see me again sometime. I'm coming for you."


"Bitch!" Adele sat up in her bed once again. She turned to see Simon, who was already awake.

"I was waiting for you to wake up, seems like that dream was a little longer." He pointed at the clock which read 6:15.

She said in a groggy voice, "Guess it was."

"So, what happened?" Simon asked her.

"I was in a forest like I always am. Except something was wrong. There was this strong wind that was trying to hold me back. I could barely take in a breath. Then I saw it again. I screamed in its face, since it was so hard to talk, but I managed to ask it a few questions."

He looked curious, "So what did you ask it?

"I asked who it was and what it wanted." She replied.

"What did it say?"

"I can't quite remember...oh wait! It said it was one of the shadow people. And it wanted to find me. It said it did and that I was going to see it again soon." she still looked a bit shaken up.

"Wow. You got to tell Alex."

"I know I do." She looked at the floor and a tear fell down her cheek.

Simon glanced at her and embraced her in his arms.

"There's something I've got to tell you."

Simon grabbed her hand gently, "Anything."

"I can't help but think that Alex is using me for his own personal research. He told me today, that he wanted me to have lucid dreams from now on because he was curious." Adele sighed, "I don't want to be someone's experiment."

Simon hugged her tightly, "I don't know what he's planning, but as soon as you've had enough of it, let me know. I'll make sure to end this faster than you can say bolt."

Adele didn't look too faithful after he said those words, so he held her face gently as they stared into each others eyes.

"Babe, I know all of this is stressful but you'll get through it. And whatever this shadow thing is, I'm gonna beat his ass!"

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