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She screamed, "Please just go away! You're not real!"

"Why should I go away?"

"You're ruining my fucking life, you psychotic shadow bitch!" she yelled as loud as she possibly could've.

"You know what you want to do." It kept talking, "You know you want this to end."

"Yeah I do." Adele replied. She knew she was being manipulated, but she couldn't stop it.

"So end it."

Adele involuntarily repeated, "So end it."

She got up and started walking towards the kitchen, without even thinking about what she was doing. She grabbed the sharpest knife she could find.

"End it." Her feet were moving without her having to move them. She felt lifeless and helpless. As if she was a puppet that was being forced to do this.

She walked into her bathroom and looked in the mirror. She didn't see herself. She saw a nobody. A reckless, scared, tired, vacant girl in the reflection. Nothing like the woman she used to be. She had changed drastically, and it hurt her to even think about.

She ran the water and placed the knife over the main vein in her wrist, meanwhile her heart was racing. She was trembling, because she was afraid. She didn't want to end things like this. She knew this was the wrong way.

"Do it." It encouraged her.

She started with little cuts on the front of her hands. Then she cut deeper. She saw the blood drip in a rhythm, slowly down her pale hand. It stained the white sink and the water slowly turned into a deep red with each new cut. She flipped her hand over and did the other side. She ran her hand over the water and washed the blood away. She then started to cut closer to her wrist. Closer and closer.

Until she finally made it to the place that could kill her if she cut deep enough. She placed the knife over it gently, hearing her mind fight along with her heart against this creature from her nightmares.

But she cried, knowing that there was nothing she could do to stop it from killing her.


Simon was on his way home, but he was a little worried. Adele hadn't been answering any of his phone calls. His palms began sweating, as he prayed to God that she was okay. He eventually pulled in the driveway and ran into the house.

"Adele!" He yelled.

No answer.



He searched for her. The living room, the kitchen, the bedroom. Then he heard the faint sound of water running. He attempted to burst through the bathroom door, but it was locked.


Were they tricking him?

Simon punched the wooden door until his fist was aching and there was a hole in the door. He stuck his hand in there to unlock it from the inside. He successfully opened the door.

He saw everything.

The bloody knife on the floor, and the sink filled with red-colored water that started to overflow.

Then he darted his eyes to her. The lifeless body of the girl he loved most. He bent down to her and placed two fingers on her neck, feeling her pulse.


He started crying on her shoulder. Wishing for her to come back. He looked at the blood soaking through her white blouse and she saw it flow out of her wrist.

He closed his eyes, laid his head on her chest and said, "I would've made it better. Why didn't you just talk to me?"

Then he felt her chest rise.

He sat up quickly and checked her pulse again. There was something there. He immediately called an ambulance and laid Adele on his lap.

"You're going to be okay. I promise." Simon held her hand gently.


"So you're saying I need to be in an insane asylum now?" Adele almost screamed at the top of her lungs.

The doctor shook his head, "No, it's not quite like that. You did try to kill yourself though. Please take that into account."

"They told me to!" she yelled defensively.

The doctor's eyebrows were raised and she turned to Simon to see that he too, was worried about her mental stability.

She sighed, "I know I sound crazy, but I don't want to be held in a place that's like a fucking prison!"

"It's for the best." He assured her.

"For the best my ass."

He inhaled deeply, "You'll be going in 10 days. We have to get things situated."

That means she had 10 days to get out of the city, or even country.

"I don't want to do this! You cant force me!"

"You need time to find yourself. You attempted to commit suicide Mrs. Adkins." he reminded her.

"Please, don't do this. Leave me be." Adele replied and walked out, leaving Simon behind.

She needed to find a plan. She needed to figure out a way how to escape. How to get away from everyone and everything.

And Simon had to help her.

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