Chapter 6

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"Hey is that Jasen?" Chloe asked, seeing him on the field.

"Yes." Sandra said.

"I didn't know he was on the team." Chloe said.

"Me neither"

"Sandra we need to get closer to Jasen. How can we do that?"

"I don't know"

"Wait. I might have an idea"

Chloe looked out at the Tourney field.

"Oh no. Chloe I am not doing that."

"Oh... Yes you are. Unless you want to live in the Underworld for the rest of your life"

"Fine, but you are paying me back big time"

"Fine, but this means you have to try out. You do know that right?"

"Oh heck no... I am not doing that I will just sit on the bleachers while you make a fool out of yourself"

"No your not Sandra. You are getting your butt out there and trying out. Don't you want to make dad proud?"

"Of course I do"

"Well then do this.Please I am not asking for much"

"I know"

"Well then can you please do it"

"Fine I will do it, but if Jay flirts with me once I will kick the ball in his face!"

"He won't just keep your distance from him, and if we want to get close to Jasen then we need to do this."

"Right.... The only thing wrong with this idea is that I have no idea how to play"

"Don't you think I knew that"

"Sorry... You don't have to get all angry with me"

"Well maybe we can ask Jasen for help"

"True dat"

"We just have to find a right time to ask him"

"Yes, maybe once you guys hang out you can work it in a conversation"

"Good idea"

"I know"

Sandra and Chloe walked over to Coach Jenkins..

"Um..." he said. "The cheerleading tryouts are over there, girls."

"We know," Chloe said. "We're not here for that though."

He looked at them confused.

"We're here to tryout for the tourney team," Sandra said.

He stared at the two. They smirked at him and finally he sighed.

"Alright" he sighed. He called the team over so they could start tryouts.

"Boys... I want you to meet Chloe and Sandra. They might be the new members of the Tourney team"

"WHAT!" Chad screamed. "They are girls, not boys"

"Well I am glad we are not guys because then I will be like you..." Chloe said.

"OOOOHHH BURN!" The team screamed. Sandra caught Jay smirking a little, making her roll her eyes.

"Boys and girls calm down let start practice"

"It is on, and when we are done you can go back to cheerleading practice" Chad said.

"Oh don't get too happy because we will get on the team, and you can go fill our place in cheerleading" Chloe said while pushing Chad.

"Okay girls follow the guys"

"Oh I think we will be okay..."

Chloe and Sandra got into there place on the field after grabbing helmets and tourney sticks. They stared at Chad, wanting to go over there and smack him in the face.

"Are you ready for this Chloe?" Sandra asked.

"Am I ready to beat the crap out of Chad? Of course I am!"

Coach Jenkins blew the whistle and the game started.

"GIRLS GET THE BALL FROM THE OTHERS!!" He shouted to them.



"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME 'HONEY'!" Sandra screamed.

"Sandra, calm down! I will run down the field, and you chuck the ball to me!" Chloe said.


"Get your gross hands off me!" Chloe said while elbowing one of the players.

"Chloe! CATCH!!!!" Sandra screamed while throwing the ball.


"WE ARE NOT DUMB!" Sandra said while putting her foot out.

"Ouch!" Chad said while tripping over Sandra's foot.

"That is what you get for making fun of me and my sister. LOSER!" Sandra said.

"I didn't make fun of you. I just said you were dumb"

"Umm are you stupid or something because I think that is making fun of us"

Sandra ran up to Chloe she wanted to help her score a goal.

"Are you ready?" Chloe asked.

"As ready as I can be" Sandra said.

"Okay you go and try and take out all of the other players that are not on our team while I try and score." Chloe said.

"Okay! Let's do this!"

Sandra started running over to the other team and just wrecking them! Pushing them over, and kicking them down.

"GO GO GO!" Sandra screamed.

Chloe ran toward the goalie and chucked the ball as hard as she good! It went passed the goalie and right into the goal!

"YAS YAS YAS!" Chloe screamed.

"Wow. Girls I did not know you had that in you! You are on the team!" Coach Jenkins said.

Jay walked up to Sandra.

"Hi.. Um...." Jay started.

"Do you have a frog in your throat or something, or are you going to get to the point?"


"Oh my god Jay I am started to get irritated"


"Sorry I have plans that day"

"I didn't tell you what day yet?"

"I know, but I am busy all those other days too"

Sandra walked away before Jay can respond. Sandra walked over to Chloe, and Coach Jenkins.

"You guys did amazing! I underestimated you guys. Since you know you are...." Coach Jenkins started

"Kids to villains?" Chloe asked

"No I was going to say since you guys are girls. I never thought girls can do Tourney, but I guess I was wrong. I am sorry."

Sandra walked away.

"Well I know you were wrong. You shouldn't judge someone by how they look, or what their gender is" Chloe said with some edge.

"I know...."

"Well I gotta go to check on my sister, but I will see for practice tomorrow Coach!" Chloe said.

"Okay Chloe" 

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