Chapter 12

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Sandra walked all around trying to find Chloe, but then realized where she might be. Sandra walked into the forest, and looked around. Sandra finally found her about a mile away from the school.

"Hey Chloe!" Sandra said.

"Hi, why did he have to come up to me?" Chloe asked.

"Chloe you need to stop crying and just try and ignore him" Sandra said.

"I am trying, but he was a jerk to me, and you know what!" Chloe said.

"What?" Sandra said.

"I am going to forget about him, and just try and find out where the stinking Titans are"

"Um Chloe how will we find out about the Titans without Jasen's help?"

"I really don't know!"

"Well then I am sorry, but we have to talk to him, but of course you don't have talk to him"

"Thanks, but I do have to deal with him, and if that means being mean to him than so be it!"

"Wow I like the sound of that!"

"Sandra you are such a mean person!"

"Wow hurtful!"

"I am sorry I am in a bad mood!"

"I can see that, but it is okay. I am always in a bad mood!"

"I have noticed with Jay, Jasen, and Chad"

"Okay first of all I wasn't that mean to Jasen and I was the meanest to Chad because he is a butt face"

"Well don't you think I already knew that!"

"Sorry, wow you are one cranky person today, and instead of taking it out on me. Maybe you should take it out on Jasen."

"Well now you know how I feel everyday with you!"

"Man girl! Maybe you should go take a nap or something?"

"You know maybe I should"

"I know you should, but maybe we should wait until we get back to our dorm"

"Yes we should, but what would you do while I sleep?"

"Oh I know entertain myself"

"Are you going to make Aziz pay for what he did?"

"Maybe... Or maybe I won't"

"Don't do it we do not want people paying even more attention to us" Chloe said.

"Fine, but I will give him my death stare for the rest of the time we are here" Sandra said.

"That is completely fine" Chloe said.

Chloe and Sandra started walking back to their dorm. Chloe went to bed, and Sandra was trying not to get really mad at Aziz. Sandra's anger got the best of her, and she started walking to Aziz's dorm room. Sandra knocked on the door and waited for someone to open up, but when she saw her opened the door she didn't know what to say.

"Oh why him!" Sandra said in her head.

"Oh hi Sandra" Chad said with an icepack on his head.

"Hi Chad where is Aziz?" Sandra asked.

"He is not here sorry" Chad said while closing the door.

"Hey Chad who is at the door?" Aziz asked while Sandra was staring at Chad.

"Oh so he isn't here you say" Sandra said.

"Fine come in" Chad said.

Sandra walked into the room, and took one look at Aziz and gave him a death stare.

"Hi Aziz" Sandra said.

"Um hi Sandra" Aziz said while shaking.

"So did Chad give you another bet?" Sandra asked while getting closer to Aziz.

"Yes he did, and he told me to look in your eyes which I can't do because your eyes are ugly" Aziz said while giving Sandra a smirk.

"Oh you have done it now!" Sandra said while going over to Aziz and hitting him, and kicking him. There was a knock at the door Chad answered it, and it was Chloe.

"Hey Chad is Sandra here?" Chloe asked while Chad was pointing over where Sandra was.

"Sandra stop! I thought we agreed not to hurt him!" Chloe said.

"No you said that I never said anything" Sandra said while about to hit Aziz, but Chloe stopped her before she can do it.

"Thank you Chloe" Aziz said while smiling at her. "Hey you are pretty cute! Do you want to go out?"

"No that just pushed the limit just take what you can get" Chloe said.

"Okay okay, so that means that I have to work on getting your attention?" Aziz asked.

"I don't know, but you may or may not have a shot. I have to go come on Sandra" Chloe said.

Sandra and Chloe walked out of the dorm, and started to walk back to their dorm.

"I think Aziz was literally just flirting with you" Sandra said.

"Since when do you know how to flirt?" Chloe asked.

"Since Jay has been flirting with me everyday. Plus Mal told me that he was flirting" Sandra said.

"Oh wow, but um I do not know if I actually like him or not" Chloe said.

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