Chapter 2

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After a well needed nights sleep, it was time to go to school

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After a well needed nights sleep, it was time to go to school. I got out of bed and into the shower. After drying off, I got dressed in a black and white striped t-shirt with an open lower back, white skinny jeans, and some black heeled booties. After that I dried and curled my hair before finishing getting ready. I then grabbed my bag and my phone, and headed outside to my jeep before heading off to school. Half of the day went by pretty slow because I'm in a couple AP classes and those are the worst, but at least I have Lydia with me. During math, my phone vibrated, I pulled it out stealthily and saw it was a Beacon Ledger News Alert. It said triple homicide developing. Not everyone gets these alerts, but Stiles somehow programmed our phones so we could know of any "odd" cases. I looked over at Stiles, the same curious look on our faces. We seem to have a knack for being drawn to solving crime, when we were younger we used to go around, and he would be Dr. Watson and I'd be Sherlock and we'd solve crimes.
After class I was eager to find my people. I spotted Stiles, Scott, and Kira walking in the hallway, so I quickly fall into step with them.
"An ax murderer?" Kira asks.
"A family murdering ax murderer," I add.
"I've already heard about it," Scott replies without looking back.
"Wait, what? How?" Stiles asks frowning in confusion.
"My mom called, she knew we'd see it on the news," he replies.
"Perfect, let's go," Stiles says, eager to leave.
Scott raised his eyebrows,"We've got Econ in five minutes."
"Right. Did you forget the part about the family murdering ax murderer?" Stiles asks clearly frustrated.
"Did you forget your Dad's the Sheriff, they want us to stay out of it," Scott replies while he takes his Econ book out of his locker.
"It's a family murdering ax murderer, we're not going to do anything about it?" Stiles asks repeating the same four words again.
"Yes Stiles, we know it's a family murdering ax murderer. I think we've established that." I say while rolling my eyes.
"Maybe we should just let the adults handle it," Kira suggests with a shrug.
"So the three of you just want to stay here, go to class. I've never heard anything so irresponsible in my life," he rambles before walking away.
"See you at tryouts," Scott calls.
Stiles does some weird thing with his arms as I catch up with him,"Hey I'd go if I already didn't skip school yesterday." I say patting his shoulder, receiving a nod from him. "Who knows, maybe this will be a good thing to not get involved." I add before turning back around to see Scott peck Kira on the lips before running off, leaving Kira standing there looking like a deer caught in the headlights. Which is strange considering I didn't think they were dating.
I walk up to to Kira with raising my eyebrows once I stand in front of her,"What was that? I thought you two weren't dating."
"We aren't... I don't really know what that was," she replies seeming to be in a daze.
I let out a small laugh,"Good luck with that."
She doesn't answer so I turn to her and put a hand on her shoulder, my expression turning serious,"He really likes you...I know because I've known that idiot all my life. Stop worrying so much."
She looks up and smiles at me,"Thank you." I nod and head to class.
After the school day was over I decided to go with Kira and Malia to watch the tryouts. Before they came out and as they warmed up, I managed to finish all the homework I had. Which was great considering I usually don't get my homework done until like 5 minutes before class starts, supernatural stuff takes a toll on my free time. The guys started out by running laps, Stiles was the very last which doesn't surprise me, he hasn't always been the most athletic.
I hear Malia sniff,"What's wrong with you?"She asks looking at Kira
Kira looks over at Malia still holding a random lacrosse stick,"Me? Nothing." She says smiling nervously.
"You reek of anxiety, it's distracting. What's going on?" Malia asks bluntly causing me to look over at Kira with my eyebrows raised seeing as I already know the answer, I just wanted to know what she would say.
"Scott and I sort of had this thing happen, but it wasn't much of a thing. And now I'm starting to think it never was anything... at all," she replies sadly, which frustrates me because I know how Scott feels, he just won't tell her.
"What do you want it to be?" Malia asks forcefully.
"More," she says with a sigh. I make a mental note to talk to Scott about it earlier. I've literally been waiting for them to get together for forever.
Malia then sniffs the air again and looks at me,"Did you meet a guy?" she asks bluntly, taking me by surprise.
I pause for a moment not knowing what to say,"Uh well... I guess?" I reply, but it sounds more like a question than a statement. I mean yes I think Jordan is a great guy and attractive, but it would never work... would it? I mean, he's older, and one of my Dad's deputies. I guess it doesn't matter anyway, why would he like me anyway.
Kira and Malia both raise their eyebrows at me,"Who is it?" Kira asks, seeming to have cheered up a bit.
My cheeks flush red, do I tell them? "Uh his name is Jordan... Parrish." I say hesitant of their reactions.
Kira smirked while raising her eyebrows,"Deputy Parrish?"
"Yeah, but you guys can't tell anyone... especially not Scott and Stiles. Besides it's probably nothing but a little crush anyway," I reply.
They both nod, making me feel a bit better, I don't really know what my Dad would say if he found out, that would be an awkward conversation for sure. I then turn my attention back to the boys, they were lined up ready to shoot shots into the net. I watch Stiles pick up a ball and throw it directly into the goalies stick. I wince as people laugh, but he doesn't seem to be fazed much as he heads to the back of the line. Next up was this ok looking Freshman, he looked pretty confident, he quickly shot it and it went in with ease. Next up Scott went it looked really good up until it hit the goalpost causing people to laugh. I groaned, come on Scott, a little wolf power never hurt anyone.
After that it seemed like Scott and Stiles kept missing and that same freshman, who I think his name is Liam, kept making every single one.
Kira turned to me frowning,"Isn't the captain supposed to be one of the best players on the team? Or even good?"
"He's not using his wolfy powers, hence the fact that he sucks right now. Maybe Stiles will talk him into it." I reply while not taking my eyes off the field.
The guys then started two-on-ones, Stiles and Scott were on the goal. Hopefully Scott can pull his shit together.
I was nervous for the first one, but Scott hit the stick causing the ball to fall out. I stand up and cheer, hopefully the he can stop that freshman though.
"That's my boys!" I hear Coach yell proudly.
The next kid goes and they are quick to shove him on his ass, and same with the next one. Kira and I cheer as they seem to get better and better.
"That's how you do it! That's how it's done!" Coach yells being his usual violence loving self.
Scott and Stiles chest bump, but Stiles falls to the ground when Scott hits him too hard, causing me to let out a laugh.
Then Liam goes, and he easily doges Scott and Stiles and puts the ball in the net. I let out a sigh as Coach and the other players cheer.
From the corner of my eye, I see Malia stand up, and I groan knowing nothing good will come out of this. "That was luck! Do-over," she yells.
"Sweetheart, there's no do-overs. This is practice," Coach says looking at her weirdly.
"10 bucks on Scott and Stiles."
Coach raises his eyebrows excitedly pointing at Malia,"I'll take that action." He turns to the line and says,"Hey! Get back in there, Liam."
I look up at Malia who is smiling proudly, but odds are, she'll be paying him 10 bucks.
Liam goes to the front and swings his stick dramatically before charging toward Scott and Stiles, who looked a bit frightened. Scott hits Liam flipping him on his back, and I heard a cracking noise all the way from here. I wince as I hear Liam groaning loudly. I get up and run down to the field after picking up my back.
"Don't move! Don't touch him!" Coach shouts as he sprints over. When I get to them I see Liam squirming around in pain.
"I'm ok Coach. I'm alright." Liam says, voice strained. He yells in pain as he tries to stand up, so Scott and Stiles help to steady him."I think it's my leg."
"I think we'd better get him to the nurse," Stiles suggests. 
On our way, we decide we'd better bring him to the hospital seeing as the nurse would already be gone, and he looks to be in a lot of pain. Scott and Stiles put him in the front of Stiles' jeep.
"I'm gonna go get his stuff and talk to Kira quickly," Scott says before turning to head back to the school.
"Hey Scott," I call out causing him to turn around. "Tell her how you feel, she's not going to wait forever." He shoots me a nervous smile, before running off.
I get in the back of the jeep and Liam turns to me confused,"Who are you?" He asks face still covered with pain.
I shoot him a smile,"Noelle Stilinski, Stiles' older sister, and you must be Liam." He nods in response, in too much pain to talk. Scott then gets in the jeep, sitting next to me smiling.
I smirk,"You did it, didn't you?" I ask and he looks down and smiles, blushing.
We finally get to the hospital and Scott and Stiles help him inside as I trail behind. 
We wait at the front desk and out comes Melissa. Scott waves awkwardly,"Uh, hi Mom." She gets him a wheelchair and they help him into it, a very seldom look on Liam's face.
"Don't worry, Liam. We'll take good care of you," Melissa says before wheeling him away.
"Alright, I gotta get going, I promised Malia I'd help her study. You coming Noelle?" Stiles asks.
"No I think I'll just stay here with Scott. I'll see you later," I reply shaking my head.
Stiles then looks at Scott, who had a guilty look on his face,"Hey, I don't need to say this wasn't you fault, right?"
Scott shakes his head,"I don't know."
Stiles leans in closer so only we could hear him,"Scott, if you used any wolf powers, that kid wouldn't be limping, he be crawling, back to the other half of his body." Stiles assures him.
"If I hadn't been so worried about being team captain, he wouldn't be hurt either," Scott replies frowning.
"It's ok to want something for yourself every once and a while. Team captain, alpha werewolf. You're still only human," Stiles says, before patting his shoulder and walking away.
Scott and I then stand outside of Liam's room and I stand there while Scott listens to Liam and his stepfather Dr. Dunbar talk.
After a few minutes I hear my stomach growl so I turn to Scott and whisper,"I'm going to go get a granola bar or something, I'm starving."
He nods and I turn around and go to the elevator seeing that the good vending machine was on the 3rd floor. Once I got to the vending machine, I hesitantly got a granola bar knowing that candy probably wouldn't fill me up enough. After I ate it, I went to go back to the elevator, when I heard a scream that sounded like Melissa, so I ran over and gasped when I say this guy with rows of sharp teeth, and covered in blood was attacking Melissa.
"Hey!" I about getting his attention,"Get away from her!"
The guy got off of Melissa and charged towards me, tackling me to the ground, my head hitting the ground hard. It's demonic white eyes stared at me as he grabbed my wrists so hard as I fought, I'm sure I'll have bruises tomorrow. I let out a scream as he turned my head to the side slamming it to the ground, trying to kill me. After the second time, I was close to passing out as tears streamed down my face. There was suddenly a loud growl and he let me go, I look over to see Scott ready to fight. He ran towards him and tackled the guy. But the guy shoved him off, sending him flying into a wall before running off.
I use the side handle to grasp as Scott looks at me in concern,"She'll be alright, go get him," Melissa says quickly breathing heavily like me.
He looks at me,"Are you sure?"
"Go get that son of a bitch," I reply.
He nods before running off. Melissa bends over and helps me up. I take a deep breath and turn in the direction that Scott went.
"Wait where are you going?" Melissa call after me.
I turn around,"I have to go help Scott, I'll be fine. Call my Dad." I say before running off ignoring her when when she calls my name.
I jog to the stairwell following the bloody hand prints up to the roof as I hear a scream that sounds like Liam. I look and see this bald man throw an ax at the guy who attacked me, hitting him in the middle of his back, causing him to fall to the ground dead. I see Scott pull Liam up with a bite mark on his arm as the guy that looks to have no mouth pull the ax out of the guys back. He turns around and stares at me fear filling my eyes as I back up against the wall.
He types something into his wrist thing, and suddenly a dark robotic voice says,"See you soon, Noelle."
The guys opens the door and walks out and I stay pressed to the wall as tears continue to stream down my face. Scott walks over and pulls me into a hug, and I let my head rest on his chest.
After a minute, I pull away fear coursing through my veins,"What does he mean? Am I gonna die?"
Scott shakes his head,"I won't let that happen."
I nod and look at Liam and then back to Scott,"You'd better get him out of here before the cops come. You've got a lot of explaining to do."
Scott looks at me in concern,"Are you sure?"
I nod,"Yeah I'll be fine. Go I'll let my dad in on this."
Scott sighs looking at Scott, then back to me leaning in close,"Just please don't tell him about Liam, not yet at least."
I nod,"I won't, now get out of here."
Scott nods and helps Liam up and out from the roof.
I lean back against the wall, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath to compose myself. I then let my tears fall. After a few minutes I hear the door open, so I wipe the remainder of my tears quickly and walk out to face my dad, who is quick to pull me into a hug and ask what the hell happened. When we pull away I explain everything, but leave out the part about Liam and what the mouthless guy said, not wanting to worry him. After that he told me to go find Melissa because she was looking for me. I headed down the stairs and start looking for Melissa. I didn't get very far when I heard someone call my name from not far behind me, a familiar, manly voice.
I turn around and see Jordan walk quickly towards me, eyes filled with concern as he looked me up and down.
He got to me and put his warm hands on either side of me, "Are you ok? What the hell happened?" He asks.
I let out a sigh,"Well I was attacked by a crazy ass cannibal, and then Scott stopped him and got chased to then roof where this guy dressed in all black with no mouth killed him with an ax and left." I explain not able to help it when a single tear fell down my face.
He took one of his hands off my shoulders and used his thumb to wipe the tear off before pulling me into a hug, resting his chin on the top of my head. At first I freeze thinking this is wrong, but then I decide I don't care and wrap my arms around him laying my head on his chest.
After about a minute we pull away and I smile up at him,"Thank you, I needed that."
He nods and looks down once again to my clothes,"Please tell me all that blood isn't yours." he says eying me nervously.
I look down to see my white jeans and black and white shirt filled with blood stains. I groan in annoying," Dammit, how the hell am I going to get this out?" I look up at him who seemed to have calmed down,"No, it's the deputy's that he killed." I reply sadly.
He nodded,"You should really get that gash on your head checked out though," he says while looking at the side of my head.
I frown in confusion and reach my hand up to the side of my head, wincing when my hand comes in contact with the bloody wound."Oh that, I didn't even notice. Yeah, I'll go find Melissa McCall."
He nods and shrugs off his jacket again and hands it to me,"Take this, I'll come check on you later." He tells me, before leaving hesitantly. I put on his heavy police jacket, once again taking in his amazing scent and go and find Melissa. When I find her, she runs over and hugs me quickly,"Let's go get that looked at." she says, so I turn around and follow her. She has me sit on a stretcher in the hallway and tells me she'll be right back.
When she returns, she carefully wipes off the blood and observes it,"You're lucky, you don't need stitches, and it doesn't look like you have a concussion. But I advise you don't drive tonight though."
I breathe out a sigh of relief,"Thank goodness, and I think I can survive one night without my beloved jeep." I say letting out a smile.
After she puts those butterfly stitches on me, she looks down at Jordan's jacket frowning in confusion,"Whose jacket is that?"
I blush a bit not able to help it,"It's uh Deputy Parrish's, I ran into him on my way to find you," I reply.
"I'm going to ignore the fact you just blushed then, and save the interrogation for later," she says with a smile.
I roll my eyes and smile back,"Oh how kind of you." I say.
"Guess what though?" I ask still smiling.
Her face becomes curious,"What?"
"Little Scotty finally told Kira how he felt," I say a proud grin adorning my face.
She rolled her eyes,"It's about time." She says causing us both to laugh.
I then hear footsteps causing the both of us to turn and see Joran walking towards us, stopping right in front of us.
"Sorry, I was just seeing if you guys were ok," he apologizes. "Do you need a ride home?" He asks me.
"Are you sure? You don't have to. I can just wait for my dad," I ask.
He shakes his head,"No I insist," he says stubbornly.
I nod and say goodbye to Melissa and follow him out of the hospital and to his pickup. He opens the door for me, and closes it after me, which makes me smile. How can one guy be so amazing?
"So where to, your jeep or your house?" He asks turning to me.
I raise my eyebrows,"How do you know my jeep isn't at my house?"
He chuckles,"Is it?"
I cross my arms in defeat,"No, it's at the school, but Melissa told me not to drive tonight, so you can take me home," I reply.
He frowned in concern,"You don't have a concussion do you?"
I shake my head,"Lucky no... I don't know how though he slammed my head to the ground pretty hard.." I mutter.
He nods still looking at me with concern, but starts his car and goes on the route to my house. The car ride was filled with comfortable silence, seeing as I was pretty tired. When we got to my house he got of his truck and walked me to the door.
"Thanks again," I say smiling. "Oh wait, here, you probably want you jacket back," I say beginning to take it off.
He shakes his head,"Just give it to me later, it looks better on you anyway," he says smiling.
My heart starts to pound, is he flirting with me? I cover up my nervousness with a small smirk,"Are you flirting with me Parrish?" I ask flirting back.
His smile grows,"Are you flirting back at me Stilinski?"
"Yes," I say smiling.
"Well then yes I am flirting with you," he replies cheekily.
I feel a burst of confidence run through me, so I take two steps closer until and go on my toes, leaning in closer to him and I press my lips against his cheek. I linger there for a few seconds before pulling away, smiling when I see a blush rise on his cheeks.
"Night Parrish," I say.
"Night Stilinski," he replies chuckling before turning around and walking to his car. I open the door to my house and go inside. I lean against the door smiling, so he does like me too.
My phone vibrates so I pull it out and see it's a text from Stiles. "I heard about what happened, we've got Liam covered. Get some rest, goodnight." Is what he said.
He doesn't have to tell me twice, I take a quick shower and then put some PJ's on before going to bed, still smiling about Jordan.

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