Chapter 1

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It's been almost a year since Scott was bitten by Peter in the woods

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It's been almost a year since Scott was bitten by Peter in the woods. As I think back on that moment, I'm reminded that Stiles was the one who dragged us outside in the middle of the night – thus dragging us into the whirlwind of change that has brought us to where we are today. It is also my brother whose phone call pulls me from a deep sleep.

"Stiles, this better be good. What the hell do you think you're doing calling me at 4 in the morning?"

"We are on our way back from Mexico, you've got to see this," he replies, his voice far too animated for this hour.

"Can this really not wait until morning? I thought you guys weren't leaving Mexico until morning."I ask, my eyes drooping slightly as I try to stay awake.

"We found something and needed to get back as soon as possible. Noelle, please just get dressed and come to the clinic. We're only twenty minutes out," he begs, exasperation dripping from his features.

I roll my eyes, finally caving in, "Fine, I'll meet you there."

I let out a deep sigh, coming to terms with the fact that our few months of peace were over once again. We likely were stumbling upon yet another supernatural challenge that will test our strength once again. Dread washes over my body, yet I remind myself that we do it all to protect the ones we love and those who are innocent.

I race to get dressed, pulling on random clothes before making my way to the door. I pull my rain jacket over my dark curls as I run to my car, the sky echoing with thunder.


The second my car halts to a stop in front of the clinic, I can feel that something is wrong. Anxiety drips off of each person that stands in the building. Dodging the rain, I run inside and make my way toward the voices of my friends.

My jaw falls slack when I stand in the doorway, taking in the sight of my friends and the young teenager lying on the metal table. Everyone's eyes are on me as I take slow steps to the table. The young teenager's eyes are closed peacefully, the look on his face screams innocence. His tan skin, dark locks, and striking features remind me of the person that they went to get. I reach out to run a hand through his hair: a familiar feeling washes over me. This is Derek.

I look up at the group, eyes filled with concern, "Can someone please tell me what's going on? What happened to Derek?"

Stiles cleared his throat, "A lot happened. Kate Argent is alive and somehow she managed to turn Derek young again."

Shock washes over my body like freezing cold water. The horrible things she's done swirl around in my mind, "How could she possibly be alive? We watched her get put into the ground."

"The Calaveras took her body when she began to turn. Apparently, Peter's claws went deep enough to do it. " Scott explains.

"Wait, how did the Calaveras even know that Peter attacked Kate? We haven't even heard anything about them until we looked into Derek's disappearance." I ask, my brows furrowed in confusion.

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