Chapter 38

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I watch in amusement as Malia kicks Theo's ass, which, after everything he's done, definitely deserves it

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I watch in amusement as Malia kicks Theo's ass, which, after everything he's done, definitely deserves it. After a while, it looked like she was getting a little out of control, so I put a hand on her shoulder,"Malia, maybe you should stop."
Theo shakes his head letting out a groan,"It's okay, you don't have to stop."
Malia growls lowly, growing her claws,"Trust me, I won't."
As Theo looks at him in fear, Scott grabs Malia's arm,"Malia, enough, hey!" Both Liam and him, have to pull her off him, to say Malia was angry was an understatement,"Slow down, okay? He's going back in the ground."
"You can't," Liam argues. "He remembers Stiles.
Malia shakes her head and snaps,"Scott and Noelle remember Stiles. Lydia and I remember Stiles."
"The Dread Doctors knew all about the Wild Hunt. He can help us," Liam says.
"Or he could kill us." Scott argues.
Liam takes a step closer to Scott,"He's my responsibility. Noshiko gave me the sword."
"It's so awkward when Mom and Dad fight," Theo mutters.
"Shut up!" Both Liam and Scott shout in unison.
"You both are right. If Theo tries anything, we'll send him back to the skinwalkers. But for now..." Hayden starts.
Scott shakes his head,"He goes back now."
"Except Liam's the only one with the sword."
"Shut up!' We all yell at him in unison.
Scott looks at Liam, and motions for him to follow him into the kitchen. As soon as they leave, Malia takes a step towards, and Hayden and I step in front of her,"Malia..."
"Can you give me a second alone with Theo..." Malia states, shooting a deadly glare at Theo.
"So I can kill him." Malia replies.
Theo lets out a sigh,"Okay, look. I know there's mixed feelings all around. But I might be your only option to stop the Wild Hunt."
"Let's kill him." Malia mutters.
I roll my eyes,"No Malia."
As Scott and Liam walked back into the room, it was clear from Liam's small triumfant smile that Theo was here to stay for a while.
Liam walked over to stand in front of Theo, twirling the sword back and forth,"We can put you back in the ground at any time."
Theo nods his head at Liam's warning,"You're going to need a transformer that can handle five billion joules of electricity. I know where to find one and I can show you how it works. I'll tell you if Malia promises not to kill me." Malia lets out a small growl, Liam shoots her a glare, before turning back to Theo,"She promises."
Her eyes widen,"No, I don't." She then looks over at Scott and I," We're really gonna do this?"
"Do you have a better idea?" Hayden buts in.
Malia looks back and forth from Hayden to Theo,"I've got an idea. It may not be better. But at least it's not him."
With that she walks out, and the rest of us plan to meet later tomorrow, right before the time where there is the highest chance of a thunderstorm. Until then, Liam, Scott, and Hayden would take turns watching to make sure Theo didn't escape. Just in case, they chained him up in the same ones we used to use on Liam. In the meantime, I head back home, seeing as it was getting pretty late. When I walk inside, I hear a string of curse words coming from down the hall.
I frown in confusion,"Jordan?"
"Up here!" he calls out in reply from up the stairs.
I frown in confusion and make my war up the stairs towards our bedroom, when I hear noise come from the room across from ours that we were planning on having be our baby's room. When I walk into the room, I see Jordan sitting on the ground with the halfway assembled wooden crib we had bought a few weeks ago.
I knock on the door, getting his attention,"How's it going babe?"
He smiles at me as I move to sit down next to him,"I didn't know these things were so damn hard to put together, I've been at this for over an hour and a half."
I let out a laugh of amusement,"Have you been reading the directions."
He rolls his eyes as I pick up the directions and begin reading them,"Who uses directions anymore?"
"Well.. probably people who take less than an hour to put together a crib," I tell him teasingly.
He bumps my shoulder lightly as my eyes dart back and forth between the crib on the diagram and the sadly put together one right in front of me. I lean over and point to the different sides,"So, you have the front the wrong way, and you have extra screws, which should probably never happen.
Jordan smirks at me in amusement,"Alright miss know-it-all, why don't you help me put this thing together then."
"My pleasure."
After about a half an hour we had finally put the crib we had picked out a few weeks earlier into the room. We push the beautiful mahogany crib against the soft light gray walls, and step back in admiration. Tears fill my eyes as I stare at our half assembled nursery, once again reminding me that in a few months we'll be parents.
I look up at Jordan, who is smiling down at me proudly. He wraps an arm around me, pulling me close to his side,"We're gonna be okay."
I smile back at him,"I know."
He presses a kiss to my head,"It's getting late, let's go to bed."
I follow him to our room, where we change, and get into bed, both of us completely exhausted.
I open my eyes and stare up to the dark, ceiling above me. I turn my head and look around, seeing I'm lying on dark colored gravel, a set of train tracks on either side of my head. I let out shiver as I slowly get back on my feet. When standing, I knew exactly where I was, except last time I was in this spot, I was pleading for my life being completely surrounded by Ghost Riders. It was almost as if every time I had this dream, I got closer to finding Stiles. I look around the dark tunnel, the dim light from the train station area being the only source of light coming into the tunnel. Upon not seeing anyone, I turn on my heels to go back into the train station when I step on something. I bend over and pick it up, walking to the entrance of the train tunnel to get a better look. In my hands was a small folded picture. I unfold it and see me, Scott, and another boy who I assume was Stiles. The three of us were wearing ridiculously ugly Christmas sweaters. I remembered this Christmas like it was just yesterday. It was the first Christmas since Scott's dad had left, and the first time Scott had really smiled and had a good time since he left. The echo of horses running through the tunnels brought me out of my daze. When I see the Ghost Riders coming down closer and closer, I am quick to run out of it, hiding amongst the rest of the people trapped here. I watch as the Ghost Riders drop off more people, before heading quickly back into the tunnels. When the sound of the horses neighing fades away, I slowly stand up from my hiding spot and look around the room. Although it had only been a day since I had last dreamt of this place, the amount of people here had doubled, which means that Beacon Hills population had gotten even less too. Slowly Beacon Hills was starting to look more and more like Canaan.
I let out a gasp as my eyes shoot open at the sound of Jordan's alarm going off. And just like that, the station and all of its population was gone. I roll over in bed, and hear the crinkling of paper. I grab it and see it was the same picture from my dream, how it got there, I have no idea.
"What's that?" I hear Jordan ask me, causing me to look up from the picture.
I move over so he could see the picture,"I saw it in my dream last night, and now it's here and I have no idea now."
Jordan leans closer to get a better look at the photo,"Who's the boy on the left? I recognize you and Scott, but..."
"I think it's Stiles," I tell him, smiling down at the picture.
He frowns and at first I'm afraid that he's not going to believe me,"Well, he does look a lot like you. What do you think these dreams mean?"
I shrug my shoulders, the question that's been burning in my mind since these dreams started,"I have no idea, but I feel like every time I dream it, I get closer to knowing more about him."
Jordan picks up his phone from the nightstand,"I'd better get ready, I have to be to work in an a half an hour."

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