Chapter 11

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I wake up to my phone ringing, I open my eyes to see it was still dark out

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I wake up to my phone ringing, I open my eyes to see it was still dark out. Who the hell could be calling me in the middle of the night? I grab my phone answer it without looking at it.
"Hello?" I say groggily.
"Noelle, its Derek. I think you need to get over here. It's Lydia-"
I cut him off before he could say anymore,"Ok, I'll be over in five minutes." I say before hanging up.
I threw on a pair of shoes and ran downstairs and outside to my jeep, starting it, before quickly backing out of the driveway. As I was driving many thoughts ran through my head. The biggest one being, "why the hell didn't I ask what happened, it could very well be not that big of a deal, on the other hand, it could be a life and death situation." I pulled into a parking spot before getting out and running inside, the door was open and Lydia was sitting on the couch, a blanket wrapped around her. Standing in front of her was Braeden and Derek. Derek turns around raising his eyebrows in amusement,"Wow, you're here already? How fast were you going?"
I let my breathing even out seeing that nobody was in any kind of imminent danger. "Well, lets just say I broke a few laws getting here," I reply. I look back to Lydia, who was sitting on the couch watching us,"What happened?"
"She just came over here and screamed when I opened the door," Derek replied.
"Is she ok?" I ask watching her stare at the ground unresponsive.
"She's fine, probably just in shock." Braeden answers.
"I should take her home, thanks for calling me," I say before walking over and grabbing her hand. As soon as we made contact her eyes snapped up to meet mine and she screamed again, making me fall to my knees. When she stops, Derek helps me up and Lydia looks up at me frowning in confusion,"Noelle? Where am I? What happened?"
We begin to explain it all to her. Afterwards I asked her the question that had been swirling around in my mind since it happened,"Lydia, why did you scream when I touched you?"
She shrugs,"I don't know, I was in a daze, I felt like I was asleep and dreaming. But when you touched me, I woke up here." She replies.
"Maybe you brought her back, connecting to her," Derek suggests.
"Maybe," I reply while nodding . "I should take her home," I say before grabbing Lydia's hand and dragging her to my jeep. On the way, I thought about what just happened, why did she scream when I touched her. I got really nervous thinking about it, so I pushed it in the back of my mind and pulled into Lydia's driveway. I dragged her to her room and she immediately flopped into her bed and fell asleep when she got there. I wrote her a note before shutting off the lights and heading home  and back to bed.
The next time I woke up it was actually morning. I tiredly rolled out of bed and undressed before getting in the shower. Once I was dried off, I got dressed in some black skinny jeans, a cropped white t shirt with a red and black flannel tied around my waist. I put my white high top converse on before heading into the bathroom. I curled my hair along with the rest of my morning routine before grabbing my phone and bag and heading out the door, downstairs, and to my jeep. The first part of my day went along pretty quickly and soon I was sitting in Econ with Lydia, Kira, and Malia. Malia held up her math test proudly.
"Lydia, look. I passed," she says excitedly.
"C-minus," Lydia says.
"Your notes are great when they're not written in code," Malia says happily.
Then Coach put her test on her desk, a large red F written at the top. "Disappointed, Malia. Profoundly disappointed." He says to her before walking over and putting my test on my desk, which had an A+ on the top. I let out a sigh of relief, keeping a 4.0 is hard when you're constantly being chased by assassins, maybe now it will be easier.
"I'll send you my notes," Lydia says to Malia.
Lydia stared at the board frowning so Kira leans over,"It's over. The computers are off. No more assassins. No more murders. No one's dying."
"Not yet," Lydia replies making me frown, could it be Derek or me.
The rest of the day went by slowly and I headed home after school. I then went to my room and did all my homework, which was a lot considering I also had a lot of makeup work from being gone all the time.
Once I was done I checked the time, 4:45. I got out of bed and decided to change into something more comfortable for my date. I got dressed in a maroon varsity, striped, cropped long sleeve, some black leggings and my silver and white superstar Adidas. I stuck a beanie on my head and fixed my makeup before walking out of my room. I walked into Stiles' room where Malia was on the bed studying and Stiles in the chair.
"Hey guys, just letting you know I'm leaving," I say.
Malia sniffs the air,"Are you going on a date?"
Stiles head snaps up but before he could say anything Dad knocks on the door before walking in.
"Stop what you're doing. I'm taking the three of you out to dinner. Whatever you want." He says happily.
Stiles and I frown in confusion,"Dad, I don't a man of your debts should be treating anyone to anything," Stiles replies.
"Well, there's one debt we no longer have to worry about," Our Dad says holding up a letter.
"What is that?" I ask as he hands it to me.
"A letter of apology from Eichen House. Apparently, they've decided to forgive our debt due to uh. Well you two and Lydia almost getting murdered," he explains.
"They could do that?" Malia asks.
"They can do it and they did it," he answers.
"I have never been so happy to almost have been murdered," Stiles say and I nod in agreement.
"Well, we're not out of it yet, but... we're going to be okay. And at least for the moment I can afford to take my daughter, son, and his girlfriend out to dinner." He says making Stiles and I smile. "Malia, what's your favorite food?"
"Deer," she replies happily.
"Pizza. She likes pizza," Stiles corrects her as I stifle a laugh.
"Well I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take a raincheck. Jordan and I have a date tonight," I say smiling.
"Parrish? You're dating Parrish?" Stiles asks.
I roll my eyes,"You're dating a were-coyote who roamed the woods most of her life."
"I expect you home at a decent time, I have to be to work late tonight, but I will have Stiles make sure you're home." Dad says to me and I nod in response.
Malia and our Dad are out the door and I grab Stiles' arm,"Malia stays in here almost every night, and I don't say anything. Can you cover for me?" I ask.
He rolls his eyes,"Fine."
I smile at him and grab my bag I had packed earlier and head downstairs, then to my jeep. I got inside and left. I soon was pulling in the parking lot of Jordan's apartment. I then grabbed my bag and got out of the jeep and walked inside. I got to Jordan's door and knocked before stepping back to wait for him. A few moments later Jordan opened the door with a smile, dressed in a police academy t-shirt with some athletic shorts,"Hey babe." He asks before leaning down and pecking me on the lips. He let me in his apartment and I took off my shoes and walked in more, setting my bag on the kitchen table. I followed him to the living room my eyes widening, a smile growing on my lips when I saw it. He had set out a pizza, some popcorn, snacks and drinks on the coffee table, and a blanket set on the couch.
"Do you like it?" I hear him ask.
I turn around a smile on my face,"I love it, Jordan. Thank you."
A smile grows on his face as he grabs my hand,"Come on, what do you want to watch first?"
We ended up starting with a comedy as we ate and talked about pretty much everything, our lives, aspirations, and everything in between. Honestly we didn't even watch much of the movie at all.
"So what do you want to watch next," he asks looking down at me. I was currently leaning on his chest, his arm around me as he used his other to look through Netflix.
"How about a scary movie?" I suggest.
He looks down in confusion,"Why? Your life is practically one." He says with a chuckle.
"I know. It's how I prepare for the real world," I joke smiling.
We watch two scary movies, and every time something scary happens I lean into his chest flinching. And by the end of the last movie, I could feel my eyes beginning to droop.
"El, babe, lets go to bed," he says to me softly.
I nod and get up following him to his room and he hands me a t-shirt. To tired to care, I simply turn around and pull of my shirt and pants before putting his shirt on me, once again engulfing me in his addictive smell. I turn around and his eyes were wide, causing me to smirk," Hey, has anyone ever told you that you smell amazing, like all the time?"
He seems to snap out of his daze, pulling his shirt off, and I couldn't help but look at his abs, like damn. He lets out a laugh,"No, I don't believe anyone has."
I get into bed looking over at him,"Well you do."
He shuts off the light and gets into bed next to me, pulling me close to his body. I turn around and lay on his warm chest, laying one arm on across his chest. I feel him kiss my head as I fight to stay awake,"Goodnight Noelle."
"Night Jordan," I reply.
- I wake up the next morning pretty much in the same position, I look up to see him still sleeping peacefully. And I take this time to admire him, his long eyelashes, light array of freckles on his face, and sharp jawline. It was in this moment, I realized I loved him, not because of his looks, but because I loved being here with him. I enjoy every bit of time I spend with him, I love his personality, and how caring, kind, and sweet he is. I love that he is compassionate about his job, and how he's always saving people. I also love that he's such a gentleman, and isn't afraid to tell me how he feels, that he didn't freak out when he found out about the supernatural world, but jumped right in and wanted to know how he could help.
"What are you doing?" He asks looking down at me, face full of amusement.
"I'm checking you out, what does it look like I'm doing?" I joke.
He laughs making me move with his chest,"How long have you been up?"
"Not long, what time is it?" I ask.
He grabs his phone from the nightstand and looks at it,"10:15."
"We should get up, I'm gonna go take a shower." I say to him before getting out of bed and grabbing my bag off the table and going into his bathroom. I take a quick shower, getting dressed in a black slightly cropped top with a crisscrossing pattern by my chest, a jean shirt unbuttoned, some maroon skinny jeans, and black booties.
I did my hair like usual, and the rest of my routine before walking out, then going into the kitchen where I heard noises. I walk in and see Jordan setting two plates of breakfast food on his table, faced away from me.
"You've been busy," I say with a smile causing him to turn around.
"And you look amazing as always," he says with a smile pulling me towards the table.
I kiss him before pulling away,"Seriously this is great, thank you. I say before sitting down.
After we eat, we clean up together, despite Jordan's protests, then he tells me he's going to take a shower. So I go over to his living room and turn on his tv and start the Vampire Diaries. About 15 minutes later, I hear him walk out, he turns the corner to the living room, dressed in a red v-neck and some dark jeans.
"What are you watching?" He asks sitting down next to me.
"Vampire Diaries," I reply.
He rolls his eyes,"Seriously Noelle, this is literally your life in a show, excluding the vampires."
"I know, I know," I say smiling as he leans in so our lips meet. I wrap my arms around his neck as we move in sinc.
-I sit down in the bleachers, next to my dad, Malia to the other side of him. I left Jordan's around noon and now I'm at the first official lacrosse game, and I wasn't really expecting them to win. They were playing Davenport Prep, and they kind of suck. The times have changed drastically, I remember not long ago winning the lacrosse championships, now the season is looking bleak.
The first quarter went by badly, worry growing in me upon realizing that neither Scott nor Kira was there, and neither were answering their phones.
Before the first quarter, Stiles came over to us, a worried look on his face, matching mine. He tells us that's he's worried about Scott, so we decide to go try and find him, Malia suggesting she'd stay there in case he comes there. The three of us get in Dad's car,"Where do we even look?" Our Dad asks.
"I already called Melissa and Kira's parents, they haven't seen them either," I say in a worried tone.
"Go to Derek's loft, they had a date there last night," Stiles suggests.
We go to his loft and head upstairs, the door once again left open. There were a bunch of lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling, which was a cute touch by Scott that I advised him. But there was a huge hole in the windows, Derek and Braeden standing in front of it.
"What the hell happened?" Stiles asks when they turn around to look at us.
"It was supposed to be a date," Derek says.
"And they're both gone," Braeden adds.
Stiles' phone rings, and he has a short conversation before hanging up and looking at us nervously,"Kate took them, to Mexico."

Two chapters in one day!! By the way, you guys are great! Thanks for taking the time to read, I hope that you can see my writing improve chapter to chapter, because I feel like it is. Don't forget to comment and vote, and stay tuned for the next chapter, because shit's going down!!!

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