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I woke up the next morning beside you. It was one of my most treasured moments. You were lying next to me, still cuddling me. I smiled as I stared at you and gently stroked your cheek. "I love you, Jaebum." I whispered softly even though you couldn't hear me. I reluctantly pulled away from you and tucked the blanket in around you. I quickly wrote on a sticky note and left it on top of your cell phone before leaving.

I headed down the street and luckily, I knew where I was going. I kept your girlfriend's address because on multiple occasions that is where I would find you. You never knew about this, me visiting your girlfriend after that night, you assumed I went out for coffee or something. As I headed down the street, I came across her recognisable house. I walked up to the front door and quickly knocked on it several times. After a moment, the door opened and revealed the girl. It felt like my blood was boiling, but I'm not the type to take my anger out on anyone, even if they did deserve it.

"What do you want, Youngjae?" She said to me, she was spiteful and her expression was sour as she eyed me up and down.

"For you to apologise to Jaebum and then never go near him again." I deadpanned. She smirked upon hearing my request. She was already irritating me more than I thought she ever could.

"Why?" She asked, trying to act innocent.

"I know what you did and you do too. He's hurt because of you. If you don't have the decency to at least apologise, don't go near him again."

"And what if I do?" She responded. I could see she enjoyed toying with me. Two could play that game.

"I have this." I took out my phone and showed her the picture of her kissing the other guy. It was ironic at that moment because someone, another guy, came down the stairs who noticed our heated argument. He wrapped his arm around her waist and she tried to grab my phone out of my hand, but I took it out of her reach before she had a chance. I had emailed the picture to myself when you gave me your phone before I deleted it. I only wanted it because I wanted her gone. Then I could delete the picture and move on.

"Is this another one?" I glanced at the man and she bit her lip.

"Please leave." She mumbled, glaring at me.

"Not until you promise to stay away from him." I was adamant. I never want to see you as upset as you were. If you were happy at my expense, I was glad. But she would only make you miserable rather than happy. If you wanted to continue your friendship with her, then I'll take back my word. I didn't want her trying to hurt you again.

"Fine, just go." She gave in. I smiled sourly before turning around and leaving. I heard the door close behind me as I walked back home.

When I arrived back at home, you were awake and sat on the couch in the living room. I closed the front door behind me and you looked up at me as I walked in.

"Youngjae." You stood up and hugged me when I came closer. "I'm sorry." You apologised. I knew what was going to come. I was afraid of the next few seconds, afraid of the reality of the words you were going to say.

"I shouldn't have ki-" Before you could finish, I cut you off.

"No. Don't worry. Let's forget it ever happened." I smiled, you returned the smile, but inside I wanted to cry.

My Secret Letters to You ➟ 2JaeWhere stories live. Discover now