Chapter 1~ Cassian

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Our school is just like any other high school. The athletes, the populars, and the nobodies. I fit in two categories, I'm a soccer player and a nobody. I don't mind though. I only need the friends I have. They are K-2SO( it's a nickname, we all forgot his real name), Bodhi Rook, Chirrut Imwe, and Baze Malbus. Most of us have been friends sense middle school. We are juniors in high school. Everyone thought this was going to be a great year. We all had 2 classes together. Our art class and gym class together. Bodhi and I have AP science and math together. I have technology with K2 and English with Chirrut. I also have Churrit and Baze in my history class. This year was going to be great. The juniors have the best teachers. We all planned to stay away from drama and the popular kids. It would be a little harder for me because I played soccer. On the first day of school the plan was set into motion. We made a promise not to include girls into our group because that would cause unwanted drama. That promise broke about a hour into school. Just because of her.

Thanks for reading!!!! Sorry about it being so short. I needed an introduction chapter!I will try and update as soon as possible. I'll go for once a week, twice if I'm bored. Please comment and vote!!! Thank you!


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