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Okay. So I'm so sorry for not updating in the longest time. I have three excuses. One, I just graduated from my middle school and it is really sad for me because my two BFFs/sisters are going to different schools and I am really sad about this. Second, this also has to do with my other friends. We have been having really bad end of the year drama. I'll explain. One girl was basically ignoring us and only taking to boys, and we were really mad about it cause she was our friend, ya know, and we confronted her about it and it turned into a major fight and at one point she made the sweetest, softest cinnamon roll friend in our friend group cry and the she blamed us for it, that made me mad. She then managed to get the entire grade involved. It was just over 50 kids, I went to a catholic school. In the end she apologised but LITERALLY FIVE MINUTES LATER SHE IS IGNORING US AGAIN AND ONLY TALKING TO POPULAR GIRLS AND BOYS!!!!!!!!! So now me and my two closest friends(mentioned at the top) are not good friends with most of our old friends. The girl who ignored us has a twin, she is our goodish friend. She yelled at her sister about this whole thing, but now she is becoming more and more like her sister and it's really annoying and I hate drama so this has stressed me out and I don't like talking to my parents about it cuz I feel like it kinda makes things worse so I talk to two friends about it. And them only. So I'm sorry for venting by now I am really feeling a lot better. I mean like day and night better. Now onto the third reason I haven't updated. I always like having two or three chapters written before I post the chapter so I haven't posted cuz I am having a writers block and I just drawing a blank. It is so annoying and I am sorry. Also I am working on a few other stories right now so I wanna get those up soon so this one might not update for a while. Sorry!! See you (hopefully) soon!!!

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