Chapter 9~ Cassian

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I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at my alarm clock it was 9:37. I picked up my phone. Jyn was calling me.


"Hi. Did I wake you up? I'm sorry." She said a little rushed.

"Yes. Your not really sorry are you?" I said as I sat up knowing she wasn't.

"No. Not at all."

"I knew it."

"I know this is rude but can I come over sometime today?"

"Ya. My aunt won't be home she has to work. I'll text you may address."

"Alright. I'll be over around 11:30. Bye." Then she hung up. I sat up and looked around. I should probably clean. I texted Jyn my address and started to clean. About an two hours later I heard my doorbell ring. I ran over and opened the door.

"Hey Jyn! How are you?"

"Hi. I'm a little better. Thank you for letting me come over."

"Anytime. What do you want to do?" Jyn shrugged. I lead her to the kitchen and we sat at the table, "Why did you come here?"

"Well I trust you. Plus my house is empty. Even with a family of 25 living there."

"Oh. Well I can say it also gets lonely here, too." I said looking at her. She looked sad and like she needed a friend.

"Well it's better to be lonely in a small house than a lonely in a huge house like mine."

"You have a point there."

"Want to go somewhere really fun?" She asked looking me dead in the eye.

"Sure. What do you have in mind?" I asked. We stood up from the table and walked to the front door.

"There is a little part of this town no one knows about. Want to go there?"

"Sure. Why not!" We walked outside. In my driveway was a motorcycle, "You came in a motorcycle. I didn't even know you knew how to drive one!"

"Ya. My first car I got was a motorcycle. Sadly, it broke. My parents just got this for me. Want a ride?" She asked getting on.

"Is it safe?" I asked.

"Trust goes both ways." She simply said. I got on and put on a helmet. She knew I was going to ride so she brought one. She pulled out and started driving. I grabbed her waist so I wouldn't fall off. We drove for about 30 minutes, then we parked.

"Come on!"Jyn yelled as she ran into the woods. I followed her. We ran for a while. I have to say she is fast. Then she stopped. I stopped next to her. We looked out onto a smallish lake.

"Wow!" I said. That was all I could say. She laughed.

"Ready for the best part?" She asked. I didn't even answer when she ran to a nearby tree and climbed it. On one of the branches she untied a rope. It fell until it was about a foot off the ground. She jumped off the tree and started to take off her shoes.

"What are you doing."

"I don't want to get my jacket, shoes, or socks wet." She said as she stood up. She ran to the rope and pulled back the rope. She jumped in it and swung. I smiled as she fell into the water. Took my shoes, jacket and shirt off, placing them next to her things. I took the rope and jumped. I let go when I was over the lake. I fell into the water with a splash. Jyn was a few feet away with a small smile on her face. I believe it is my first time seeing her smile like that. Smile a real smile. I swam over and we talked. Talked for a long time about anything and everything. After an hour we were sitting next to the lake because we were getting cold. More like I was freezing! My phone started to ring. It was my aunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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