Chapter 7~ Jyn

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I woke up late that morning. I wonder what we are going to do today. I walked downstairs, and ladder, to go eat breakfast. On the counter was a simple box with a bow on it. I opened it. On the inside was a letter. It was my mother's handwriting.
It read:
Dear Jyn,
This is a note telling you where to go. Head to the garage. In the farthest corner is something new, something for you. There is a clue to where we will meet you and start our day!
                                                                 Love, Mom & Dad

I followed the instructions and headed to the farthest corner of the garage. There I saw a new motorcycle. I've been needing one. My current one won't start. And sure enough tied to the handles is a note.
It read:
Dear Jyn,
We hope you like your new motorcycle. Please meet us at the Downtown Art Museum. We will see you soon.
                                                               Love, Mom & Dad

I quickly got on the motorcycle and drove to the museum. Waiting outside were my parents. I went and parked. As I walked up to them they handed me a hazelnut mocha. Once we were inside I was sent to the gift shop while the checked in for something. I hadn't the foggiest idea why we were there. I went back out to them. They handed me a ticket. It was for the Lord of the Rings costume exhibit.

"We thought you would like to see it. You do love Lord of the Rings." My dad said a small smile on his face.

"Let's go!" My mom said as she grabbed my dad's hand. We walked up the stairs and got in line to get in. Once we got in my joy began. We saw every costume from all the films.

"OMG!" I yelled, "It's Legolas's costume! I'm in love!" I instantly started taking pictures. Legolas is my favorite character. He is just so perfect! My parents started laughing at me. In a kind way. They knew it was coming. As we went through the rooms that were filled with costumes. About 2 hours later we had finally entered the gift shop.

"We will get you two things, the rest, you buy yourself." My dad said. I nodded. My parents smiled and walked around. I got a backpack with a Lord of the Rings pattern on it. I also got two posters. One had just Legolas on it. The other had Aragorn on it. We walked around the rest of the museum. Once we were done it was almost 5:30.

"What about dinner?" My mom asked as we walked to our cars.

"Dinner sounds amazing! Where should we go?" I asked sitting on my bike's seat.

"How about The Old Spaghetti Factory?" My dad asked. I nodded. It took me about 30 minutes to get there because of traffic. Then it took 15 minutes for me to find a place to park. Once I found my parents, we went inside and got a room in the private dinning hall. This is a famous restaurant, they need a place for celebrities when they eat there. The owners don't want them to be swarmed by fans. We all ordered and were waiting for our food when my dad asked, "What was your favorite part of the day, Jyn?"

"All of it. It has been too long since the last time we spent a whole day together. Let's do it again. I've had so much fun." I said as our food arrived.

"Don't worry. We will. Soon!" My mom said. We ate dinner as we talked about everything. Mostly family and my friends from school. I can't wait to do this again. I would do it again in a heartbeat, "Let's head home. We can have desert at the house. We will have Maggie make us some popcorn. The best kind." We all stood up and grabbed our things. Then we heard someone load a gun.

"Turn around and don't move," the voice was raspy and threatening I looked at my mom she looked at me and nodded. We did what we were told to do. Then the man said, "I know who you are Galen Erso. I know you own Stardust. And now. Say. Goodbye!" He laughs mechanically and pulled the trigger. I yelled and my mom pushed my dad out of the way. She got shot. She saved my dad's life.

"Lyra!" My dad screamed as he grabbed her falling limp body. He crumbled to the ground, my mother in his arms.

"Mom!" I yelled as my dad fell to the ground with her. I ran to him. She smiled up at me and mouthed ' I love you, I always will' I cried. The guards broke through the locked door and grabbed the man who shot my mom. An ambulance soon got there and they took her to a hospital. I hugged my dad. He hugged back. There were tears dripping off our faces. Blood, my mother's blood, was coating my dad's hands. Ten minutes later we were in the hospital waiting room. We sat in silence. My mothers assistant was there sitting next to me holding my hand.

After a few minutes a doctor came to us. He said, "She is gone. I am sorry. She died before she was even put in the ambulance. We tried, and did everything we could to keep her on this earth. I am truly sorry." We walked into her hospital room. On the bed we saw he lifeless body. We cried and headed home. Dad drove my to my motorcycle and I drove it home. Crying all the way. A few hours later we were sitting in the living room. Tissues all around us. He had a cup of coffee. I had a cup of hot chocolate. Both had gone cold long long ago.

"Now what?" I asked after I had finally found my voice.

"I... I just don't know. I'm sorry Jyn. I just have no idea what will happen." He said voice shaking. Then he looked up at me, "you should get some sleep. I won't be here in the morning. I'll be at work. Your mother's office needs to be cleaned out."

"Ok. Good night. I'll see you soon." I went to my room and looked at the things she gave me over our short time together. I changed into my pajamas and played with my necklace, the family heirloom. I looked at the mirror and cried. I got in bed and stayed up for hours. I just want my mom back. That is all I want. Just one more day like this one. One last day. Together. Now. That will never happen.


Hey y'all!! Im back for good! I will try to update twice this week, but I don't know if that will happen. If it doesn't I will update once a week!!! Please vote and comment!!!!!!!!!!


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