Chapter 6~ Jyn

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Friday arrived slowly. I also have my art elective with the others. I don't really want them to know that I am good at any form of art, not just painting. We only learned what we are learning this year. Both days. Cassian, K2 and I were sitting in the back of our last class of the week. I don't even know what class it is. I'm half asleep. Then the bell rings. THANK THE MAKER! We all stand up and leave as fast as possible and leave the classroom. We race to our lockers. I won. We pack up and head to the parking lot. We decided that K2 and Cassian would ride together. Churrit and Baze in a car. Bodhi would ride with me. In the car we have the Lord of the Rings soundtrack blaring. Once we get there we all get out of our cars.

"So, Jyn have you ever done bowling the rouge style?" Bodhi asked as we walked to our bowling alley.

"Umm. No. How do I bowl rouge style?"

"It's easy really" Chirrut said.

"You simply." Baze said.

"Just bowl." Said Cassian a little annoyed.

"Incorrectly." K2 said.

"Let me guess. You practiced that for years and this is the first time you have ever said it to anyone." I said tapping my foot, arms crossed. They all nodded, "you are all idiots. What a wast of time."

"See she agrees with me!" Cassian yelled at them.

"Bowling incorrectly is just not doing it the way you're supposed to do it." I asked as I sat down in a chair. They nodded.

Then we started to bowl. Halfway through bowling a song I love came one. Kelly Clarkson's song heartbeat song. I immediately started singing. K2 noticed and joined in. We were singing at the top of our lungs. Good thing there were no other people there besides us and the people that worked there. We sang every song and decided to be really annoying. When we finished, I had won. They were all disappointed. I laughed. Then I got a text from my mom.

Mom: Come home. Now. We need to talk to you about something.
Jyn: I'll be home soon. Am I in trouble?
Mom: You won't be if you get home before your father.
Jyn:We just finished bowling. I'll be home in 15 minutes. Maybe 20.
Mom: Good. If they ask if you can do something tomorrow. You can't I'll explain when you get home. See you soon.

"Well I have to get home. I'll see you guys Monday." I said as we leave the bowling alley. I get in my truck and get home as quick as possible. I get home and I don't see my dad's car anywhere. I walked in side, then to the kitchen. To see my mom and Maggie talking.

"Jyn! I want to talk to you about something important. Let's go to the office."

"What is it mom?" I asked when we got into the office and the door closed.

"Just a few things. First, I am sorry. Your father and I aren't home often you know we love you and wish we could stay home with you right?" I nodded, "Well this weekend we are going to do a family weekend. Tonight you and I are going to go to the mall. Don't refuse. I will by you anything you want from the sporty stores. It will be fun. Go change quick!" She said I stood up smiling and went to change.

~Time Skip- they are now at the mall~

We were shopping at the Nike store. I got a new soccer ball, cleats for the field in my basement, and new running shoes. Then we went to the Disney store. My mom got me more stuffed animals, that I did not need. I already have to many. Then the Lego store. We each made a character. After a hour of shopping we decided to eat dinner. We had Panda Express. It was so good. I will now have to work out. This is so bad for me, yet it was so good!

"Jyn, I have a gift for you. I don't know if you will like it or not, but I thought you would like it."

"Alright, what is it?" She handed me a small box. I opened it. Inside was a beautiful necklace with a crystal attached to it, "Oh my gosh! Mom this is beautiful, where did you get it?"

"It is our family's heirloom. It has been in our family for just about 8 generations, you are old enough to receive it. I received it when I was 10, my mother gave it do me, just before she died. Enough about that. Let's put it on." I pulled my hair up and she clasped the necklace around my neck.

"Thank you so much. I will give it to my daughter someday."

"We should go to the candy store. I haven't been there since you were 6! I need some candy!" We grabbed our things and headed to the best candy store ever. We ended up spending more money there then we did at the other stores. Combined. We drove home laughing and remembering things from when I was younger and when she was a little girl. When we got home my dad has home. I haven't seen him in weeks!

"Dad!" I yelled and dropped my bags and ran to him. I hugged him. He hugged me back.

"Hello my little star. Ready for this epic weekend? Just the three of us. No business will interrupt us. I see you got some new things from the mall. Ooo, and candy!" He said as he went to hug my mom.

"That is our candy. We got you your own bag. Don't worry!" I laughed. Then we all started laughing. I heading to bed, so we can do more tomorrow!" I said as I ran upstairs to the ladder it was going to take a few trips to get all my stuff to my room. I was right. It took me 15 minutes. The dumbwaiter is not very big. I went right to bed wondering what tomorrow held in store for me.


Hey everyone! I hoped you liked it. Sorry for the long wait, I a, Catholic and I gave up wattpad for lent, it is Sunday so I can update. Hopefully I find time next Sunday to post. I will try. Please comment and vote. Let me know if there are any spelling mistakes! Until next time!


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