Chapter 3~ Jyn

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I followed Mr. Skywalker to his office. When we got there he sat at his desk, I sat in one of the chairs opposite him. My books in the other chair.

"Really? One your first day of school? Can you not fight someone for once?" He asked holding the bridge of his nose then looking at me.

"Sorry... but he deserved it!" I said, a little angry that I was getting in trouble for this.

"How did he deserve it?" He asked a becoming a little more interested in what was going on.

"He grabbed me."


"Do you think I would of punched him if he grabbed my arm, sir?" I said straight faced.

"Okay then, I will talk to him. Oh and tell your dad I said 'hello'"

"Will do Anakin!" I said as I stood up, grabbed my things, and started towards the door.

"Two things. One you need a hall pass. Two, we are at a school, you have to call me Mr. Skywalker. Not Anakin. Is that clear?" He said as he wrote down my hall pass.

"Crystal," I said taking the piece of paper he handed me, "Oh! My dad was wondering if you and Mrs. Skywalker would like to join my mom and him for a fancy dinner. I'll watch Luke and Leia, of course!"

"I'll talk to Padmé. We need a break from the twins!" He said sitting back down. "I'll talk to your father. I better not be seeing you in here again this week."

"Haha! You know I can't make any promises!" I walked out of his office, I was 20 minutes late to class. Shoot! Good thing I know where the class room is. When I get there the teacher Mr. Krennic is yelling at a student who was being disruptive. He stops and looks and me.

He said, "Why are you late?"

"I was in the principal's office." I said handing him my hall pass. He used to work with my dad until my dad quit and started his own company.

"Your just like your father Ms. Erso. Lazy, disrespectful, and a nuisance.  Go sit down before I send you back to Mr. Skywalker's office." He said. I was laughing in my mind knowing that my dad was the one that started his own company and is now a multi millionaire. His company is the reason NASA is still around.

"Ok." The only open seat just so happens to be next to Cassian Andor. The only person I have met today. He is whispering to his friend when I sit down.

"Hey Jyn." He says, "I would like you to meet one of my greatest friends Bodhi Rook. Bodhi I would like you to meet my new friend Jyn Erso."

"Who said I was your friend?" I asked. I don't make friends. Most only become friends with me because my dad has a lot of money. That is why I tend to not talk about my family.

"He did. Nice to meet you Jyn." Bodhi said holding out his hand for me to shake. I shook it then winced a little.

"You winced what's wrong?" Asked Cassian. He looked me dead in the eye. His eyes were filled with worry. We just met.

"It's just bruised. That's all."

Bodhi looked over and asked, "From when you punched Count Dooku? That is what we call Christopher Lee. It is an inside joke. He is the school bully."

"Quite in the back!" Yelled Mr. Krennic, then he went back to talking about what we were going to learn this year. I already knew most of it. This was going to be an easy class. At the end of class all three of us collected or things and left the classroom.

"So Jyn. What is your elective today?" Asked Bodhi as he opened his locker which was one locker down from Cassian's. Mine was next to Cassian's.

"Gym. You?" I asked as I grabbed my gym bag with my clothes inside.

"Same" Cassian and Bodhi said closing their lockers, bags slung over their shoulders. We walked to the locker rooms and I walked straight in to the girls. There I changed into my sports crop top and matching Nike shorts. I tied my old running shoes and put my bag in a locker and locked it with my lock I had brought with me. There were other girls that stared at me and gossiped about stupid things I didn't care about. I then walked out after a few other girls. I then see Cassian and Bodhi by the pull up bars with three other boys. More friends I presume. I jog over to them.

"Oh hey! Jyn! I'd like you to meet my other friends Baze Malbus, K2, it's just a nickname, and Chirrut Imwe who is blind. Guys this is Jyn Erso." Cassian said point to all of the as he said their names. Then Cassian started talking again, "every gym class we do a pull up competition. Want to try?"

"Ya. What's the record?" I asked.

"It's 37. Made by Cassian and Baze. They tied." Chirrut said to me.

"Ok. I am going to beat it."

"I wish you good luck. It's not going to happen," said K2, "no one has done it. Only one person at this school. He left last year. He got 38."

"Here I go." I said I jumped up and grabbed the bar pulling my self up. I got to 30 with no problems. It slowly got harder and harder. At this point there was a small group around us. I got to 37. Then 38. I kept going. I got to 45 and the gym teacher was by us. My last pull up was 51. I dropped to the ground. People were staring at me like I had three heads. I looked at them and asked, "What? Haven't you seen a girl do 51 pull ups before?" I made sure to add sarcasm in my voice. Then the gym teacher said its was free time since it was only the first day of school.

"How?" Cassian asked when I went to get water.

"I am small. I have a lot of upper body strength. I have to do 100 a day. 50 in the morning. 50 before I go to bed. Simple as that."

"Are you a gymnast?" He asked. As we walked back to the group.

"No. I just want to join the army when I'm older." I said. He looked at me a little surprised. After gym I put regular clothes on and went to my locker. The day slowly dragged on I sat with my new friends at lunch. I learned something new about all of them. After that the day was boring. Turns out Cassian, and at least 1 friend is in every one of my classes. Finally the final bell rang and we all went to our lockers to pack up. So far we had no homework. I said my goodbyes. We exchanged phone numbers and I walked to my old beat up truck that was my dad's when he was my age and drove home.


Hey everyone! This is a longer chapter! It took a while to write!!! The next couple chapters are going to shorter than this one. Those two I will try and get up within a week.

OMG OMG! They released the name for Star Wars episode 8! It is called: Star Wars: The Last Jedi

OMG OMG! They released the name for Star Wars episode 8! It is called: Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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I can't wait!!!! This means the trailer will be out soon!!!!!!

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