Chapter 4~ Jyn

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When I got home I yelled at the top of my lungs to my mother that I was home. I have a huge house. The entrance is huge. You look up and there is a loft. One of my favorite places. That is the place where I play video games and do my homework. The stairs leading up is a huge spiral staircase. To my left is another staircase. It leads to the basement where I do my fitness training. It also has a soccer field and an indoor swimming pool with a "water slide" and hot tub. Also I have my movie theater down there. Up stairs was her parents room and the guest bedrooms. All 8 of them. On the third floor/ the attic is my room. Half of the attic is my privet kitchen and my mini art studio. On the main floor is our living room, kitchen, and dinning hall. I saw hall. Not room, the place is huge!

"How was school sweetheart?" My mom asked from the loft, which was connected to the office that she shares with my dad.

"It was fine mom. Where is Maggie?" I asked. Maggie is our head maid. She makes the best popcorn ever.

"She is in a the kitchen."

"Alright thank you." I yelled at her. I ran to the kitchen. There was Maggie. Already making popcorn for me.

"How was school Jyn?" Maggie asked. Handing me a bowl of popcorn.

"It was fine. I found out I hate my science teacher and I need some ice." I said slightly muttering the last part.

"Oh lord. Who did you punch this time? And on the first day of school, too." She said hands on her hips.

"Ok, ok, I shouldn't of done it but he really did deserve it. I don't want to talk about why. I already did one to many times to day." I said as she grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer.

"Here you go. Go do something productive." She yelled as I ran to the stairs, popcorn and ice pack in hand. I ran up the stairs to the loft. There I move the moveable book case to reveal the ladder to my room. I put my popcorn and ice pack on the dumbwaiter and sent it up to my room. I climbed the ladder and walked down the short hall to my door. I opened my door that lead to my room. And pulled out my things from the dumbwaiter. I set all my stuff down and went to my art studio. As soon as I am done setting up my paints, brushes, and easel when I hear my phone buzz.

Cassian: Hey Jyn! We were wondering if ur free Friday after school?
Jyn: I should be. Why?
Cassian: We r going bowling. Want 2 join?
Jyn: Sure. Why not!
Cassian: Great! C u tomorrow!!
Jyn: K. Bye
Cassian: Bye!

I finished texting and put my phone on my table and played my favorite song. It is by Ella Collier called I'm Gonna. I painted a simple sunset and the silhouette of a tree. When I finished I had paint all over my hands and face. I went to wash my hands and I was called down to dinner. It was just me and my mom. Dad was out of town this week. After dinner I went to bed. Already ready for this week to be over.
It's only Monday.

Hey everyone! I hoped you liked it! I love the song attached! It is by Ella Collier. I do not own it! She does!!! The next chapter will be about this long! Let me know if you see any spelling mistakes! Please comment and vote!!


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