Chapter 5~ Cassian

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I see Jyn get in her beat up old truck and drive away. K2 got in my car. We drove in silence of about 3 minutes. Then he asked me a question I wasn't expecting.

"Do you like Jyn?" He was looking right at me. He had no playfulness in his eyes. He was dead serious.

"Why? Do you think I do?" I asked stopping at the light.

"If I didn't think you did why would I ask," he said, "plus. I can see it in your eyes when you look at her. In the one class where she had to sit in front of us you weren't even paying attention. Just staring at the back of her head."

"Ok I get it. I think she is pretty. I'm not entirely sure if it is a crush though." I said as I turned into hugs neighborhood.

"You should invite her to our bowling on Friday. I doubt anyone would care. I mean. We all like her enough to invite her into the group."

"I'll ask everyone one else. Now get out of my car. You can't tell anyone about our conversation though." I said as he got his bag and got out of my car. He gave me a thumbs up. I drove away.

When I opened my door I yelled to my aunt I was home. I knew she was in the kitchen making her food for her shift. She works at the hospital, she usually has the night shift.

"Hi Cas, how was school. Did you make any new friends?" She asked as she finish packing her dinner.

"Hi, Aunt Grace. School was the same as always. Boring. And I surprisingly did make a new friend. Her name is Jyn." I said as I put my backpack on a chair in the "dining" room.

"Oh! A girl! Is she your girlfriend?" She asked leaning on the counter top. I sat in a chair.

"No, she isn't. Just a friend. I'm going to work on my sketches. Let me know when you are leaving." I said as I walked to my room. I grabbed my sketchbook and charcoal pencils and drew a tree with the sun setting behind it. Then my aunt came in to say goodbye. Then she left. I texted everyone, they all said yes to Jyn going bowling with us. So I texted her.

Cassian: Hey Jyn! We were wondering if ur free Friday after school?
Jyn: I should be. Why?
Cassian: We r going bowling. Want 2 join?
Jyn: Sure. Why not!
Cassian: Great! C u tomorrow!!
Jyn: K. Bye
Cassian: Bye!

Yes she was coming. I looked out the window of my small room. All I could think about was the color of her eyes. The were silvery blue. I loved them. Then I realized that I haven't seen her smile. I went to the living room to watch the news. There was something on about the owner of Stardust. The biggest company, they make all electronics and help NASA with space missions. Apparently he has a daughter. The family stays hidden from cameras. It is very rare that someone gets a picture of them. I then ate dinner. Not much, just a sandwich. Then I went to bed. Waiting for Friday. The first bowling day of the year. One day at a time I guess.


Hey! I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if there are any spelling mistakes! The next chapter I promise will be longer. I don't know when I will update. It will be soon though! Don't forget to comment and vote!!


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