Chapter 2~ Cassian

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We were all at our lockers, which were conveniently next to each other. There was one locker next to mine before the wall stopped. I wondered who's locker it was. I had all my books for the next class. Science. Yay! Note the sarcasm. I closed my locker and heard someone yell in pain. K2 looked at me then to a small circle on the other side of the hall. All of us walked over and saw a girl we had never seen before, except Chirrut who was in fact blind and has never seen any one in his life, standing over the bully of the school, Christopher Lee, Christopher was on the ground holding his nose, blood slowly becoming visible on his hands.

"Touch me again and I will break more than just your nose," the girl pushed through the crowed towards our row of lockers stopping at the one next to my locker. O boy. That is all I can think. I turn to my friends. The have the same look I do. It's mix between we like this girl and we are screwed.

"We should be friends with her," was the only thing Baze said to us.

"Who's going to be the introducer?," Churrit asked, "I can't I honestly have no idea where she is."

"Good point, I don't want to because I don't want a broken nose," said K2, " I vote Cassian does it. He's the nicest here."

"Wait what I didn't know we were voting!" I half yelled.

"We all kind of think you should do it," said Baze.

"What about Bodhi?!?! Why do I have to do it?" I say as I point at Bodhi, "He is nice."

"Hey now, your the charming one, I'm not. Out of all of us you have the most charm," Bodhi said. Everyone nodded.

"Fine. It's just because you guys don't want a broken nose isn't it?" I asked knowing perfectly well that it was.

"Ya..." they all said at once rather quietly, except Chirrut, who said, 'no I am blind' that got us laughing.

"Here I go. If I break my nose each of you owe me $20. Deal?" I asked slowly backing away from them. I got dirty looks than nods. I turned and walked to her. She had her locker open and was looking down at her hand flattening it then making a fist. When I got closer I noticed her hand was tinted purple, black, and blue. Her fingers had smudges of blood on them. I also noticed her hair is a deep brown that has a slight waviness to it. Her hair is up, but I can tell it is short due to it falling out of her hair tie.

"Hey," I said as I approached her. I decided that I would open my locker too, I really did leave my 1 pencil in my locker. I already lost 2 on the way to school.

She looked at with an annoyed look and said, "What do you want?"

"Just that it is cool what you did back there. No one has ever stood up Christopher before, especially not a new kid," she didn't look impressed. She went back to her locker and grabbed her things, closed her locker and leaned against it, " I was wondering what your name is?"

"Why should I tell you my name," she said rubbing the flakes of blood off her hand.

"I just wanted you to, hopefully, make a friend one your first day of school, that's all nothing more."

"Tell me your name first. How about that?" She asked putting her foot on her locker.

"Ok, I'm Cassian Andor. It is wonderful to meet you," I said with a smile.

"I'm..." she started.

"JYN ERSO!" The principal yelled down the hall. He was angry. He walked over to us. Jyn's face still showed no emotion, "My office. Now."

"Yes sir," she said with sarcasm and attitude dripping off every word. He walked away. "See you later Andor." She said and followed Mr. Skywalker. I walked back to my friends.

"I found out her name and that's it. Oh, and she is an expert when it comes to attitude and sarcasm."

"Good to know, it's not like we didn't hear Darth Vader yell it down the hallway!" K2 said. I've already had too much sarcasm to last me a life time today. We call Mr. Skywalker, Darth Vader because he is supposedly very mean and gives out harsh punishments. I feel bad for Jyn. We were about to continue talking when the bell rang.

"See ya later guys!" I said and turns to Bodih saying, "Ready for AP science?"

"No, Mr. Krennic is the worst teacher every!"

"Let's go," I said and we headed to the science class room.


Hey everyone!!!!!! I hoped you liked it I will try and update as soon as possible!!! I don't know when that will be! If there are any spelling errors let me know! I will make sure to fix it! Thank you! Please make sure to vote and comment!!


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