Chapter 7: The Trial

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We get to the court. I was shaking, absolutely terrified about what could be lying ahead for my best friend. Brian noticed my fear and he grabbed my hand, telling me that it was okay. As we walked in, I saw Rebecca already there. She looked terrified, which broke my heart.

Here we go. Just hold on, Becca. It'll be okay.

We get started. First, Morgan was called up to say her side of the story.

"Well, me and Nate were just being us, and then all of a sudden, Rebecca shows up and just starts threatening us! Recently, she just broke up with Nate for Tyler, who is also in the room. I think that Rebecca just wanted to kill Nate for dating me back a year or so ago instead of her," Morgan lied. Oh, did she twist that story. I saw Rebecca's jaw drop.

Brian saw me tense up with anger, and he placed a hand on my shoulder to calm me down. I looked over at him and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"It's okay," he whispered to me. I nodded.

"So then, she just shoots Nate, and she has Taylor and Brian jump me!" Morgan finished.

"So you're saying she had no reason to shoot Nate other than anger?" The judge asked us.

"Yes. It was out of her anger. She had no reason to jump us."

The judge then calls Tyler up. As Morgan walks past me, she smirked evilly and laughed a little. I almost jumped out of my seat at her, but Brian kept me calm.

"There's more of us than of her. Just think of that for a second. It'll be okay, baby girl. Just stay calm please," he convinced me. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. Tyler started his side.

"I don't know much of what happened to Morgan, the others didn't have much time to tell me. Anyway, I was taken by Nate and Morgan, a main detail she decided to leave out. Nate took me somewhere, without Morgan there. She was I guess a distraction to the other three: Brian, Taylor, and Rebecca. Anyway, Nate got in several fights with me. I don't know about Morgan. I can tell you this. Rebecca acted out of self defense. Nate was holding a gun, up and ready to shoot. She shot out of self defense. I'm not just saying this because she's my girlfriend. I'm saying it because it's the truth. Just because I didn't say that Morgan was in on any of this, doesn't mean a thing, because she was working with the man behind it all: Nate," Tyler explained.

You could tell he was telling the truth about the fights, he had bruises and cuts in a few places. I just hope the judge is convinced. He sat down and Brian got called up next.

"Good luck," I whispered. He smiled.

"So, Rebecca wakes us, me and Taylor, up saying that Tyler wasn't there. He never leaves without saying anything either. So we check around, and find a note with an address on it. We follow the note to the address. As we were going inside, we heard a gun click and turned around to see Morgan. She was pointing a loaded gun at us. The only reason we jumped her is because she was about to shoot one of us. She did shoot Taylor, she's still recovering from that, obviously. Once she can leave the hospital, Taylor and I go to meet Rebecca and get Tyler. Once we get there, we see Tyler, but Nate was behind him holding a gun. He threatened to shoot Tyler if Rebecca didn't do what she wanted, which was to break up with Tyler for him. Rebecca did shoot Nate. But it was to save Tyler's, or one of our lives," Brian explained.

He made it sound believable, in my opinion. That's the good part. I was next, and I was terrified. I did have the evidence though.

"Before we start, your honor, I have evidence to what Brian said. I'll play it when we get there," I started. "I woke up to Rebecca freaking out because she didn't know where Tyler was. We looked for something possibly saying where he is, and found a note scrawled down. We go to the address scrawled on the paper, and find Morgan there. She was pointing a gun at us, loaded. We jumped Morgan, and in the process, she shot me in the shoulder, as proven by the wound." I pulled my shirt sleeve down and proved that I got shot in the shoulder.

"So, I woke up at the hospital and Brian explained what happened to me. We get an address of where Nate and Tyler are, and send that to Rebecca. She decided she would meet us there once I could leave. Brian and I left, and then went there to meet her. We got there, and I saw Rebecca standing in the doorway holding a gun. We get beside her and I see Nate also holding a gun, but pointed at Tyler. Nate threatened to shoot Tyler if Rebecca didn't do as he asked," I explained. "To go with this, I found a recording on Rebecca's phone of Nate threatening Tyler and us."

I pulled out her phone and pulled up the recording. I played it for everyone, and several people gasped. The recording finished at the point where Rebecca shot Nate.

I sat down, and then it was Rebecca's turn.

Here we go. Let's hope the judge is convinced after this!

Hey guys! This is going to be a two or maybe 3 part chapter. Rebecca is going to tell her side of the story in Part 2, and the verdict will either be part 2 also or part 3. I'm not sure yet but you'll find out soon!! Love you all, thanks for almost 200 reads. That is amazing to me. Thanks for reading, bye!!

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