Chapter 17: Hello Again

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We woke up earlier than usual. Early enough to get ourselves prepared for what was to come later today. There really wasn't anything we could do but sit around and wait for the text from David. I wasn't entirely sure how we could get ready, it's not like we're literally going to war, it's just a fight with a jealous fan. Tyler had been acting strange recently, I didn't question it. Maybe he was just nervous.

I was watching The Walking Dead with Rebecca when my phone vibrated on the table.

David: you guys ready? She's headed your way. And she's not alone. She's got 4 or 5 others with her. You'll be fine

"Brian!! Tyler!!" I shouted to them.

They ran in, the same concerned look on both their faces. I nodded, telling them it was time. We texted, well, called Luke and Bethany and told them- our exact words- to get their asses out there and get David. We waited while reassuring each other it would be okay. I opened it cautiously.

"I hate you both, you know that? You scared the shit out of me!" I exclaimed when I opened the door to Luke and Bethany.

They laughed a short amount of time and then they sat down with us.

"David is out back. He's hiding. Once Nicole gets here, he's going to call the police before he sneaks up on her and stops her from whatever she's going to do. We were trying to stay calm when we heard a loud knocking on the door.

(Be prepared for Walking Dead references left and right. Don't judge me)

A guy I had never seen before walked in. He looked like Carl Grimes from the Walking Dead, but with both eyes. The longer hair is what made me think Carl instantly. I have to say, he was kind of attractive.

No. This is about not losing Brian to a jealous fan.

"Don't think I'm here to save your asses, I'm doing my job. Line up," he said. I didn't want to say this, but I liked him.

He looked at me, but not an evil look, or an "I love you" look. It was almost... Friendly. Sympathetic. As if he knows me. Brian wrapped his arm around me and whispered "you're mine". Not in a yandere way, just a loving reminder.

We lined up as he told us to, but I kept feeling him look at me. Why would he be looking at me this much? Do I know him from somewhere?

It couldn't be from school, Bethany and Rebecca would recognize him. Unless maybe they wouldn't. They have as bad a memory as I do. I dropped the idea and focused on the task at hand. Not dying to the hands of an obsessed fan. A few minutes later, 2 girls and 2 guys came in. I had never seen them before. I know I've seen the one before, but I've never seen these 4.

"Oh yeah. Get yourselves acquainted. I'm Gavin. These are Alli, Sean, Mark, and Sarah," Gavin stated. I remembered.

"Gavin...," I said under my breath. He looked at me and knew I remembered him.

He was one of my best friends in school. I couldn't believe he would help that bitch....

"Sorry," he whispered loud enough for only me to hear. I nodded, knowing it had to be done I guess.

Eventually after I tried to question why he would do this, Sean spoke up.

"She's here."

Also, not to mention the fact that these guys barge into our house and act like we're prisoners or slaves here.... That's messed up all on its own.

Nicole walked in, an evil smirk on her face.

"Pissing our pants yet? Boy do I have a feeling we're getting close," Nicole taunted.

That bitch.... Negan quotes? Really?? What's next? Torture me by locking me in a dark cell playing Easy Street?! Killing my friends to break me?

I looked down the line of us and I saw Tyler looking absolutely terrified. I wanted to ask what was wrong just so I would know. But I couldn't. Nicole answered the question before I could even ask it.

"Hello again, Tyler."

I apologize for all The Walking Dead references. I just feel in a Walking Dead mood.... I already have the next two or three chapters planned. No one will die, I can assure you that. Someone may get shot, but no one will die. Thanks for reading! Bye!!

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