Chapter 11: I Need You

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Before we start, I just want to thank everyone who reads. I reached 460 reads when I checked earlier today, and I passed Beccaplier2004 who has written her book longer than I've had this one. Thanks everyone! Into the story!

Brian's POV

A few days had passed. The police had gone around trying to track her, but found nothing. Rebecca and Tyler never left my side, knowing what would happen if they did. The police told us not to go crazy on a rescue mission, despite my rant about it. Those two keep me from doing said stupid thing.

"Our time apart, like knives in my heart. I can't believe I let this happen," I stated in the silence. Rebecca walked over and sat beside me.

"I've known her for almost as long as you, maybe not quite as long. She won't let anything happen. She's a strong person. She's punched the wall more times than I can count. She knows pain, trust me. She's been through hell. You remember those days," Rebecca mentioned. I briefly smiled, remembering how I was always the one she talked to

(Okay. I'm making BK sound like a friend, Gavin, now. That's not good. "The one I always talk to."... I'll go now...)

"Why will they not let me go after her? She's my girlfriend! Actually, she's my fiance!!" I yell. Not directed at her, but just overall.

"Because it's not safe. Trust me if there was anything we could do, I would be right beside you. We can't do anything though. It's too risky," Tyler suddenly said.

"I can't just sit here while she's who knows where with who knows what happening to her! She could be dead for all I know," I sadly stated. I put my head in my hands, hiding the tears falling. Rebecca put her hand on my shoulder.

"We'll find her, man. It'll be alright," she assured me. I looked at her, with a slight smile.

"I believe you."

Taylor's POV

I woke up in a dark room. All I remember is being at the restaurant and BK proposing- wait.

Where the hell am I? Brian isn't here. I have a bandage wrapped around my forearm. I'm not with Brian and the others.

The door opened, and a bright light shined on me. I hid my head due to the light. I heard two voices: one male, one female.

"You're awake, I see?" The man said. "What do you remember from that night?"

"That night? How long has it been??" I questioned.

"Three days. You've been in and out, but not enough to remember any of the past few days. Just tell us what you remember!" The female demanded.

"All I remember is being at the restaurant with Brian, Rebecca and Tyler. Then I remember Brian proposed, and I went to the bathroom but that's all I remember. Where am I? Who are you?" I interrogated.

"You're not with them, and may never be again," the male said with a smirk on his face. "My name is David. This is Nicole."

What does he mean I'll never be with them again? I don't question it, because I don't have time before I get kicked in the side.

"What was that for?" I quietly asked.

"Brian Kelley is mine. He is not yours. He never will be," Nicole said before having David punch me in the stomach. "This is for making him fall for you."

"I didn't make him do anything! He made the choice, not me!" I shout. I then flinch, mentally preparing me for the slap that never came. Just kidding!

"You got in his head. We all know you are in love with him, and you have been. But he's mine. So you can hand the ring over to me now," Nicole replied.

I shake my head. They shrug with a quiet "suit yourself" and then leave the dark room. I wrap my arms around my legs and look up at the ceiling.

I can only think of one song. One specific line keeps running through my head.

I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go. Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore.

"I need you, Brian."

Bethany's POV

I couldn't move. I just stayed where I was on the floor. I heard about what happened to my best friend. Brian was broken from what Rebecca told me. Luke wants to go see them, but I can't. I can't go and not see Taylor there with him. I need to find her. I know how she gets without the ones she loves. She starts getting depressed. If she does anything he'll be broken.

Tonight, we're taking that address and we're going to find her. Whether Rebecca and Tyler come or not, we're getting Taylor back.

Whether you know the song or not, the only reason I referenced the song is because I was listening to it while writing. The italics is the song. It seemed like a good song for this chapter. Anyway, thanks for reading. Bye!

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