Chapter Five- The Shop

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Ben paced back in forth inside the office. "Don't worry... in twenty minutes everything will be okay" Hux said patting his back.

"Hux... Snoke hasn't emailed at all... I need that fucking email" he slammed his fist on the desk.

"Chill... this movie is gonna make you even a bigger millionaire, you'll have everything you ever wanted" Hux told his friend "money, femme, cars ... women" he smirked.

"Okay... I just need to distract myself" he said and took a deep breath.

"How was your news year pal?" The Ginger asked.

"Good... I met this girl... she was really nice" Ben told Hux.

"Anything ... Happen?" Hux asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes" Ben smiled "she left in the middle of the night, didn't even let me buy her breakfast... woke up and she was gone"

"Hmm... you sure it was a woman and not your right hand ," Hux smiled. Ben smacked his arm and they both laughed.

To: Ben Solo, A.Hux , Mitaka, Phasma
Re: First Order Film
Subject: Commercials
From: Snokeproductions

Lady and gentlemen,

Mister Snoke was pleased with the first trailer for the film.

He waits to see the others and plans on releasing stills and official photos. He will email you all with more information in the days to come.

He awaits the film's first premiere, he has high expectations for "The First Order" congratulations.

-Snoke Productions

Ben sighed and closed his phone . "Thank god !" He said and Hux smiled .

"See nothing to worry about mate" Hux told him.

"Let's get some drinks... maybe some good food in old town ?"

"Let's call Phasma and grab her too" Hux suggested.

"You wanna make a move ? Heads up in book 2 Brendol and Phux kiss" he said and Hux grew red.


Rey opened her mail box and then walked back into the shop. It wasn't busy, some people in their twenties applying for job applications and using the wifi.

"Hey Rey ?" She turned to see Finn "the register is acting up again" he said.

Rey put the mail down and walked to the machine "Finn you didn't add tax" she smiled .

"Sorry... Rey you okay ?" He asked looking at her , something was off he couldn't put his finger on.

"Yeah... I'm fine ... I gotta go get some sponge cake out of the oven" she said and walked out of the front.

Finn nodded and went to ringing up some customer. The door ringed opened "Welcome to Kenobi Cakes !" He yelled while placing some napkins in a dispenser.

He walked to the group of three who were sitting down in the corner "hi I'm Finn here are our menus , can get you guys some water or tea ?" He asked.

"Coffee all around please" the blonde woman asked.

"Sure" he smiled and went back to the kitchen. "Rey honey can you take three coffees to table 6?"

"Sure" she said and grabbed three coffee cups and poured the coffee in them. She went to the swinging door , the second she got outside the kitchen she dropped the tray and three cups on the floor , shattering and she ran back in the kitchen.

"Rey ?" Finn asked as she was breathing heavy against the wall. "Rey what's wrong?"

She was dizzy and her head was hurting. "Everyone out of the kitchen ! Josh go clean up the coffee please , Kelly bring table 6 three coffees" Finn ordered and the employees walked out.

He bent down to be next to her "Rey what's going on ?" He asked.

"That guy... at table six ... he ... the guy from New Years " she said.

"Him ? Damn... he's hot" Finn said.

"And , he wrote The First Order and the other books and he's starring as Kylo Ren in the First Order" she told him.

"Okay..." Finn said rubbing her shoulder.

"And ... I'm pregnant..." she buried her face in his shoulder. "With his baby"

"Oh Rey" Finn said "okay... you're gonna go home ... I'll say they're a a problem with his card when he pays and that he has to come to the register and -"

"No Finn... just take ask if he wants to be part of the membership club and get his phone number and I'll call him and ..." she was sniffling.

"Don't worry ... this was all work out honey" he promised.

So proud of my Boyfriend Mark who was accepted to the University of Washington !

He'll be attending this fall and is gonna be close to me ! I'm so happy !

I love you Mark ! Congrats you deserve it !


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