Chapter Twenty•Two - The Premier

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Ben was in his apartment waiting for Rey to come over . She said she was going to get ready at his place over two hours ago.

They were flying to Los Angles for the premiere and he didn't know how she was.

The door opened and he saw her . Leggings and University sweater that belonged to Ben that he left at her flat tons of times.

"Sorry... there was a cupcake emergency-" and Ben kissed her lips softly .

"It's okay... ready?" He asked.

"Yes... Kylo Ren" she poked at his side.


The plane ride was relaxing , Rey asleep , her head on his shoulder and his over hers.

They held hands and she eventually moved the armrest up to cuddle closer.

When they landed it was barley 3 in the morning so they quickly made their way to their hotel.

They had a nice room, something Snoke's many assistants set up a nice room for them.

They woke up early and decided to get breakfast with Gwen and Hux.

"So how's the twins ?" Hux asked as he sipped his coffee.

"Good... haven't kicked yet but we're waiting... you guys nervous for tonight?" Rey said with her hand on her glass of orange juice .

"I think Ben's more nervous then any of us" Gwen smirked "there are kids who grew up with Kylo... kids who grew up and used his own tragedies to help them through their own"

"I'm more nervous about Snoke not liking the final cut and not producing the next two films" Ben smiled over his coffee.

"I think Gwen has a point... I grew up with these characters, when you introduced Kira in chapter Two of the second book I knew I found a female character who wasn't stereotyped and a badass ... Kira helped me through a lot" Rey told him.

"I used Brendol to help me through finals during sophomore year of college ... must admit he did help me figure out my English thesis" Hux admitted.

"Ben... you created the best science fiction story since Star Trek... Little kids dress up as Kylo for Halloween ... people post and draw fan art ... hell people are naming their children after your characters" Gwen said eyeing Rey's growing belly.

"Ben ... you know even if Snoke doesn't like it doesn't mean the fans won't... you have no idea how revealed fans were to hear you'd be playing Kylo" Rey said holding his hand.

"Mate , she's got a point... Snokes main objective is to make money not stay true to a film "  Hux added in while he added pepper to his eggs.

Rey and Ben walked hand and hand down the red carpet, he was dressed in a nice suit , clean shoes and his hair was brushed out and parted like normal . He shaved and threw his contacts in.

Rey looked absolutely stunning in her black dress . It had sliver beading that went up to her neck and just cut off after her armpits .

The skirt of the dress was black , you could barely see her baby bump from the black but she still wore the bump with pride .

Her makeup was soft, light colors on her lid and eyeliner , no fake lashes and a very light contour . Her lips were a soft red color and she had her brows nicely shaped.

Her hair was done up in three buns, that laid on top of each other with sparkly pins sticking out for details .

Her heels were plain and sliver that matched the top of her dress. With a matching sliver clutch that she remembered from prom.

"When do we expect the next film to be out?" A reporter asked.

"In a few months we start filming ... script development is yet to be announced" Ben answered with Rey on his arm.

"Do you have any characters from Book two casted yet?" The news reporter asked.

"A view but none for sure" he smiled.

"And who's this ?"

Ben looked down to Rey, her eyes were sparkly "my girlfriend Rey Kenobi" he answered and kissed her forehead . Rey felt herself blush and smile and she was sure they took photos.


The movie started , Rey's hand was holding Ben's. Stroking it softly and squeezing randomly.

He didn't want Hux's approval , or Gwen's, or the fans or even fucking Snokes ... he just wanted Rey's .

Sorry I didn't update today ! Busy with costume stuff for Fiddler ... I had to find old timey boots and an apron !


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