Chapter Fifteen- The Door

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Rey woke up to the smell of something sweet , she shuffled out of her bed , she saw black shoes next to the bed , a jacket on the floor .

She shuffled to the kitchen to see Ben , he was making something, under further examination she found out it was oatmeal . She had her blanket wrapped around her body.

"I know your stomach may be sensitive so I decided to make something soft ... some oatmeal with fruit and a smoothie" he said.

"You didn't have to Ben ... you made dinner last night it's okay... I don't even remember what happened ... all I know is you kissed me and then I ran to the bathroom"

"Yeah... morning sickness isn't just in the morning" Ben reminded her "but I called my mom and asked what would be good"

"You called your mommy?" She laughed.

"You're a mommy" he said "and yes I did"

"I'm gonna be a mommy ... holy crap I am a mommy" she said running her hands over her bump.

"You hungry ? " he asked and she nodded. "Okay go ahead and sit down on the couch and I'll bring you some food"

She smiled and skipped to her couch. She turned the the news on and he brought their food.


"Thanks for breakfast, and dinner ... and taking care of me last night Ben" Rey said when they were at the door.

"You're welcome Rey , and it was no problem, I wanted to take care of you" Ben said and grabbed her hand "I wanna take care of both of you"

"Ben -" she said .

"Let me take care of you" he cupped her face "let me take care ... I know you don't need anyone to do it for you but I want to Rey..."

"Ben " she shook her head "Ben, I've been alone since the moment my father shot himself... "

"Please Rey , if you won't do it for me do it for our kid ... the kid needs you and me ... and please" he begged.

"Ben no -" she said and he went on his knees.

"Give me a chance to be in this kid's life ... let's give our kid the life we never head ... you without a mother and me without a father ... Rey we owe it to the kid and to each other"

"Ben I - I'm pregnant and emotional-"

"Someone will need to do the midnight cravings and holding your hair back and putting the crib together please"

"Ben Solo I -" and he kissed her . Her hands flew to his hair and she began to kiss back.

She bite his lower lip and he moaned into her mouth , Ben slipped her tongue in his mouth to feel every inch.

Rey put Ben's hands around her bottom , he lifted her up and kissed her as her legs wrapped around his torso .

Ben carried her to her bedroom , where he laid her down on the bed softly , mindful of the baby in her belly.

She lifted his shirt off his body , threw it to the side of the bed and began to kiss down his neck.

Ben wrapped his hands around the back of shirt , and managed to take the blasted thing off her body .

His mouth began to suck on her breasts "they're bigger than I remember" Ben whispered.

"I'm pregnant ... things grow" she said softly . He kissed down her rounded belly , then shimmed her leggings off her body.

He slid his hands up and down her legs , taking her panties off "Rey" he said softly "do you mind ?"

"No " she did "go" she encouraged him.

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