Chapter Two ~ Father Figure

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Well this week was not coming to a great end. I hated how Sam won't let me be alone with dad after the incident two nights ago. He doesn't trust dad not slamming me into another wall. Since I do have multiple bruises on my body from him I guess that was also another reason. Dad even though he says I claimed he promised not to drink has been drinking. He hasn't stopped since that night. He just keeps on drinking. I don't know what has gotten into him. I was quite worried about his health and safety. 

Today wasn't so bad. Well it has just begun so I was hoping for the best. Sam came in to wake me up around nine. "Hey monkey butt. It's time to get up." I groaned. "Why can't I sleep any longer?" "Well your social worker is coming and I've got to present you to her. She was called in again by another neighbour. She's on her way right now. I told her your father was ill so I'd be taking over." I sat up and put my glasses on. Boy did I hate her and our nosy fucking neighbours. "Okay well go down there and I'll get dressed." He smiled and closed the door behind him as he left. 

After he text me for the seventh time I finally came down stairs. I saw Alana sitting on the couch. "Hello Sammy how are you?" I smiled to be nice. "I'm fine." I had a long sleeve everything on so she wouldn't see my bruises. The only ones I couldn't cover up were the ones on my face. It was the one that dad did last night or so. He was in another drunken rage about some idiot. So he went to bunch the wall but somehow he says I was in the way. He doesn't remember straight up punching me in the face but I let it go. He's always too drunk to remember. "Come and sit down I have some questions to ask. Make yourself comfortable." I wasn't very comfortable with her, but I was going to answer her questions to get her out faster. So I sat down.

"So what has brought me here today is the neighbours across the way claimed they heard a lot of commotion around here at about nine thirty ten two nights ago. They said it sounded like you were being beat. And do you mind telling me what happened to your face there? That bruise looks pretty nasty." I scoffed. "Yeah I can tell you exactly what happened." Sam cleared his throat and gave me that side eye. Meaning he didn't want me to say anything. Which I wasn't I was going to lie about it. "Go ahead tell me." "Well the other night I came in and slipped on some ice and unfortunately fell onto the door. So before you start assuming shit that's what happened." She looked a little confused almost as if she knew I was lying. "Sammy can you explain the noise level the other night?" "I don't know I guess dad was having a party who knows now a days with him." She gave me a smug look. "Don't lie to me Samantha. The neighbours saw no one come in and no one come out. Tell me the truth. No one will get in trouble here. You can't be taken away. It's not like you're five and he's beating you. You're seventeen years old and can do whatever. We're just making sure you're okay and if you need anything." I was getting a bit frustrated. She could tell that and so could Sam. "No one is abusing me. No one is abusing me. Why can't you just leave us alone. Or why can't our neighbours mind their own damn business? Like we know that Loretta is a crack whore and the people next to us are fucking drunks. Then across the way they are fucking ass holes who yell at their kids 24/7. We don't fucking call child services each fucking time they are beating their god damn kids." I was about to get up to go punch a wall. I was so fucking mad now. "Sammy we aren't accusing anyone of abusing you. We are getting calls for loud noises and other things we're not allowed to disclose. So before you get in a snit about everything calm down." I didn't even filter myself before I said this. "I now know why dad doesn't like you. You're a bitch. You don't actually get complaints. You make them up and come over and bother us. Like what the fuck." She wasn't buying my little saying towards her either. She just sat there. I then heard noise upstairs. Oh lord, now dad was going to come and ream her head off. "Samantha you know why we're actually here? It's because we have a duty to protect our children in care. We have a duty to report crimes when they're happening. There's only one crime that's in place of being reported. You know exactly what it is and I bet your drunken ass hole of a father or anyone else in this house knows about. I stood by you with not saying anything. You can't keep hiding this." Sam stepped in. "What exactly is she talking about Sammy? You know she could get in a lot of trouble for not reporting this." Alana sighed. "You wanna know why she won't go back to school?" I stood up. "You better not say anything or I'm done." Sam nodded as she sighed again. "Well Alana I never questioned it because Dean really gave up after a while. I'd truthfully like to know why she's not going to school." I was still mad. I didn't want her to reveal anything. "Sam she's not been going to school because of these certain male students and a male teacher. She had an unhealthy involvement with them not to long ago." "What do you mean by that? It's only been two weeks since she hasn't gone to school." She shook her head. "At first I couldn't grasp the concept of this actually happening until she showed me something wrong with her. Then she told me they locked her in the portable with them. They took advantage of her multiple times throughout last week or so. They raped her multiple times. I've seen the bruises and she's shown me other things. They raped her during lunch and when she was skipping. How they got access to there beats me. I've hesitated filing the report because she threatened to kill herself if I told. But I've decided that I'm going to do my job and do the right thing."  Sam looked a little horrified almost like he was going to be sick. I was not handling what she said well. I trusted her with that information. She sickens me. I couldn't do this. It was true but I didn't want anyone to know.

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