Chapter Six ~ I'm Your Man

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(5 Days After Christmas and the Murders)

Boy has this been a week. They still haven't been able to find him. I figured that was going to be the case. Today was going to be the day I was gonna go out of my comfort zone and do what is right. I'll find him and ask him what he knows. I wasn't going to tell dad or anyone. It was one of my personal demons I'd have to face alone. The man who killed my best friends was going to pay. I know what you're thinking, and no I'm not going to kill him. I'm just going to confront him about it and ask him why. Also other things I've got planned on my mind to ask him I will ask. I would go out before dad and Sam woke up. Which was going to be really early this morning. So I had to prepare. I also had to try and not awake Crowley who has been here since the murders. So it was going to be a challenge.

In the past few days I had been trying to ask Crowley questions about the crimes, but he will not answer me at all. He'll just avoid my questions. Which has been aggravating me. I know he is only trying to protect me, but still I want to know more details. They've even gone to the extreme of telling my poor aunt to not disclose any information to me. My best friends mother is too distraught to so I can see why she won't. She can't even talk to me without crying so I'll leave her alone.

I set my alarm for four in the morning hoping Crowley wouldn't awake to it. I mean he was a heavy sleeper and nothing got him out of it unless you really tried. I thankfully woke up before my alarm and shut it off as I was going to the bathroom. I took everything I needed and then headed out from there. I decided to use the downstairs bathroom because my escape would be easier. I was trying to be as stealthy as possible moving around the house. Dad would only get up if he heard some suspicious activity, and he knows if the door is open then Sam has gone out for his morning jog. So I was safe for that. All I needed to do was act as if I were Sam and he wouldn't get suspicious. So I diligently made my way through the house. I left around four thirty. I knew where I was going. I knew where he was. I had my sources. Not like anyone in the house knew. Which I planned for them not to know at all.

I arrived at his hideaway house around five thirty. It wasn't too far from our neighbourhood. I was shocked at what I saw. I knew what I was getting myself into but I didn't know it was the house he lived in as a child with his father. I remembered him saying before we broke up his mother had left him the house as she gotten a bigger one. So who knows. I used to go over here with mama when I was younger. So this was a little hard for me at first. I saw his car parked far in the back. So I knew he was home. I knocked on the door. I wondered what his reaction was going to be when he saw me at the door. Would he be shocked or surprised? Who knew? I was shaking by the time the door finally opened. I saw the familiar blonde who he cheated on me with. "Sammy you shouldn't be here. If he finds out I opened the door to anyone he'll kill me. Not literally but you get the picture." I saw the door open more. "Melissa it's fine. It is only Sam. I was expecting her at least sometime this week." I was more shocked at the fact he wasn't surprised I had even shown up. They invited me in. I kind of feared for my life but I knew he wouldn't lay a hand on any of us since his daughter was around.

"Nice to see you Sammy. How've you been?" I rolled my eyes. "Cut the bullshit you know why I'm here." He chuckled. "Why are you laughing? Does Melissa know what you've done?" She looked a little wide eyed. "Yes she knows. Now what do you want? I haven't got a lot of time before your father comes or some shit." I furled my brow. "He doesn't know I even left the house. So you're fine. I want answers Pauly. So sit down and shut up." Melissa had gone back and locked the door. I knew her OCD was a little bad. So I ignored it.

"So what do you want to know?" I took a deep breath. "Did you know your father had killed my mother?" I heard Melissa's gasps. He shook his head. "What are you talking about? My father and your mother had no relations. All I knew was he went to prison and is never coming out." Melissa smacked him. "Paul you know why he's in jail. We just don't know why." He nodded. "Sammy she's right. I was eight when dad went to jail. I don't remember why. All I knew was what my mom had told me what he had done to Jolene and some other girl coincidentally happens to be named Sam. He never touched my youngest sister or I. Paige was too young my mom claimed that's what he said. So I assumed he went to jail for that." I face palmed myself. "Pauly don't fool around. Your dad besides from sexually abusing your sister and I went to jail for murdering my mom." He looked a little confused. "So you're trying to say you were the other girl? I mean it sounds reasonable and adds up now I'm thinking of it. And Sam I never knew my dad was in prison for killing anyone. That was something kept from me. So I can't even make up an excuse for it. I mean mom would rant about it in her alcoholic rages but still I didn't believe it. What happened?" I had to pause again. "Pauly he was supposedly in love with my mom, but they were just friends because she was still involved with dad. Then one night he broke into the house and from what I can remember slit her stomach and throat and then lit her on fire. He lit the whole entire house on fire trying to kill the both of us. Now I'm here talking to you about your father killing my mother." He looked as if someone stole his kid. Which I mean this would be shocking to find out, but he just killed my cousin and best friend so his emotions should be different. But they weren't. I couldn't figure out why. "Sam I'm sorry that had to happen, and I'm sorry my dad killed your mom. I'm sorry I hurt you." I felt my own tears fall down my face. "It's not your fault you were young and so was I. There is another thing I wanna know. Why'd you attack my cousins and my friend?" He looked at me again. This time he had a smug look on his face. "I was high on drugs man. James and I were just fucking around and saw them there. Are they okay?" I shot up in anger. "Two of them are dead Pauly! Why did you do it?" Melissa was paler than ever. She was shocked. I could tell from the looks on her face.

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