Chapter Four ~ Monkey

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(Approximately 3-4 Days Later)

This week had an awkward start. I had to witness some weird things I never thought I'd ever witness in my life. I walked in on not only dad and Cas twice, I walked in on Sam and his girlfriend too. I wasn't too impressed when I came back from Crowley's place. When dad and Sam go on hunts I go to his place. Recently they've been going on "hunts" which I know is bullshit. I know it's almost Christmas so they're going to be out shopping. They're just happy I've been going out on my own finally. I just haven't told them about my sexual encounters with Crowley or even that I hang out with him. I'd be killed if dad found out. For all dad knows I'm at a cousin's house. He never checks, but sometimes I am there so I am only telling a white lie. 

I was home alone for about another hour before dad and Sam came home. "You home Sammy?" "Uh yeah I'm in the living room. Something up?" "No just making sure you were safe and sound. Are you going to eat dinner tonight? You haven't ate in two days." I sighed. "So I'm not feeling well." Which wasn't entirely true. I was okay I was just starving myself. So I guess I wasn't "feeling well". I knew he was only concerned. I just didn't want to eat. Every time I did I threw up. So I couldn't risk it. 

Dad came sauntering into the living room. He kissed my cheek. "Sammy you've got to eat. You can't starve yourself ya know. You could get sicker than you'd want." He took the remote from me and turned on the news. "Hey I was watching that!" "I was checking the weather so relax." I never answered him again about his food related questions. 

"So are you going to eat or not?" Sam scoffed. "Dean you shouldn't make it an option anymore. She needs to eat. You can't let her go on starving herself. She's not going to make it. She's already 90 pounds as it is." I saw dad roll his eyes. "You don't think I know that. Like honestly tell me something I don't know. I can't force her to eat." He laughed at dad. "Oh like hell you can't. Watch and learn Dean-o. Just watch and learn." Sam came over to the couch. He then picked me up from my spot and carried me to the kitchen. "Dad! Tell him to put me down." "Sam put her down." He did right in the kitchen at the table. I wasn't too impressed. I wasn't fucking hungry. So they weren't going to force me to eat anything. 

Dad came into the kitchen. "I've got some bread so I can make a sandwich for you if you'd like." "No thank you I'm not hungry." "How about a banana?" "No thank you dad. Stop trying to force food onto me." He slammed his fist onto the table. I flinched back. "God damn it Sam! You're going to eat whether you like it or not. Even if it means you have to stay here at the table until you do so." I sighed and tried getting down from the table. "Ah no thank you. Get back to your chair. We're going to eat dinner." I swear if I rolled my eyes any more they're gonna fall out. I just sat on my chair. I let him have his way for that but I still wasn't going to eat. I didn't care if I were going to be there for the night. I was going to stand my ground. 

About after ten minutes of sitting there and doing nothing dad handed me a plate. He made me a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Well he made that for everyone. I guess it was a lazy night. Like I said I was standing my grounds and not eating. Dad cleared his throat. "Are you not going to start? I was being serious when I said you were going to be here all night if you didn't eat." "Then I guess I'll stay here all night." Sam and Leila looked over at me. Leila also came when dad and Sam came home I just forgot to mention her presences. "Sam honey why don't you want to eat?" She asked. "Well that's a very great question. You see I am not hungry and haven't been for three days. So I am not going to force myself to eat something just to make myself sick." She smiled at me. "You know not eating isn't going to get you anywhere either. I have a funny feeling that you are hungry and don't want to eat because you are starving yourself. How bout you give at least one bite and see how it goes from there?" Damn this girl knew her stuff. How'd she know my plan? I was a little uneasy about doing it, but I guess I was going to cave for her. She asked so nicely. Dad on the other hand was being a jerk about it. 

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